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Everything posted by photoman

  1. For transparency's I used to use a old game making program where you can choose the alpha channel of the picture. I think the website for the program (Its free) is Here Young animator pride lol -Photoman
  2. Update!! Didnt get much work yesterday (None to be exact) but today I got some in. I mostly updated the models(Changed the Telephone pole a little and added the fence) and I Textured everything. Most of the textures are darktrees though... :-) Here is the next updated shaded render. Its at the aspect ratio (3000x1600) I'm going to use. Lol its a 9x9 Multipass shaded multipass. :-) Here is a Final render of the top of the Telephone pole. The green things are the insulators and they did used to be green like that. Here is the texture and Final rendered fence. I'm having trouble with A:M and render though. I tried doing a vga render of my scene and I started it but A:M crashed halfway through :-(... Is this b/c Im using 3+ darktrees? Or is A:M just buggy on OSX? Thx -Photoman
  3. Another update! Only got about 3hrs of solid work today but... I'm happy with the results! Here is the shaded render of the shot. I used the decal method to get the colors on the "grass" Here is the model for the Telephone pole that runs through the scene. I am still trying to get the grass a more real feeling to it. Plus the scale is way off lol :-). I'm still deciding whether or not to model the windmill though. If I was to put it in it would look cramped and the perspective of openess would go away. Or... I could model it and put into another similar landscape. Comments and criticism are welcome. -Photoman
  4. Update!! Worked for the past 2 hrs to get the basic landscape. I decided to alter away from my sketches a bit. Here is the view I am going to use.I adjusted the lighting to get the colors I wanted. (Yellow and deeper blue) I started to make a whole area to see if there were any better angles. I just made a grid and adjusted the cp's to get that.(With much copying and pasting)
  5. The whole premise is that of a midsummers day shot of the hills. I got the idea from the hills next to my house. Here are some sketches. The Windmill that is going to be in the semi foreground area. The overall layout of the shot. I am going need some help though on configuring AM hair to get that grass look. (Gold with white tips) More stuff soon. -Photoman
  6. Hey I live in Concord (20 mi from SF) :-)
  7. I love the toon rendering! *thumbs up*... What job do you do if it involves stuff like that?
  8. The title says it all. I know it is a total noob question but how do you do it? Do you need special software? Help much appreciated ! -Photoman
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