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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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  • Interests
    Ultimate frisbee, art, animation
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  • Name
    shaun freeman
  • Location
    Victoria, Australia

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  1. Fantastic work Millingen! You're a class act! Well done on finally getting it out there as it was definately worth waiting for!!!
  2. Hey Ken, Being a born and bred melbournite... thats a nice job you've done there!!!
  3. LOL!!! You're making me laugh Stuart. Re: animating lip sync. I can't remember how I did the tute, but I basically do lip sync by constructing each mouth shape to suit the audio. So I don't really use phoneme shapes as such. I base my technique on the book by Jason Osipa 'Stop Staring' which is GOLD jerry... GOLD!!! Thanks for the kind words chaps.
  4. I don't know about that chaps. Do you have QT 7? Kenh.. re lipsync... I actually mentioned previously why it was a little out.
  5. Hi Jim, It is a matte painting and rendered using A:M's 'layers' tool. I didn't paint the painting. Sharky mobile had it done by another company 'Stenarts'.
  6. Hey peoples, here is the latest mobile phone animation I have completed. This time for a company called 'Sharky Mobile' who have since sold it on to Jamster. Once again all done in A:M. http://amfilms.hash.com/search/entry.php?entry=1084 Just one note. The lip sync is slightly out, this is because of a timing issue in the music after the animation was completed (they found the music was about a half second too long after it was all put together and had to re-edit it).
  7. LOL!!! Very funny!! Great stuff as always chaps!
  8. Hey Chaps, My latest Jamster project is now online. I can't show the full animation yet, but here are some images from it. Jamster mouse project Cheers Shaun
  9. Hey Kevin, I rendered it in v11, although hair looks better in v12 now. It took two weeks to render running a render farm of 6 x 2.8 gig machines. Each frame was about 1 hour. I rendered out one image of the background and comped the shadows and monsters in on top. If I had rendered the whole thing (ie. the background, monsters and shadows all as one pass) it would have been a much higher render time. I love my render farm. I wouldn't have been able to render this with my one machine.
  10. Hey David, I just noticed your signature wishing you could render smoke with your render farm. I've just discovered that sprites are now able to be rendered effectively via netrender. WooHOOO! Thats a win for everyone.
  11. NO wonder that car crashed! He was driving on the wrong side of the road!!!!?????
  12. Hey Chaps, Thanks for the comments Damn right, And many that I missed, but I ran out of time and had to be happy with what I had. Nope. Not my music, they gave me the music and I animated to it. I'm more of a 'Maceo Parker' kind of music guy
  13. Jamster! International have since given permission for Hash Inc to show the clip on A:M films, so if you follow the below link you can have a look at a higher res version of the complete clip. http://amfilms.hash.com/search/entry.php?entry=1077
  14. I thought people might be interested in having a look at some of the work I have done for Jamster recently. I'm working on them to let me show it on A:M films, but in the meantime...... http://www.jamster.com.au/jcw/goto/graphic...802749795S11111
  15. As soon as I get a moment I'll post a decent explanation. In the short term though: I basically modelled a static wave, and a static foam model (at the point where the wave meets the ocean). I created moving animated bump and displacement maps using the techniques outlined in the babbage patch tutorial and stuck them on. I made the wave transparent with a refractive index of about 1.4, I made it reflective (mybe 20-30 percent), and then stuck in an large sphere with an environment map applied to give the water something the reflect and refract. I then added some sprites for the spray. And I got my wave. The original water was just following the babbage patch tutes. When I get a moment though I'll outline the process properly. Cheers Shaun
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