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I've been trying to add video to the choregraphy.. and the file type is avi.. but when i import it.. it shows a blank. help please.

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i´ve no experience with videos, but there are many ways to use video files, depends on what you want to achieve... you can make materials with video files, camera-rotoscopes etc. i think it would be easier for the people here to help if you tell them what exactly you want to do with it...


i also know that avi files should work, but i guess it depends on the compression-codec... maybe try a mov?


First a few questions:

-what version A:M are you working in?

-Does the AVI play on your windows media player or what ever you use for viewing AVI's?

-When you bring the AVI into your project (as an image sequence/animation) does it show up in the PWS under Images?

-If it shows up under Images in the PWS, what happens when you double click it (usually it should open in a player window)?

-If you've gotten this far and everything is still showing up, how and what are you applying the AVI to and where are you trying to view it (e.g. Model, Action or Chor window)?


here is a recent discussion of a similar nature (about MOV files) that may be help full trying http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...image++sequence


im using am ver. 13

i've tried using .mov file types.. doesnt work

the avi plays on media player... and only the avi's that were rendered from A.M. work on there

it shows up under images... im trying to apply it to a model... such as a tv


.mov works for me.


Try this:


1. Import the .mov as an animation sequence. It will show up under Images.

2. Drag the .mov onto your model.

3. Choose Decal.

4. Position the decal (.mov) and right click it and click Apply. Right click it again and click Stop Positioning.

5. Drag the model into the choreography.

6. Render.


The .mov does not show for me until Render time.


However, if this does not work for you, it could be some codec issue. You could try a sequence of .tgas as noted in the above thread.


ok.. when i import it as a sequence... i get an error. "An invalid handle file was associated with... (the file path for the video)" this is with the .mov file. I do not know what is wrong. Because i can see it when i view the file.


Are you able to use .tgas instead of the .mov?


What format is the .mov (ie, compression type). You should be able to see that in QuickTime - Window Menu > Show Movie Inspector > Format. Maybe it is a weird compression.


But .tgas always (?) work.


yesterday i did the babbage patch water tutorial and something strange happend:

i have am15 for mac AND pc, i first tried it with the mac version. i animated my combiner-material and then rendered it as a .mov with animation compression.

then i loaded this movie to a:m, it was displayed black. i ignored that, applied it to my watersurface grid as a displacement map. when i rendered it nothing happend, no movement at all.

then i opened the project with my pc-version (i always try that when something don´t really make sense to me...), but same thing...

then i deleted the video-file in a:m, imported it again, and: worked.


i had some issues with the mac-version before, a few things don´t seem to be working correctly. i wonder if anyone else has experienced the same problems and maybe found a solution (because i´m a natural-born mac-user, so it´s a pain for me to be forced to work with windows ;))...


my question to ortanu would be right now: what os are you using?


I don't know hows to use the .tgas files. If someone could explain that to me that would be great. I'm using Windows XP 2005 Media Cener. I found a way around getting those videos in there. I uploaded it to youtube, then downloaded it using a website to a .mov file. Now it works. I'm not sure why though.


import the qt or avi into AM right click and choose save as a tga file...pict0000 or something similar but b put the 0000 at the end then save into a folder and you'll have a series of tga one for each frame of the qt. import the sequence and apply as a decal



same method can be used to change the compression on an animation

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