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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Old Demo reel 2002

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Old Demo Reel




Hey guys, so in the process of updating my site and cleaning house in a computer sense of things, I came upon my old demo reel.

Old in that I made it back in 2002 when I was interested in working in an animation studio.

I probably should have just sent the thing into outerspace, as the results would have been the same. Now that I look back at it, it is no surpise as the reel isn't specifically geared towards one skill set. If I were to remake one today, I'd make it just about character rigging, with a slight emphasis on modelling.....But


I thought that there were some interesting things on the reel, such as A:M for the character work layered over ElectricImage backgrounds via a camera matching app I wrote.... not too mention the cool flash gordon tunes!


But anyways, if interested take a looksee if you'd like before it gets "put into the virtual closet".

About 11megs, migth be a slow download....



Mike Fitz


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I must have still been on dialup when you released that... I don't remember seeing all of those shots. You are right in that there doesn't really seem to be a theme (one skill set).


Still... I like. More please! :)

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Hey Nos and Rodney, thanks for checking it out!

I think that the format would have been perfect for the mid 90's when the jack of all trades was what people were looking for in the early days of 3d's take off.

But you really need to be specifically a rigger or modeler or animator or whatever to fit into todays pipeline I suppose.


I will say however, now that I've titled it as old and about to be put away, it has been downloaded almost 200 times!!!!




Mike Fitz


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Hi Mike


I don't know about it being old...but it is bloody brilliant. :o I would love to be able to do work like that. I am still a beginner to all this, and that work has really inspired me. I particularly liked the 2 rotoscopes idea and then the model being formed....very clever.


I absolutely love the idea that with A:M, 1 person can make a film on his own. That is just so exciting to me. I shall persevere with my modelling. Maybe one day :unsure:


Thanks for sharing :rolleyes:

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Hey Mark and agep, thanks for checking the vid out. And thanks for the comments. Nice to hear you thought it cool!


I wish it had more of an impact though....

Well, just better prepared the next time I make on of these


Mike Fitz


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