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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

decaling with a movie or image sequence


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I'm trying to decal a movie or image sequence onto a laptop screen and it's just misbehaving like crazy. I'm on v13q. I've done this before and though it took some trial and error I did get it to work. But that was a few years ago.


I've tried a QT movie and I couldn't get it off the first frame. I'm trying a sequence of .tga files but I got an error message, though it seems to be behaving otherwise. Any help, or anyone pointing me to a help file or thread would be much appreciated!



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If you don't get it to play from the first frame save your project, close it and reopen it. (actually that is where the problem is) once you have reopened it the play range in the movie properties is set to 0. I don't know why this happens but it does. Maybe because this setting isn't available until you reopen.

Go to the movie file in the PWS and set the play range to the actual length. It should play normal now.

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Thanks for responding guys. I don't know what it was, Luuk, you may be on to something about restarting. the first QT movie I brought in showed the frame option, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Thereafter, when I deleted the QT and brought in other formats (.avi, tga sequence) I couldn't seem to find the frame option. Well, it WAS late and I've been putting in 17-hour days on this project.


Anyway I was wondering if it was because the movie was too compressed (h.264 codec), but in any case I did get some help from a local friend who also works in AM and he walked me through it. With his help I got the .tga sequence to work just fine.


I came to a stopping point today and experimented with other compressions to see what works and a Sorenson3 version did just fine. We are creating a video tutorial on storage media for a patent case and at this point we're just creating a series of stills for a storyboard, which will later be turned into full animation with voice over. Here's one still.


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I've got a new problem with a transparency decal. We want to turn sections of the laptop transparent to see the drives inside. I created a transparency map and that part works fine. But when I want to make the decal "disappear", making the laptop opaque again, in the chor I set the percentage to 0% and the patches with the decal turn completely transparent. Any helpful suggestions are appreciated!


In an effort to effect this, I tried changing the "type" to "other...", and then lost the "type" option altogether. I can reapply it I guess. but is there a way to get the "type"option back?

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