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Everything posted by Mohammad

  1. yeah, I'm thinking either this is too big a project to take on, I suck at modeling, or just leaving it and having a 'different' view of "The World"
  2. I'm working with cloth in my animation too, I'm using an older version not sure if it will be as good as yours. The A08 comp looked really food though!
  3. I've been working on Aura, she isn't done yet but here is what she looks like right now.
  4. Hm.. the picture arn't working here either...
  5. Btw: check out the poll most people think Aura should die (like shugo said)! [no I haven't voted] Okay I don't need one for her anymore sorry if you already started! But if you have then please do go ahead and post it, it would still help out, But hey if you want to upload some of your other drawings for Najee, Senay, and/or punk287 art you could (wait I used the wink last post I'm killing it) Thanks, Mohammad
  6. The script is funny, but yeah you should make your own
  7. but hey do you think you could draw aura for me? You've seen my drawings
  8. How is it that the admin has only 1 other comment?

  9. Alright thanks for those links I downloaded two now I'm thinking on how to do this... towers with windows and a little porch thing like the first server, here I think this picture will remind you of what I'm talking about http://migrate.hash.com/forums/index.php?a...st&id=29120 and you can actually see there they used a decal too. Do you know/know anyone that knows how to rip those images? Or even recreate, it would be awesome if we could actually use the real ones. And black mage do you think that you could draw a aura character sheet or just a picture of her on the side?
  10. Okay, I can't find a picture of Aura sideways, can someone draw a character sheet of Aura? Or at least a side view? I also need the models for a show this weekend someone signed me up for. So I'm showing .hack//vaccine I was hoping to make aura hang above and have najee stair up at her at the chaos gate area and that would be the still. Also attached is the newest version of the chaos gate area. Can anyone help me or give me pointers on how to make the ruins effect/material?
  11. Yeah, but my parents aint gana let me download anything :'(
  12. if it wasn't for your inspiration and determination in this project it would have probaly been killed by now... Okay that was cheesy... No I just really love the chaos gate now. And you also showed me that a model may look hard but really it isn't. By the way I need to start working on Najee and Aura. I'm going to start on Aura (hopefully today) unless you want to. It is for a little trailer I put together it looks really neat. I'm editing a part in it now then Ill post it either later or tomorrow.
  13. I get to show off some of the .hack//vaccine project at a club meeting tomorrow, I wrote a nice little thing up called "A Dream That Won't Die" It looks quite nice thinks to your chaos gate By the way I learned a lot off of that model so thanks man! Well I mean I learned that I really need to work on it, don't just be simply use the exotic (they look cooler), don't think it is hard see if you can lathe it, then extrude, then other easier techniques. I just need to stick my mind too it! THE PROJECT HAS SORED BECAUSE OF "THE BLACK MAGE"!!!
  14. Thanks ALOT black mage you've been helping me out major time btw: I'm doing ToAM to get the certificate to you have it?
  15. Wow that is really cool! I'm working on my movie now hopefully we will be able to sell it too! (.hack//vaccine thread)
  16. I'm working on the toon render maybe going to make it into an anime render if I can. Other wise the way it is now is okay. So I put in a light and this is always what happens to me. For some reason it will over write the other light... it is too strong? or what? hack_vaccine.prj
  17. Okay new script and I'm adding in a poll too. Black Mage, I did a bit of editing to the model, by the way I'm having a hard time trying to light this area properly (Choreography #2) hack_vaccine.prj
  18. Cletex looks really cool I'm looking at that now I just thought I would post to tell you katakata gave a 404, I'll post back after I look at the chaos gate.
  19. Okay here are some of the (bad) drawings I have, there is about 4 more that I have that I don't have on the computer yet. Here it goes, awe in its awesome work. Also I'm adding more to the script. AND I will be unable to post for the weekend.
  20. Well (in my old sucky version) you have to hit shift+q or q to render it before it updates completely. Of course I haven't gotten an update so I don't know if it is different. Wish you the best, Mohammad
  21. No if you make it I can still open it I just can't use the special features that you used if they aren't in this version. I'll e-mail you my file so far.
  22. those are some really cool eyes
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