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Deciding to take a break from the Bird/Flock problem, I set out to build a dino-type beast. But of late, my smooth splines are coming out with kinks. How to stop this from happening?


Thinking that it was a Bias problem, and that setting the In Magnitude & Out Magnitude would smooth out the splines, I selected all CP's and set the value from 100% to 0%. Big mistake.


So...[1] How to stop splines from kinking? and [2] can this model be saved? I tried Selecting All CP's and re-entering 100% in both boxes. No go.




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Oh boy...


a) first the kinky splines are most likely nothing more then the sub-division setting you have; hit the up page key several times and they will go away.


B) I'm not sure. What you should always be doing is saving 'versions' -- save 001.prj go to next level save / save as 002.prj (or whatever method you choose). Disk is cheap, your time is not. I would think that selecting all of the CPs and reversing what you did would have done it. How about undo (Z). Or select all CPs and hit the O key.


All I can think of.




Thanks for the come-back. At least I can cure the kinks. As for the model...well, it only took a few hours, and will take less to re-build now that the main decisions have been made.


I find that the CTRL_Z works if you use it right away. Trying to undo several steps is a very iffy thing. Three or four hammers on the CTRL_Z keys are usually necessary to undo one step, at least on this machine...and the further back down the chain you try to go, the less effective CTRL_Z gets.


A quick footnote: Selecting All, and hitting the 'O' key didn't seem to do anything, but the Page Up worked wonders in smoothing all splines. Thanks.





If you had set the bias on all the splines magnatude from 100% to 0%... you should have been able to CTRL-Z back. If not... the best thing to do in my opinion is either select all again and put them back to 100% or load up a previous version (if you have one)


You will not get all the bias magnatude settings back the way you had them by setting all to 100%, but they will be greater than 0% which has the same effect as peaking the splines. (That's why it doesn't matter if you peak or smooth them if they are at 0% on the magnatudes).

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the Page Up worked wonders in smoothing all splines.


For info only (For those that don't know): Page Up/Page Down doesn't change the splines of the model except in the sense of realtime viewing. The underlying splines (magnatude etc.) remain the same underneath.

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