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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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See...Isn't is sooo much nicer over here, there's so much more space to work with... and look at the view!!!


OK, lets start by getting a general consensus about the date.

Starting in May we have 4 Saturdays

6th, 13th, 20th, and 27th

13th is the Saturday before Mother's Day, that might matter to some of you (it would to me if my wife wasn't going to be out of the country on business that weekend).


I'm leaning toward the 20th or 27th. Maybe we could do the 13th at my house (remember that chili John?)


Well, what say you all???

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I got burned the last time we did it on Mother's Day, so I'm voting "no" for the 13th. :) I think any of the other days are good, though.


I am going to be a new member to you group, but my daughter is due to be born on the 1st, so I am going to have to vote no on the 13th as well. My wife and I will be dealing with our newborn and I dont think it would be wise for me to take off for the day, that soon after the birth. I would say the 20th would probably be best because the weekend after that, you are running into Memorial Day weekend and a lot of people go away for that.


Just my .02 though


Okay!!! the 20th sounds good to me... I hope John reports soon. He is raring to get to the next meeting! Don, where was your first post... I wanna see! I haven't posted in a while. I've been deep into designing cloth, so I will have some cloth sim to show.... and that's all I will say for now... there seems to be a "gag" order in effect right now. Let's have another FUN meeting like last time... I promis that I will stutter even more this time... and it should be warmer...BRRRR!




I believe i will be on Vacation in Keywest on the 20th. :-)


here are the dates i am NOT avaiable...( hopefully this will help )


Saturday April 29

Saturday May 20th

Saturday June 10th


i think i am opened for any other weekends. Sorry to be a pain. I do want to be there for sure.


Mmmmmm Chillyyyyyyyy.....


I probibly wont bring my computer, i think dons lap top is plenty powerful enough to "Show" work. i can bring some kind of laptop though.


I think I can make it on the 20th. But I can't promise any new AM stuff.



That usually means you'll have tons to show still. I said that- and look at what I ended up bringing. I thought I had shown that stuff before... I guess I was stuck in some sort of quantum loop.


Hi all,


We seem to have lost some momentum here. I can (in order of preference) make the 27th, 20th, 6th and 13th in May and I can also do the 3rd of June.




Sorry guys,


I've (fill in generic excuse here) and on top of that the dog ate my homework.


OK then, the 27th of May sounds good, as long as it works for most of you it works for me. That gives us all over a month to get ready. With a little luck we will be able to use my work place but I need to get back to ya all on that one.


Does it work for the rest of you???


I am ready, willing and Able. the 27th is good for me.

If dons house isint availabel, or in philly, i offer my house for he meeting. but i am up for the 27th.


thanks don!

  • 4 weeks later...


Are we all still up for the 27th. I'd like to try and get a head count if possible.

And who's going to bring the cookies?




was that really you at the Hash Bash???


If so, I hope you can make it and tell us all the juicy, dirty, gooey, crunchy details.

Looks like you guys had a good time while the rest of us were stuck at home... well, I guess somebody has to stay and help Liza take down the Hash booth in Philly.


You can count on my head (and the rest of me). I'll bring cookies.


Believe it or not I will actually have something to show!


Again grateful to Don for hosting.





was that really you at the Hash Bash???


No... just someone who looks like me... are you talking about the guy at the table or the small waiter statue on the left? I was unable to attend again this year due to a lack of resources and other issues.


I plan to attend the meeting this month... I will try to be more "upbeat"... I have been very "low" for awhile and have taken an unscheduled break from AM for the time being... I can't explain why... but I have lost some of my enthusiasm lately... I hope it is a short term phase... I really do.


My lost inspiration with 3D has absolutely nothing to do with AM or Hash. I just want to be clear on this. It is just me. I am in some kind of "funk"... or maybe I just needed to persue other avenues of creativity.




Count me in. Wont have anything to show, but I will be there to soak up all the experience that I can.


As Darth Sidious said before blasting Mace Windu out the window... " UNLIMITED POWER!"--- (See, told ya I was a Sith Lord! "Only a Sith lord speaks in absolutes!")

I WILL be there!


I will be there and John R may be coming with me. I can bring something to Eat. Don, Will it be at your work again? Please let me know. I am back from from vacation and ready to go.



Everything will be as it was. (hey..that almost sounds Biblical)

My work place at 12 noon on Saturday


The directions...



I don't have a Mac so somebody might want to bring one, and something to connect the video to the projector.


John, offerings of food are always welcome, if you want to bring some munchies all the better.


I will take care of coffee, soda & water (and maybe some snacks).


Scott is bringing the cookies (yippie)


Vern is going to shop vac his keyboard and sofa cushions which ought to be good for a bowl of...something.


And I thought I heard Rich say that he would bring some left over wedding cake (not sure though, I could be mistaken...maybe he said weeding???)


Whatever you want to bring is fine with me.


And I thought I heard Rich say that he would bring some left over wedding cake (not sure though, I could be mistaken...maybe he said weeding???)


Whatever you want to bring is fine with me.

:o Oh okay.... so I'm the butt of another joke.... how shocking!


Don, if you want me to bring some weed... just ask me, don't be shy. :lol:(Just joking)




I was going to say that since Zach isn't coming I would provide the Coke...

Then I thought about it......Hash, Coke, weed....these posts are certainly going to find their way to some government super computer for further analysis.


I miss you and you're evil sense of humor (please don't hit me with lightning bolts) :(


Hey Guys sorry I couldnt be there today. I found out late last night that my new job was making me work today. It sucked because I was told when I started that I have weekends off and holidays too and then they spring this on me last night. Not even at work, they called me at home to tell me. Let me know what went on and when the next meeting is scheduled I am going to make sure that I request that day off so there will be no mixups.





Sorry you couldn't make it, we had a good time.





Enjoyed the day (sorry I was late, took two hours to get down, one hour to get home). Hope everyone enjoyed the cookies. John and Rich, good luck with your project! Vern, hope you get your mechanical entry done, it looks excellent.


Don, muchas gracias again for providing the excellent set up. We appreciate you being our leader.




Once again I thank you all for making these meetings a pleasure to host. I really wish we could do it more often but the real world (damn their eyes) interferes too much.



Leo, sorry you couldn't make it but we will be getting together again soon. Hope you can make it then.

Same to you Zach, good luck with the Siggraph presentation.


Sorry about my "Driving" the laptop poorly! I get disoriented easily. Hopefully, next time John can bring in his MEGA MACHINE. I actuallly had an easier time driving that. There was so much more to show you--I just choked! You know, I don't think you guys would have defamed StarWars as much had Leo been there!



... I wish I HAD brought weed... we already had the muchies! :lol:



...I forgot to ask why the bee had arms but no legs?



... while you were talking I was being attacked by plastic "gutter" bags!


John (both)

... you forgot to heckle me when I was at the laptop! And if it means anything: You still look like Jesus... just a more "worldly" version!



... SIGGRAPH??????? *GASP* "The force runs strong in your animation!" You are GOOD! Congrats/Knock'em dead!



Two resons for no legs. He is based off our high schools mascot and the representation has no legs. Secondly, when I tried to make a version with legs, he looked awful!



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