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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by bubba

  1. What does the align.hxt plug-n do? Does it align whole objects, or what?
  2. Thanks for pointing out the Flower Power exercise. I keep forgetting that actions happen around the pivot. johnl3d - do you have any instructions/directions on how to use the sweeper tool...
  3. I have learned to use the Duplicator wizard to make duplicate objects that are in a straight line. But what do I use to create, let us say six objects in a circle?
  4. I buried this question in another question so I thought I would bring it to the fore-front. So how do I recover from an Auto Save? I don't think it is the Revert command because the auto saved file names are different. Do I just navigate to the Backup folder and select the last file?
  5. I whole heartily agree. Yoda64 spend a huge amount of time resolving a bug I reported in Netrender. I too am really appreciative and grateful.
  6. That is fine with me - I won't post a bug report. I was able to figure out which choice works - turning on the bottom one works. Now that I have figured this out, how do I recover from an Auto-save file?
  7. Yup - AutoSaveUse=TRUE AutoSaveSaveTime=5 AutoSaveDir=../../Work In Progress15122010 AutoSaveDir=//Fast Tardis//Applications/Animation Master 16.0/Backup/ Properties>
  8. Yes. Screen shot attached. And when selecting a destination the plug-in defaults to the compiled code within the contents folder of the application itself. I don't know what system you use robcat2075 - mine is a Mac Pro - 10.6.5
  9. But seriously folks, I see no indication that either plug-in works. I have tried both on, one one - one off, and nothing seems to work. Before I report it as a bug I wanted to give someone else a chance to answer, maybe with a solution.
  10. bubba

    3ds file

    Thanks Yoda64, Can you modify your applescript to add the ability to specify a number of instances to be run?
  11. Thanks. I did find it in the Project Info. But something strange is happening. It shows up twice in the Plug-ins view (although there is only one in the HXT folder) Any ideas?
  12. Is there an auto-save option in A:M?
  13. bubba

    3ds file

    Steffen, The script works fine, but the terminal command featured above, does not. It "assumes" that Animation:Master is stored in the Users Application account and not in the root account: new-host:~ williaml$ open -na /Applications/Animation\\ Master\\ 16.0/Animation\\ Master.app The files /Users/williaml/Master\, /Users/williaml/16.0/Animation\, and /Users/williaml/Master.app do not exist.
  14. bubba

    3ds file

    A file only 4K in size was created.
  15. bubba

    3ds file

    It works great! Thanks Yoda64
  16. bubba

    3ds file

    Success! 28 hours later it converted the .3ds file to a mdl - which I saved right away. It would be nice of my machine, which has 8 cores (16 virtual) could take advantage of some sort of distributed processing. But trying to save it as a .mdl failed
  17. bubba

    3ds file

    Nothing happened - for 4 hours - it read 60% and the Spinning Beachball of Death kept spinning. Looking with the Activity Monitor app at what was going on it said in bright red letters "Application not responding." So if it took several hours to go from 20% to 60%, logically it should only have taken another 2 or 3 hours to complete.
  18. bubba

    3ds file

    Is it the entire folder that I have to copy or just the application itself? If just the application, can it be stored in the same folder?
  19. bubba

    3ds file

    Really? With the same license number and everything?
  20. bubba

    3ds file

    Actually I have 8 cores but it is a Macintosh system that I have, so I am not sure how to get a second instance4 working. That said, the process failed at 60%. Maybe I need more RAM - I only have 6GBs.
  21. Another way: If you have both models loaded separately, in the PWS, you can just drag one model onto the other. That's what I did and that's when it crashed.
  22. I tried putting a model into another model (object) A:M crashed. I tried a second time - success. So I am wondering if this was a one time occurrence (either way) and do objects (mdls) have to be saved first?
  23. bubba

    3ds file

    Prop worked fine. I am currently at 60% importing the model.
  24. Thanks. I know that extruding is the preferred method.
  25. bubba

    3ds file

    Thanks. The model did seem to freeze (and Force Quit said application not responding) so I did a FQ. I will try again and let it run.
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