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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Posts posted by MJL

  1. We are all explorers in the world of computer generated imagery. Some head one direction in search of prefect realism. Some just want to have fun, create, invent and see what can be done.

    A large number have taken the polygon vehicle, using large teams and piles of money, with the exploration controlled by the source of said money. The destination being, of course, more money.

    Martin's vision, (Thank God!), one man, one computer, one movie, has opened up exploration to a more personal path. (And I am sure that money has been made by individuals as well) The individual is free to wander as the direction calls him. If someone wants to head a particular direction, they need only to find someone who hears the calling of the same wild geese. (Gene & myself would actually be a good example here)

    Like the prospectors of old, we load up our grubstake (PC or Mac) and head to the unknown. Each in a different direction, mumbling various versions of the same phrase: "There's gold in them thar hills."

  2. When I was contemplating investing in A:M (had I known then what I know now I would have printed the $299) I spent a lot of time perusing those clips in the "vintage" A:M Films. I went back to the site several times to view them again and again. They were a major part of my decision to take the plunge. For someone coming in who had no CG background, (nor photoshop) they were a powerful enticement. Have I mentioned how much I love this software?

  3. Robert: Yes, I meant the original A:M Films site.


    Mark: I went to the Hash home page and the Gallery/A:M Films took me to the "new" A:M Films site. Where do I find the link to the Vintage A:M Films?

  4. I spent some time learning to navigate around in the "new" A:M Films this morning. There a few of the classics from the "old" A:M films that I couldn't seem to locate. I'm not sure if it was my navigational abilities or the fact that they are no longer included. the Titles I was looking for are : "Little Ditty", and "It's bad.....ALL bad...." Just wondering if they just didn't make the cut or if they're gone for good?

  5. For quite some time I've been gonna write a song with a long title: "I Know You Think You Know Me But The Person That You Think You Know Ain't Me."


    When I do, I think I'll dedicate it to Martin. Animation Master is his baby. That's why it has his name on it. The couple of times I had the pleasure of meeting him, (I happen to live fairly close by) he shared with me bits and pieces of the story of A:M and his journey with it. Our perception of him as the "Grand Poobah", our expectations and projections of who we thought or expected him to be could have easily have made his presence on the forum more trouble than it was worth.


    Life happens, things change, people get tired in their crusades and move on. I have no idea why Martin has made the choice to absent himself from this forum, but it IS his decision to make. The bigger a deal we make about his being gone, the tougher we make it for him to just stop by and say hello.


    I hope you're doing things that make you smile, Martin. Let me know when you want to resume your recording career.

  6. Great stuff, Gerry. To my eye, however, the intensity of the devil image, if toned down just a hair, would allow those wonderful gecko's stand out a bit more.

  7. Thank you Rob, I've worked with the Smartskin a little already, I think I can get that, but I WILL holler if I get stuck.


    Mr. BoooTaay, I figured if anybody would appreciate that model it would be you. Thanks for the figurative map.


    I'll try both methods just to enhance my skills.


    Thanks again, Gentlemen.

  8. We have entered our latest completed video, done to another song from Franco Paletta's CD: "Can't Kick Love"


    The first one an award back in March, and this one is in the FINAL's to win this months award for the best music video for this month.


    So I am shamelessly soliciting your help to register with the site, and ask you to vote once a day to help us bring in a second illustrious award.


    thanks, here's the link to the site.


    "I Can't Stand It"

  9. I'm working on a project where I will be using Lambrina (From the extra's CD), giving her creator, Den Beauvais, credit for her creation. The info file does not tell me what version she was created in. She will be in a red dress.


    My partner in crime, the esteemed Mr. Spleen, is working on the model and exploring the vagaries of cloth simulation. I on the other hand, am approaching things from a different tack.


    I wish to make a walk cycle of her in the red dress, and intend to manipulate the dress using Smartskin. Which brings me to my conundrum. The model in bones mode shows perfectly good right and left thigh bones. However when I go to create a pose to work the dress CP's in Smartskin, the thigh bones are hidden. I have looked in the PWS to try to un-hide them but have been unable to find the particular nook ( possibly a cranny) where they are hidden.


    So I have come once again, CG hat in hand, to the wise and generous forum Guru's to call upon whomever will, to take pity upon me in my plight, and guide me, once again, to enlightenment.


    How do I make Dem Bones visible in the Pose? I have uploaded the file so you don't have to go searching.


    Thank You.


  10. Great video! It takes my breath away almost as much as the few times I've been able to observe this in real life.


    Such a glorious natural exultation of the created for the Creator. (for those of us who believe there is One.)

  11. When you say "using the ground plane", what do you mean by that?



    The ground plane, to me, is something of an anomaly. It is a grid but there are no control points to manipulate. I'm still not sure where it's color comes from. I can't seem to put a decal on it. It will apparently accept a material.


    I just remember my frustration as a new newbie trying to make it be something other than the grey-brown monolithic

    enigma that it seemed to be. The frustration put me off for quite a while from trying anything more.

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