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Everything posted by RU2D4
Is the 11-second club a premature ejaculation support network? What crap audio did they give you to animate around? That's BS! I think the girl needs to run out with a bottle of B&W, to make it sell. Sounds like you're joining a contest that's not worth participating in. Just judging by the fact that they're very particular about certain things, and you're not happy with it. But it looks (awesome) like a scene from a Miami Vice themed show. But if so, let's do an hour of it... ouch! That's a lot of work. But I think it looks really great... if there is a way to see much more of it... I'd be all for it.
Yes, I think the animation from The Wall must have been my first big influence.
I was going to try to animate something like this video, but I don't know if it is worth pursuing.
Yes, that helps a great deal. I've wondered before about animating to a beat pattern, as in using an existing song, or making a song fit to the animation. I think working on both at the same time works for me. If I get bored or frustrated with the video, switch to the music and vice-versa. Thank you!
Do you have any tips for using sound with the animation. I've used several programs before with audio, but I've never used sound within A:M. I'll dig around for a tutorial in the meantime. Edit to add that that sounded a bit like I was purposefully acting stupid... once I realized how simple it is. Windows Sound Recorder only lets me record 60 seconds from my ZOOM MRS-8. I wrote this beat with a ZOOM MRT-3B and Arturia's software, it's not that good, and took only one evening to record. I read on another post about a big deal with copyrights and stuff, but c'mon, I certainly am not worried about that. Sound.wav
Very impressive! I like the replication of the famous painting as well as the realistic images of what the 19th century may have looked like when it was new.
The warehouse looks better, sounds like a lot of work going through all of your models to fix them up.
Vera's got a gig that "sucks" and I know it sucks, but she thinks she's gonna be famous or something, and I keep telling her she'll be lucky to find a gig at the local candy shop. Then I tell her to live life as if she's already famous, but that doesn't work well either. Vera__sStage.mov
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Got a rain day today, so I went back to work on the image. Does this fix some or most of the suggestions?
Thank you for the suggestions. I'll keep at it and try to improve on my portfolio. I think I'm over the initial excitement which sometimes makes me nuts and some dumb posts come out. Thankfully there is the edit button.
I got an extra dot!
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Well,it looks worth finishing to me. I noticed a message at the end about ideas for the finish. I guess I would do more dancing.
She's trying for the worm, now. Some breakdancing, the robot, etc. I suppose next. Then refinement, and... I'll probably find myself taking some dancing lessons. Actions are coming out in a couple of hours... no constraints, and no muscle action. Vera__s2ndDanceShaded.mov
I was going for something more like this. Funny thing is, I'm thinking it looks better in just flat shaded mode. Vera__sFirstDance.mov Vera__sFirstDanceShaded.mov
That looks really good. Did you do the Nice Rack video also? I can't believe it's not getting more views.
I did 3 years ago but when the work slowed, I left. I'm near Cleveland, Ohio now. I think Vera dancing is the way to go. I see a lot of animation, but it's always light on the dancing. I was thinking similarly to your thoughts when I was living in Las Vegas.
Yes, it's a different perspective if I try to find a job. I think I'll try to put together a better portfolio using some of the suggestions for an ad image you gave to show the ability to create something by a set of guidelines and instruction (work). Without Adobe experience, or any experience in advertising, I need something to show I think, and it has to be good enough to get them interested I'm thinking. The dancing and flashing color show with shiny spinning things and Vera dancing would probably remain the hobby, but then again, that might be what someone wants to see. I appreciate your input, it's given me a better idea of what to expect if I try to find work (in a different field). I'll look for the Pes animation on Youtube.
This took only a few seconds to render and I'm not putting it up as something to show as a final product. Just to show whats coming out in real-time shaded mode. Simon, thank you for the input. I know if I were to find a career as an illustrator, it wouldn't be so glamorous as first thought. Now it sounds like work . I never used A:M with a career in mind, it was a hobby and an outlet. ResImg_final.mov
"Are you showing your ability to generate your own concepts or your ability to produce towards those generated by the client. If you were applying to work at an agency you might want to show the former. If working for that agency then the latter. Are you generating the brief or working to it basically." I was thinking if a company wanted to use the image for a magazine ad, I could just put an image of their product in place of the existing bottle, and it wouldn't take long to finish, then if I could continue to produce images. I don't think an agency would hire me with my civil engineering background and no exprience with Adobe suite (that's all I ever see as a requirement for those jobs). My thought was "here it is" they can use it if you want to right away, and I'll keep trying to create more images that can sell for them. "A project we used in the past was for the brand of Scotch Whiskey called "Black and Whyte". A brand that has not be seen ,at least over here in the UK, for some time. Using the catchline "Only the name is Black and White" The name implies clearcut valiues and tastes yet the product is more reknown for the suntleties of its taste. If you were to illustrate that, how would you do it ?" I would need help with the other marketing aspects and such. "How could your composition be adapted to fit that campaign? Would you want to illustrate the product in the foreground as with your image or in a setting to fit with the campaign theme. If you go with the theme how could you adapt it to different settings and what type of colour schemes would you employ? If you look at advertising critically, especially drinks advertising, you will notice that the choices of colour are very deliberate and subtle to fit the product brief. It might pay to try to replicate an example of that in your own use of colour ?" Again, this is something I'd need help with, but if someone had suggestions I'd be open to try to accomplish them. "I haven't used it personally but, I understand that, there is a feature in Photoshop which allows you to match the colours of a source image into your own image ? If so, you could use that feature to analyse source material and then replicate those colours into your models then manipulate the material properties and the lighting in the choreograhphy to achieve the lighting look you require." For now I'd just be happy to see something get started, and I don't care about what gets done with work I've already done on my own accord in an attempt to see if it is marketable, so I suppose I'm selling on potential. "If you used a standard composition it would show your skills as an illustrator and master of your software, to then alter the mood and feel of it by manipulating the colour, lighting and textures in the scene?" I'm not sure what you mean by standard composition. I was thinking of using the same settings for reflectivity, diffuse, etc. I'm trying to find out if there's an interest first.