seven Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Here is someone jumping for joy and another lipsynched one commenting the jumping. But how to get the .mov-file to loop? Rendering to a .mov-file using Sorenson compression I can not find any loop settings in A:M ? You can do it in the Quicktime-player, but not that way... I want to set it to loop as default. So how to get a .mov-file to loop? jump01C2.movFetching info... Quote
oakchas Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 First we need to know why is he jumping? It is said in synch lips that he is jumping for yoy, not to well i think. Is he happy that he is in the back instead of foreground having to explain? Maybe if we meditate on his jumping it will continue to end of time looping for eternity. I will consider what you have posted and meditate on its geopolitical correctness in light of headlines and get back to you on this.. But thank you for the tutes in wink which are informative and rational. I cannot find any suitable links to explain jumping for yoy... so I cannot provide any looping linking for you... Better to try thinking on your own this one. Quote
seven Posted May 17, 2005 Author Posted May 17, 2005 oakchas said: First we need to know why is he jumping? It is said in synch lips that he is jumping for yoy, not to well i think. Is he happy that he is in the back instead of foreground having to explain? Maybe if we meditate on his jumping it will continue to end of time looping for eternity. Thanks! - for your comments! Well - geopolitically and meditative - sure - can be a part of the jumping. But I get you to wonder - that is the thing - getting others to wonder - to put questions - have you done some animations - to show us? LOOPING a .MOV-file that is the QUESTION! How to lopp a .mov-file? Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 17, 2005 Admin Posted May 17, 2005 Seven, You mean you want to loop the movie you are creating? or some movie within your movie? I'll guess the former as you know the process of looping movies in layers and even did a tutorial on it. To loop an animation you (obviously) need to have the action start and stop in exacly the same place. Whatever is looping must be in the same place it started from. In most cases copying the keyframes from one end of the animation to the other will do the job but without some good planning the loops will look bad. You can use 'stride length' for such a thing with good results. Stride length need not be walking of course. The only tutorials I'm aware of regarding stride length I'm sure you are more than familiar with. They are the ones from The Art of Animation:Master and the 'Walk and Wheel cycle' tutorials. I see you've already visited Zack's jump cycle post as well. Quote
seven Posted May 17, 2005 Author Posted May 17, 2005 No something much simplier! I want to make the .mov-file loop. Setting loop to default in the rendered .mov-file I get from A:M- So then someones open it - it will start again and again... I can do it in Adobe Premier - but I get nasty big files from that program. And I will be able to set loop to default in the .mov-files I get from Sorenson Squeeze. In the Quicktimeplayer the onlookers can choose loop - but I want to decide myself from the beginning that the .mov-file I am distributing are set to loop as default. Hope you understand the problem... Or do I have to have Quictime Pro to be able to instruct the .mov-files they are looping by default? Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 17, 2005 Admin Posted May 17, 2005 Ah... I understand. You'll probably have to have a MOV editor to select 'Loop' as a default. Otherwise the viewers settings will take control... and most are set not to loop by default. I'm sure QT Pro would do the job nicely though. Quote
seven Posted May 17, 2005 Author Posted May 17, 2005 Rodney said: You'll probably have to have a MOV editor to select 'Loop' as a default. Otherwise the viewers settings will take control... and most are set not to loop by default. Are there MOV-editors for free? I do not want to render the file once more in some video editing software - like Premiere or Quicktime Pro. Just change the default setting that tells the .mov-file to stop after being played. I want to set it to loop! Why can I not do it in A:M? using Sorenson compression to render the file? There are no options to set the file to loop. I can do it in Premier but then I get a nasty big file... OK! A MOV-editor I tried to search for one on Tucows - but no MOV-editior to find... I Googled on "mov editor" not much to find... Hope on some link to a mov-editor - just changing the settings from stop to loop... And resaving the .mov-file... Quote
Mr. Jaqe Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Seven - download a trail of dr. divx. I know you get a darn large file out of Premier, but if you compress it with dr. divx, you get up to one 400th of the filesize it was before you compressed it (and I'm not even exagurating). I love trails, they're so... free The only downside I can see is that you'll end up with a .avi file, not a .mov file, but other than that, It's great. Quote
seven Posted May 17, 2005 Author Posted May 17, 2005 Mr. Jaqe said: Seven - download a trail of dr. divx. Already has it! But how to change the settings in a .mov-file from stopping after being played to looping after being played... a mov-editor - but what is that! Where to get it? Quote
iGeek Posted May 17, 2005 Posted May 17, 2005 Use Apple's QuickTime Pro. It's well worth $29 for all the stuff it can do relating to A:M. With the movie open, type Command-L (Mac) or I'm guessing Ctrl-L (PC) to set it to loop. Then save. Now, really, was that so hard? It might require some tweaking. For example, if you have an object that takes one second to turn around, you copy frame 0, do your animation, paste frame 0 on to frame 31, then render only to frame 30. This is so you don't get the first frame repeated twice. Check out my avatar for a good example. -Zev Quote
seven Posted May 17, 2005 Author Posted May 17, 2005 iGeek said: Use Apple's QuickTime Pro. It's well worth $29 for all the stuff it can do relating to A:M. Well - I only want to change the settings in the rendered file I get from A:M from stop to loop - and I have to pay Apple 30 dollars for that! Why cannot the Sorenson compression menu in A:M give me this opportunity? Just a button... some programmer... insert it! or you are forbidden to do it? I hope there is some .mov-editor...for free... some little program... just to use to change the settings in a .mov-file... A .MOV-EDITOR - SOMEONE - WHO KNOWS - about this goodie? Thanks for the tips on rendering in A:M to get a nice looping movie! Perhaps a little WINK on it. Rodney has done some good WINKing on rendering in A:M but he forgot this tips... Perhaps he can insert a page on it - in his tutorial on rendering? Quote
John Bigboote Posted May 18, 2005 Posted May 18, 2005 iGeek's advice is true. QTPro is the way to go... there are plenty of OTHER advantages too... anyone who uses QT and needs more features should shell out the 30buxx. You can't do it from within Hash because hash uses QT as a third-party playback device... Quote
seven Posted May 18, 2005 Author Posted May 18, 2005 John Bigboote said: iGeek's advice is true. QTPro is the way to go... there are plenty of OTHER advantages too... anyone who uses QT and needs more features should shell out the 30buxx. You can't do it from within Hash because hash uses QT as a third-party playback device... Apple is as bad as Microsoft - or what do you say? Big corporations - elephants - wants 30 bucks - for a shitten button... So no one knows about a .MOV-EDITOR? Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 18, 2005 Admin Posted May 18, 2005 Seven, There *should* be a way to loop *embedded* quicktime movies within HTML code. The quicktime site is hard to navigate to get to help files so I'm not finding specifics. Basically, once you embed the movie in the HTML you designate loop=true and that does the trick. Short of finding the info via the net or finding a site that has implemented it I'm not sure how to get you the required HTML syntax. It use to be possible though. Rodney Quote
seven Posted May 18, 2005 Author Posted May 18, 2005 Rodney said: Seven, There *should* be a way to loop *embedded* quicktime movies within HTML code. The quicktime site is hard to navigate to get to help files so I'm not finding specifics. Basically, once you embed the movie in the HTML you designate loop=true and that does the trick. Short of finding the info via the net or finding a site that has implemented it I'm not sure how to get you the required HTML syntax. It use to be possible though. Rodney Thanks a lot! Sure I can find it - wait a minute... But it will not solve my problem posting .mov-files to the Forum - I want to be looping... Linux - why can it never grow-up so we can get rid of the big firms - Microsoft and Apple! trying to profit on us... The germans and the chinese has understood this - perhaps some americans can get it too? PS Just trying to start a new troll discussion - waiting for the evil clown to turn up... He is nice - the evil clown - I believe - sometimes we can discuss being nice to each other. Perhaps he has something to tell about looping .mov-files... Quote
seven Posted May 18, 2005 Author Posted May 18, 2005 I belive it has to be something like this to loop a .mov-file on a HTML-page: <embed src="" controller="true" autoplay="true" loop="false" height="20" width="20"> Using some video instead I believe is about the same s-t! But I want to loop the .mov-file as default - turning the looping on then I render in A:M using Sorenson compression - and that seems impossible - Apple wanting to have 30 bucks for letting me do it... Quote
Admin Rodney Posted May 18, 2005 Admin Posted May 18, 2005 You may be stuck then my friend... unless you can ferret out a freeware/shareware applicaiton that will do the job for you. Sometimes solutions cost a few dollars. Sometimes they cost $30. Quote
seven Posted May 18, 2005 Author Posted May 18, 2005 Rodney said: You may be stuck then my friend... unless you can ferret out a freeware/shareware applicaiton that will do the job for you. Sometimes solutions cost a few dollars. Sometimes they cost $30. There are many ways - do you not know that? Quote
seven Posted May 18, 2005 Author Posted May 18, 2005 And why not say something about the animation(s) I want to loop? Or it - they are too good? or bad? Quote
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