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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

the Happy Couple

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Hello pros, cons and lurkers,


I've been tearing what's left of my hair out trying to decide if my choice(s) for my first short short is/are a good one. I had originally decided on 'Donny' and posted him here in the WIP section. Well, as I have decided to learn rigging in a serious way, and have yet to do any real animation, I think I may not be ready for that short.


But, I am itching to do a short and figured ... hey, I have this worm character laying around (get it? laying around?) why not design a short with him in mind. So, this is what I'm thinking.


This character let's call him HeWorm for now, wants to walk upright. His wife, let's call her SheWorm thinks he should slither like a good worm. Ohhh conflict. That's the broad concept, i'll obviously be honing that in the coming days.


So I put this pic up here, full well knowing that it's just a concept, for your input (whomever you are). I wait to hear from you. Cheers all.





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I've learned this from working on my first short, which has completely changed story ideas three times. When you say "short", I presume that includes everything from modeling and texturing to sound effects and music.


First, keep it simple, one or two characters at the most. Also limit your locations to one or two areas.


Going in, have a clear idea of what is happening in the short. Just as you would for a feature length film, storyboard from start to finish. The storyboards don't have to be works of art, they could be stick figures or whatever, as long as the camera location and movement and the actions within the scene are clear to you.


Be patient with yourself. Know that animation takes time, maybe longer than you realize.


Be persistent.


Be organized. What I've done is created a folder for my short. In that folder, I've created several folders for models, textures, etc... And in all the projects that I've done, I've saved everything externally into those folders.


Initially, it's best to do each shot as a separate project file. Each project file should have only one choreography, this helps keep things uncluttered because you have only the files you're working with for that choreography. Later, if you need to, you can combine projects easily by simply bringing in the other choreographies.


Take the time to really LEARN from what you're doing. Take the short all the way to final render.


Don't use the beta versions if you're on a deadline.


Good luck with it, if you need help as you're working on it, this forum's the best place to turn. And SHOW IT OFF when you're done.


Just my two cents,


Steve P.

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CAYankee -


Good advice all of it. Thanks.

if you need help as you're working on it, this forum's the best place to turn


I heartily agree. A very kind and generous bunch of users here. One more reason to love A:M.



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Heya Boys and Girls,


Well I have decided to move ahead with this short. (wish I could edit the post title as its no longer a 'trial balloon').


Attached is Suzie and she is the lead female character in the short which I'm tentatively calling 'Dinner Party'. More on the story later.


Lemme know what you think.



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I like the toon render (that is a toon render isn't it?)


The hair doesn't work for me. Maybe a different style.

I think the SheWorm in the first post with maybe some eye lashes, would subtly make the point that she's , well a she.


Just my 2 cents. Maybe I just have a problem with worms that have hair :lol:

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Thanks Glenn,


The hair doesn't work for me. Maybe a different style.
Yeah, I dig. I'm trying for that Mary Tyler Moore thing but so far i'm not there.


with maybe some eye lashes
Well she's got 'em but maybe the lighting isn't helping that. Maybe I'll have to lengthen them.


I think A:M's toon render is outstanding. I just discovered by right clicking on the toon render settings all the presets. Cool!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,

My short is moving along. I have a draft of the story and have begun storyboading. Attached is an update to Suzie's hair. Oh yes, and the 'happy couple' are now known as Adam & Suzie. Comments welcome. Thanks.




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Another hair update.


*note* I did not model the hair. I took it off the CD from the Jane model (merely as an experiment, but man do I like the look).


If I could model her hair like this I would. If not, is it legal to use a portion of another's model in one's project? I'm pulling my own hair out trying to get what's in my mind !


Comments welcome as always.





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As I understand it, you can pretty much use the characters on the CD however you like (with the likely exceptions of KeeCat and Homer Simpson). People use Shaggy and Thom all the time for their projects. So, I believe lifting Jane's hair is entirely legal.

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Suzie (much better than SheWorm) is looking quite fetching. The eyelashes could be along more of the upper eye lid, unless you don't want her to be too much of a flirt ;)

I must admit, the hair does do something for her.

Leave your hair alone and keep creating.

Your hair will fall out on it's own, I know from experience :lol:

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Thanks guys for the replies.


If it's non profit, just mentioning the creator will do.
Yah, ok. I'll do that.


I must admit, the hair does do something for her.


I think so too. She looks more like i envisioned her.


Your hair will fall out on it's own, I know from experience


Believe me I know that ! I look nothing like I envisioned so many years ago. :P



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Hello -

I'm unsure whether i should start a new thread or not as I'm now fully decided to move ahead with this and its no longer a 'trial balloon'.


Anyway, follow the link for my first animation test with Suzie. I'm still working on creating a Hop Cycle for her and am working through David Roger's tutorial for the flour sack in his book.


Comments muchly appreciated. Dinner Party pre-production log




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