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Posts posted by rusty

  1. Of course the easiest way is to use the Posable installation. For that, you would open up the Action you used to export your model, rotate the thumbs the way you want them, export the model under another name, unhide all of the hand bones by holding down the shift key and unhiding the "left_hand_sizer" and "right_hand_sizer", delete all of the thumb bones, drag the thumb bones from the newly exported model into your character and run the InstallRig plugin.


    The second way to rotate the thumb bones would be to drag all of the thumb bones that are children of the "left/right_hand_IKFK" and "left/right_hand_geom" bones (they are both found as children of the "left/right_hand_sizer" bones) to the "left/right_finger_thumb_control" bones, rotate that bone in bones mode using rotate mode and then re-parent the bones the way they were when you are done. If you want to correct the model's geometry as well, hold the "Ctrl" key down while rotating.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.


    Well, I've done it several times...so, it's possible. You aren't dragging a parent to a child bone here...anywhere. The thumb control bones are children of the "IKFK" bones (which are children of the "sizer" bones), but that isn't an issue in doing this fix. Drag all of the thumb bones (they are children of the "left/right_hand_IKFK" and "left/right_hand_geom" bones) onto the "left/right_finger_thumb_control" bones (they are children of the "left/right_hand_IKFK" bones), do the rotation corrections in Bones mode and then drag the thumb bones you re-parented back to their original locations.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.




    Hey, sorry. We have a communication glitch LOL. :-)


    Okay, at first I thought that you wanted me to do this:



    Image 1


    Obviously wrong... now, I think maybe you want me to do this:



    Image 2


    Please help me understand. Here's an extra picture in case you need to draw some pictures.






  2. Don't hit "Apply"...I never do, Dhar. Just hit "OK" (or whatever it is...it's not in front of me). The CP's will stay selected (if I'm remembering correctly...if not, it's not hard to re-select them), you'll just have to right mouse click and select "Edit CP weights" again. I'm hearing that old joke in my head..."Doc, it hurts when I do this." The doctor says, "Then don't do that". :)


    It's either Apply or Done. If I hit Apply, the CP will move according to the numbers I put in, but if I don't like what I see and try to input different numbers, that is when it crashes. If I hit Done it will close the box and I'll have to choose the CP again, right-click and CP weight all over again.


    I reported this so its on the list but I was also sent a workaround:



    sgross - 09-30-07 08:49


    As a workaround, click everytime after clicking .


    edited on: 09-30-07 08:49


    This seems to work and it makes life much simplier if you can 'apply' until you have it right.



  3. David or Mark...


    The thumb on my model does not point in the correct direction. The fix for the thumb problem shown below, for the Squetch rig anyway, seems to be a modeling one (and then the related geom bone adjustment). This is because there seems to be no way to rotate the thumb as indicated in the image. However it would save me time if I could find a 'quick and dirty' fix.




    I was thinking of a new pose that would rotate the thumb and I envisioned rotating the thumb geometry bones however, they won't rotate. Can you think of a way that I can do a 'quick and dirty' fix for this? Is there a bone I can use in a pose to rotate the thumb?


    On this model (e.g. this outfit) the hands are not so important and I can get by... I think anyway. I don't think it's worth starting over anyway. Still if I can kludge it somehow, it'd be safer.





    Edit: Thumbs often point the wrong way... perhaps a way to rotate them might be a good idea (if there isn't already a way I just don't know about).


    Of course the easiest way is to use the Posable installation. For that, you would open up the Action you used to export your model, rotate the thumbs the way you want them, export the model under another name, unhide all of the hand bones by holding down the shift key and unhiding the "left_hand_sizer" and "right_hand_sizer", delete all of the thumb bones, drag the thumb bones from the newly exported model into your character and run the InstallRig plugin.


    The second way to rotate the thumb bones would be to drag all of the thumb bones that are children of the "left/right_hand_IKFK" and "left/right_hand_geom" bones (they are both found as children of the "left/right_hand_sizer" bones) to the "left/right_finger_thumb_control" bones, rotate that bone in bones mode using rotate mode and then re-parent the bones the way they were when you are done. If you want to correct the model's geometry as well, hold the "Ctrl" key down while rotating.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.




    What you describe is not possible because the left/right_finger_thumb_control which you want me to move all the children of the left/right_finger_thumb_control to... is also a child of this bone. I can't move the parent and all its children to one of its children... at least not to my knowledge.




  4. At the very top of the PWS is the Project Object which all other objects are under. Select this and bring up it's properties. Expand this and you will find the properties for the plug-in. This will allow you to set the location of for your backups. I set it to a folder I create under my workspace (i.e. the folder I'm using for my project, scene or model or whatever I'm working on). It works great and has saved my tail several times (V14 latest). One thing, if you need to recover a project file do not open the file from the saved location -- copy it to the folder you are working in first.




  5. David/Mark,


    Here is the hand when first placed in an action:



    If I click on the on/off pose Animation Controls->Steves Hand Gizmo->Hands and Fingers repeatidly the pinky moves up and the next two fingers move down. After about a dozen clicks it looks like this:



    Any ideas? And what is the purpose of this pose?




  6. David or Mark...


    The thumb on my model does not point in the correct direction. The fix for the thumb problem shown below, for the Squetch rig anyway, seems to be a modeling one (and then the related geom bone adjustment). This is because there seems to be no way to rotate the thumb as indicated in the image. However it would save me time if I could find a 'quick and dirty' fix.




    I was thinking of a new pose that would rotate the thumb and I envisioned rotating the thumb geometry bones however, they won't rotate. Can you think of a way that I can do a 'quick and dirty' fix for this? Is there a bone I can use in a pose to rotate the thumb?


    On this model (e.g. this outfit) the hands are not so important and I can get by... I think anyway. I don't think it's worth starting over anyway. Still if I can kludge it somehow, it'd be safer.





    Edit: Thumbs often point the wrong way... perhaps a way to rotate them might be a good idea (if there isn't already a way I just don't know about).

  7. The fan bones for the webbing that Rusty added can be done with weighting, just weight it 50/50 to the same bones he constrained the fans to.


    Are you sure? I thought of doing this... and although you maybe right (and in fact it may work better)... with a bone, the position and length of the bone will affect the movement of the CP(s). Losing this control would certainly make some kind difference (and again, that difference might be for the better). I'll have to try it and find out. I actually thought of it while making the previous post but due to this concern only spoke to what I knew worked.


    BTW, the original incarnation of this (at least where I got it from) used 3 bones between each finger! Two had orient like constraints to each surrounding finger bone while the middle one had orient like constraints to the first 2 bones at 50% each. I could not see a use for the first two and got rid of them (my older models have all three). As I recall it was on a $25 video from some studio... the main attraction on the video was the rig for the bouncing boobs that they had on some God awesome female warrior model (excuse my language ladies).




  8. Dar, I was doing the same thing with my Spott model and it *is* very tedious. One shortcut to use is to weight rings of CPs at the same time. Then go back to individual CPs if needed. Kind of starting broad and then working to specific.


    Thanks Mark. I am doing that as well. It is rare that I find an entire ring of CPs weighted the same way, especially on Gumbo who has more CPs than Sam. Trial & error is still a big part of this process.


    It just occurred to me that you may need the kind of weighting you're doing for the squash and stretch features of the rig which you certainly need for cartoon characters. I'm doing realistic characters and I will use very little of this kind of squash and stretch however, I will try to use the squash and stretch features of the rig to make one outfit model serve many characters... so I hope anyway.



  9. Dar, I was doing the same thing with my Spott model and it *is* very tedious. One shortcut to use is to weight rings of CPs at the same time. Then go back to individual CPs if needed. Kind of starting broad and then working to specific.


    Thanks Mark. I am doing that as well. It is rare that I find an entire ring of CPs weighted the same way, especially on Gumbo who has more CPs than Sam. Trial & error is still a big part of this process.


    I wonder how well this will work? If CP weighting isn't dependent on the model (i.e. the spline placement)... if the same weighting will work for everything... then there's no reason it can't be automated. If a CP is in this area of that bone, then it gets these weights. If nothing else it would take you a long way toward your goal.


    Due to fixes in my model made by David for problems in the wrists and knees, I'm back to square 12 or somewhere close. I'm doing the weighing by:

    = moving the model and seeing what it does

    = by realizing what bones I can weight a CP or group of CPs to

    = by knowing what effect each bone will have on a CP or group or Cps


    This was working well for me and I'll continue in this fashion but I've been working with weighted CPs for a year or so and have gotten the hang of it a little better... at first I too based it on what someone had done on another model.


    Ever since figuring out how much work I've lost I've been reluctant to start in again. I lost almost the entire arm and some of the hand. I also lost the finger web fan bones... which is something you might consider...


    Just 4 bones that are children of the hand geom bone placed between the fingers like so....





    Associate the CPs in the middle of the finger skin web then in one of the hand poses add orient like constraints to each first finger bone of the fingers around it and reduce the enforcement to 50% on each...



    And the skin web acts as it should...





  10. ... I try to put it through as many possible combinations of positions and squetching as I can to get the best combination.


    Sounds like a job for an Action... automated quality control... if you find you miss something you add it to the action and never forget it again.



  11. Dhar?


    Are you going one CP at a time looking at the weights on the feet? You do not need weighting on the feet.




    That's what I thought too, Rusty. But if you look at Squetchy Sam, hardly a CP is assigned to a bone at 100%. The toe point, which you'd expect it to be 100% toes_geom, is actually weighted to the foot_geom as well. And then there is that "foot_shadow_geom" which came out of nowehere :blink:


    I'm starting at the feet and working my way up.


    Oh, what is the 'foot_shadow_geom' bone used for?




  12. Dhar?


    Are you going one CP at a time looking at the weights on the feet? You do not need weighting on the feet.




    That's what I thought too, Rusty. But if you look at Squetchy Sam, hardly a CP is assigned to a bone at 100%. The toe point, which you'd expect it to be 100% toes_geom, is actually weighted to the foot_geom as well. And then there is that "foot_shadow_geom" which came out of nowehere :blink:


    I'm starting at the feet and working my way up.


    The degree of difference such weighting would make... well... I'll just wish you good luck.



  13. This has been by far the most challenging step in the modeling process (just as Robert warned me about). So, after numerous trials and errors trying to follow tutes or doing everything on my own, I decided to simply see what the CP weights are for Sam and do the same (or close to it) on Gumbo.


    It is going to be a very tedious work because I will have to look at each and every CP and copy its percentages over, but I don't see how else to do it.




    Are you going one CP at a time looking at the weights on the feet? You do not need weighting on the feet.



  14. I decided I needed to post a temporary fix/update that people could use until the next update gets finished. Here's a version of Squetchy Sam that has a few fixes that are going to be in the next release. The updates in this are a fix for a toe problem when switching from IK to FK and back to IK (not for v11.1), an euler limit on the 'Z' rotation of the thumb control, a percentage "sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Pose and a change of the "roll like" on the wrist fan bones to an "aim roll at".


    To update a previous installation:


    Delete the "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/right_leg_FK_IK" (not for v11.1), "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/left_leg_FK_IK" (not for v11.1), "Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/hand_constraints" and "Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/arm_constraints".


    Then drag those Poses from this Squetchy Sam to the installation you're updating and also drag the "Animation_Controls/Squetch_Controls/ARMS/sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Pose to your model.



    There are a lot more things that will be in the next update, I'm hoping to get them finished soon.




    Do I need to do these things to the rig you just sent me?





    The only Pose missing on that model would be the "Animation_Controls/Squetch_Controls/ARMS/sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Pose...just drag that one over.


    Hope that helps, Rusty.




    I've never 'dragged and dropped' a pose from one model to another -- do you 'drag' the pose from the Relationships area or from the User Properties area or... both?




  15. I decided I needed to post a temporary fix/update that people could use until the next update gets finished. Here's a version of Squetchy Sam that has a few fixes that are going to be in the next release. The updates in this are a fix for a toe problem when switching from IK to FK and back to IK (not for v11.1), an euler limit on the 'Z' rotation of the thumb control, a percentage "sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Pose and a change of the "roll like" on the wrist fan bones to an "aim roll at".


    To update a previous installation:


    Delete the "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/right_leg_FK_IK" (not for v11.1), "Animation_Controls/Leg_Controls/left_leg_FK_IK" (not for v11.1), "Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/hand_constraints" and "Rig_Components/arm_constraints_folder/arm_constraints".


    Then drag those Poses from this Squetchy Sam to the installation you're updating and also drag the "Animation_Controls/Squetch_Controls/ARMS/sleeves_squetch_like_bicep" Pose to your model.



    There are a lot more things that will be in the next update, I'm hoping to get them finished soon.




    Do I need to do these things to the rig you just sent me?




  16. Okay, sorry this took so long, Rusty. The problem with the knees was that the legs were ever so slightly bent backwards...it wasn't "operator error", it was just something that hasn't come up yet. What happened is that as the leg gets resized, the angles change minutely and, in this case, rotated the calf in relation to the thigh backwards by a few tenths of a degree.


    The solution, when doing an installation bend the knee a degree or two just as a precaution.


    While working on this, I also fixed a problem that I found with the toes when switching from IK to FK and back...it's fixed in your model, Rusty. I'll post a temporary fix in the Squetch Rig downloads thread a little later tonight, the next release will have the fix in it.


    I'll PM you telling you where to get the updated model, Rusty.


    You're the BEST! THANKS!


  17. Mark/David,


    While you guys have the model, I discovered another problem if you'd be kind enough to take a look. We're packing getting ready to leave but while eating lunch I saw Dhar's problem and brought my model up to see if I had the same problem. I didn't but... If you put the model in a new action and pull down on the hips null so that the model bends its knees you'll see that both knees twist and untwist (that's twist completely around). Any ideas?





    I'll look at that as well, Rusty.


    Here's the action.



  18. Mark/David,


    While you guys have the model, I discovered another problem if you'd be kind enough to take a look. We're packing getting ready to leave but while eating lunch I saw Dhar's problem and brought my model up to see if I had the same problem. I didn't but... If you put the model in a new action and pull down on the hips null so that the model bends its knees you'll see that both knees twist and untwist (that's twist completely around). Any ideas?




  19. OK, I'm stuck with this right knee problem. The CPs are assigned the same as the left leg bones. David, Mark, Rusty, anybody; do you know what I should recomp to make it work like the left knee??


    I hope I'm not looking at my future (haven't tested the legs yet).




    Edit: No, mine is not doing this. Its doing other things... but the knees work.

  20. This can be fixed with weighting. You'll notice that this will happen when rotating the hand on the Z axis, weighting will minimize it.


    I'll look to see if there is changes that could be made to the constraints. I remember setting this up for the twisting forearm fans, it was a nightmare. Trying to find the right combination of enforcements was a pain, don't forget, you can rotate the forearm on the Z axis for twisting the forearm and hand, which made this more difficult. As I said, weighting will help.


    There is something going on in there that I haven't identified yet...it doesn't happen on Squetchy Sam or any other setup I've tested yet, but there is some rotation ('Z' axis) on the wrist fan bones in this model that I can't explain yet. I'm doing some more tests...hopefully, I'll have an answer soon.


    David, Mark-


    I greatly appreciate your efforts and suggestions. One difference between 'Sam' and this model is that the elbow was modeled slightly bent and therefore I followed the 'reset compensates' instructions for this -- not at all sure how this might relate but I keep coming back to this.


    My wife and I and the 'kids' (our two dogs) are leaving for our Big Bear cabin today for a week. I should have modem access (we rough it up there LOL) and I'll also be bringing this model up there to work on 'now and then' (mostly I'll be taking a break from it all or so the theory goes). I tell you this in case I can't reply right away to developments -- don't think that this is not important to me.


    You guys are the greatest -- thanks for your help!




  21. Check your weighting.


    Also, make sure you check the enforcement when you are in an action or editing the relationship. Sam has a 100% enforcement in the modeling window, but in an action it is 50%. So if you are comparing constraints, make sure you are in an action with both models.


    I can take a look if you want.


    Hi Mark!


    Re Weighting: I haven't done any weighting around the wrist yet, this spline is 100% to the wrist fan.


    A good point on checking the enforcement... I'll look again.


    That's a very kind offer and I may take you up on that. I want to check out all that I can myself before I do that though and that will be tomorrow as we're getting ready to go out tonight.




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