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Paging Rodney


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  • *A:M User*



Did you ever get your Adapteva Parallela board? I'm still waiting on mine, yet their website says they are shipping them. Just wondered if you had gotten yours yet.

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Still waiting here.

From their messaging I saw they recently shipped the first few boards.

The good news... they are improving the boards as they go... (making components smaller etc.) so by the time they get to us... :P

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  • 8 months later...
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I shall be eager to hear reports on this. I have no clue about how one makes use of it.


Assuming I actually put this to good use I've got a few ideas for it (more ideas that will ever get implemented but one has to start somewhere).

My backup plan would be to turn it into a file server.

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  • *A:M User*

Yeah mine also finally showed up. Has it been two years? I'll have to check my email for the initial "thanks for funding us" email.

It sure did take a long time.


Anyway, I've also got to find a power supply, suitable case and an HDMI cable before I can do anything with it.

You're likely to get it working before I do. Let me know what you think.

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I've also got to find a power supply, suitable case and an HDMI cable before I can do anything with it.


I ordered the kit from their (Adapteva's) site. ($39)

It doesn't include a case but it has most of the other requirements.

They also recommend a fan to keep it cool. ;)


You're likely to get it working before I do.

I'm not sure I'd want to take that bet.

I'm making this up as I go along. :P

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  • *A:M User*
I shall be eager to hear reports on this. I have no clue about how one makes use of it.


It looks to be very similar to a Raspberry Pi only more powerful. Unfortunately it is not ready-to-run right out of the box, you need some sort of case, 5v power adapter and an HDMI cable (or HDMI to vga adapter).


I would love to build a custom laptop that you could run on 4AA batteries but there are two problems there:

Finding a lower power screen that can be driven by HDMI and that doesn't cost a fortune and is the proper size (say 10-12" diagonally).

Most displays that would go in a laptop or could be scavenged from a busted one require an LVDS adapter (specialized adapter that lets you hook it to the mainboard.


The other problem with the home-made laptop idea is the case. I've only ever seen one case that looked properly crafted.

The other problem with this is buy the time you've built one, you could have bought a used one much cheaper.

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The other problem with this is buy the time you've built one, you could have bought a used one much cheaper.


Yeah, I bought into this one mainly for the experience.

I haven't built a computer since back in the Pentium days (actually that probably coincided with 911 when my life got very busy) so thought it'd be good to refresh with something on the cutting edge while supporting one of the off the beaten path projects fielded by the little guys.

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  • *A:M User*

Yeah, if nothing else it seemed like a nice option for a low-power NAS or server.

They launched their Kickstarter back in October 2012 so I guess it has been close to 2 years.

I would like to pick up the 1000 core version, that looks promising (who knows when that will be out).


Kinda annoyed that I didn't splash out for the 64 core one, it looks like they were able to develop that anyway even though they didn't meet their stretch goal. I didn't see them hitting 3 million in funding and didn't want 2 16 core boards if it fell through.


There was also the whole "backing the little guy" thing, and I'd really love to see what happens if they can eventually build an exascale computer with these. That may be a way down the road, though.

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