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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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I'm in the beginning process of building a bed in A:M and before I go any further I'd like to know how to use the beveling feature in A:M.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.




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well, you see... there isnt a feature that does beveling, rather it's spline construction that gives you a beveled look, and so far, or from what i can tell from your wire frame, you are off to a bad start. i suggest you use the premade beveled primatives for your starter objects. building a very detailed beveled object, for even the most experienced model maker takes time... and a lot of understanding in how splines work, and what the rules are for patch creation.


you should give yves beveled edge page a gander. Hopefully i've been of some help. Tutorial


Why thanks Dan, that has been helpful. I have Yves' link in favs but do I remember to check it out? <_<


How do I drag and drop the primitives in my model window? A:M doesn't allow me to.


You got some internal patches in the... uh... mattress?


The lines that connect the top surface to the bottom... inside should be removed.


When you extrude a grid or a similar flat mesh... you need to watch out for that.


Vernon "!" Zehr


You got some internal patches in the... uh... mattress?


The lines that connect the top surface to the bottom... inside should be removed.


When you extrude a grid or a similar flat mesh... you need to watch out for that.


Vernon "!" Zehr


Thanks for your reply Vern. I'm trying to create a mattress that would interact with the objects/models placed on it. I want the mattress to squash when sat on, bounce, stretch back to shape etc. I guess I could do that in a single grid sheet couldn't I?


Lookin' spiffy.


Now, how exactly are you going to get it to function like a real bed? a spring system? or make it a cloth? I'm not real trained the the ways of machanica physics in this program.


Lookin' spiffy.


Now, how exactly are you going to get it to function like a real bed? a spring system? or make it a cloth? I'm not real trained the the ways of machanica physics in this program.


Just few cps on the mattress assigned to some bones. Nothing fancy, I'm not that good at modeling and rigging. Just something to give the illusion of how a real mattress behaves.





I have an idea...let's say you have your mattress and you divide it into 4 sections (top view):


The red crosses represent nulls that you put in the middle of each segment. Each of the blue circles are bones. The bones should not be a child of the null. At each corner of the null there should be 2/3 bones that are lined up in orientation to the corner. They should be divided evenly. The bones should not be parents/children of other bones. Also, between each corner of the null put a set of bones. In the end it should look like a spiral of bones. In the diagram I only put "bones" in the first section, that's because I was too lazy to add some to the other corners...but you put bones in every corner like that...remember...no hierchies.


Now, among each bone in each corner, assign points evenly. You're now ready to set up constraints.


Create a new pose/action. in the first corner or section of the bed select one of the bones closest to the null. Any corner will work..you'll have to apply the same constraints to the other bones too. With compensate mode ON, create a new translate to constraint and use the eye dropper to select the null. The enforcement should be 90 percent. Select the next bone that's second furthest from the null (that's in the same arrangement as the first bone you applied a constraint to). Apply a translate to constraint with compensate mode on and this time make the enforcement 50 or 40 percent. Do the same thing for the last bone (if you have three bones) and make the enforcement 20 or 10 percent. Apply these same procedures to the other lines of bones that are next to the same null...now when you translate the null, the section of the matress evenly follows the null in a sphere/dome-like shape. Do this for all of the sections and their own nulls.


The more sections you have, the more control you have. The more bones you have, the more shape variation you can get. If you post up the model file I can rig the thing for you with advanced poses that can vary the enforcements in order to change the shape of sections and stuff. Just post up the model...and I'll be happy to rig...


talk to you later



I tried uploading the file, but this is what I get "Upload failed. You are not permitted to upload a file with that file extension." :angry:


It's a .mdl COL


zip the file. then you can upload it.


Just a question, couldn't you use a distortion box to make it act like a mattress without all those splines?


zip the file. then you can upload it.


Just a question, couldn't you use a distortion box to make it act like a mattress without all those splines?


Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks Charlie


What's a distortion box?

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