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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Royalties and Commercial Use


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I was just wondering if I were to create my own models using the program for commercial use such as a video game or 3d movie, would I have to pay royalties of any kind to Hash Inc? If so what are the terms of use of the program? I tried using the search feature for "Commercial Use" and "Royalties" in the forums however it did not come up with a definitive answer to my question. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

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There are no requirements for royalties to be paid to Hash Inc for anything you create with Animation:Master. Your support via $99 upgrade each year will be appreciated by Hash Inc though and help them deliver the absolute best program to you.


Animation:Master itself is a trademark of Hash Inc and subject to licensing. When using resources created by other people you'll generally want to contact them to obtain permission to use their work in commercial products as well.


Copyright law applies to what you create in Animation:Master and protects your intellectual property.

Martin Hash is an intellectual property rights lawyer so he knows the score there.

Its nice to have someone who understands the law as creator and maintainer of the software you use. :)


If you enter into a work-for-hire contract or otherwise release your rights you may have to pay for use of your own creations so consider releasing your rights carefully.


To answer the question though... No, Hash Inc does not require any royalties from what you create with Animation:Master.

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Just to add to Rodney's thorough response, in simple terms; if you were a painter and sold your painting, you wouldn't have to pay the brush manufacturer, or the paint manufacturer or the canvas maker any royalties, do you?


Animation:Master is a tool. But it is a tool that is constantly improving which is why an anual subscription to the upgrades and improvements are encouraged (never mandated) to continue the use of the software.

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Ah, but! This question occurred to me to, not with respect to A:M but with use of Keekat, Shaggy, Thom, and the models on the A:M extras CD, many of which are 3rd party. Would somebody who knows please give a difinitive answer about commercial use of these items? Especially - what if I use their splinage as a base for a rather different-looking model?

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Keekat you can't use for commercial production as it is owned by Paw Island Productions.

Many models on the Extra CD/DVD will require persmission from the creator unless substantially changed.

Most of the models contained therein are for learning animation, modeling etc.

When in doubt contact the creator for more information.

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