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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Step One: Make A Ball


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Maybe this should be in the Newbies section but it is on topic so I thought I'd give it a shot here. If the Omnipotent Powers That Be should deem it appropriate to move this thread topic it's fine with me.

I hinted in another thread for someone to donate a ball model that was rigged for Squash & Stretch, but evidently there weren't any volunteers. Sooooo . . I'll make one if I can and perhaps I can at least be a bad example for others to learn from.

I can make a sphere, that's within my fumbling grasp. It's the squash & stretch rig that I don't quite understand. Does a ball need a squash & stretch rig? Would it just be one bone and a bunch of poses? Or is there more to it than that?

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There are many ways to make a ball go squishy-squashy.


Here is a squetchy ball that Robcat did at one time. I don't think he would mind me uploading it. At least I hope so. It's a good one to study.


Essentially there are 2 poses - 1) to set the pivot point for the squetch action and 2) to do the squetch (using expressions).


But I think your idea of trying to figure it out for yourself and let others tag along with you is a good one - so don't peek if that's really what you want to do.


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If you want to create the ball yourself, Mark's comic pages will walk you through it. :)


First you make a Circle:




Then use the Circle to create a Sphere:




Hope the images aren't too large.

For more on the basics of modeling with splines check out Mark's other comic pages.


Thanks Mark!

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Thanks for the responses everyone.

I've made the sphere. I was going to post a screen shot of my Ball in the chor but I've forgotten how to get a screen shot using my Corel. As soon as I can figure out how to do that I'll post a shot and we can move on to the next step.


The Wannabe tutes are fantastic, I remembered how to make a sphere from reading them a while back.


Rodney, can you jog my memory on the Corel Screen Capture thing?





I downloaded the other models just for backup :D, but I think I wanna follow up on making one from scratch.

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