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Everything posted by bubba

  1. Are there any restraints (constraints) that can be applied to the bone? Some sort of Euler and Manipulator options?
  2. This is what I have so far. There is still some wobble in the knee/upper bone. I went back into the model and made sure all the bones lined up properly, that the knee was pointing at the target, the roll handles were all pointing the same way - so I don't quite know what is going on? I used the constraint keys (1,2,3) to restrict movement in only one direction - forward. Walking_Lower_Body.mov
  3. Ok, so targets can be children of the main lower body bone, just not children of the bones for which they are a target. Thanks.
  4. I have an IK chain of two leg bones. The knee has a null target. I noticed in a chor that the null does not follow the knee as it moves forward. Because it doesn't, I believe that it is causing the knee to bend inward somewhat. Here are three screen captures of what I am talking about.
  5. That Pose thing is soooo cool! Thanks again.
  6. Thanks robcat2075. "Orient Like" would work? Since it is the tip of the bone that I want to drop - at least on the last joint. The first joint flexes down, then the second joint follows and flexes down more.
  7. My BattleMech model has three two-jointed "toes". When the foot pedestal rises, the "toes" should flex downward. And when the foot is planted they should return. Each joint has a bone. I am looking for someway to "flex" just one "toe" and have the others follow. Which constraint would accomplish this? Is there some other "easy" way? Thanks.
  8. But that is the problem I am facing. I CANNOT find and black flashing CPs in my model.
  9. But I thought that if there were no unassigned CPs the model bone went away.
  10. I have a model that has bones and CPs assigned to these bones. Or so I thought. When in bone mode and I click on the top level object in the PWS, a black bone shows up. According to what I have read, this is the default bone to with all "unassigned" CPs are assigned. I have looked and looked at my model and cannot find any black CPs. What can I do?
  11. No I did not try to render the chor before adding the model. Background color set at default. I just use the "simple" render settings. It seems to always default to "Custom" Warhawk0.tga Warhawk2.mov
  12. I am using v16rc1 on a MacPro (10.6.6) I am rendering D1-NTSC and I am only rendering to file one frame. For tga the background is gray for render to file from either the choreography or model window.
  13. When I render to file a choreography that I have not touched except for placing a model in it, I get a different background color depending upon the file type I have chosen. Tga get me gray; mov gets black and jpeg is green Any one know why?
  14. Sometimes yes, sometimes no. The strange part is it asking for directions at all.
  15. That was the first thing I tried. But when I dragged the second model into the first a dialog box opened asking where was the material that I assigned to the second model. Strange because I used a material from the library. Then when I clicked cancel A:M crashed. Obvious answer is to remove the material first.
  16. I just copied a model that I had placed bones in into another model. The CPs and splines copied but not the bones. Each model was in the default model setting. Should I have changed to the bone setting first?
  17. You are absolutely correct. At 2:00 am this morning when I was thoroughly disgusted with myself for being "stupid" I just closed the project. Opening it now I see that the properties have returned to the groups. However, and there always seems to be a however - the properties have been applied to all the patches, not just the ones I originally described. I have taken a screen shot of what I was doing. It is supposed to be a series of windows separated by solid blocks of whatever. And I don't know how to fix them.
  18. What I don't understand is even though I recovered the groups in the PWS, and in the Properties Panel associated with each group were as I left them, the patches in the model did not reflect this. I could not find a "re-apply" command.
  19. I need help. I set up the surface properties (color, transparency, etc) on several parts of my model. I then deleted the groups, not realizing what they do. I "Undo'd" and the groups came back but the properties are still gone from the model. Is there any way I can get the properties re-applied easily?
  20. Thank you everyone. I see that it is the dangling CP and the LMB (~ on the Mac) that causes the hook.
  21. What I am trying to do is detach just one segment of the line - so that the other three segments stay attached to the common CP.
  22. Is there anyway to detach (using the detach button) just a CP and spline segment. What I am asking is there anyway to select a spline segment and the associated CP and detach just the selection from a nexus of other splines?
  23. I am having trouble with hooks. I get them when I don't want them. Is this an option that can be turned off and on? Also, if I try to put a new CP and spline very close to an existing CP/spline, A:M makes the new spline an extension of the existing CP/spline instead of making a new one. Is there a setting that I can change to change this behavior? Thanks.
  24. Very Nice!
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