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  1. Installers: Windows: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Mac OS X 10.13.6 or earlier: Intel Mac v19.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 SDK: v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log: Changed All Particlesystem Streak and Blobbie there is a new Boolproperty "Color change over lifetime" , this controls how the color is changed as default the color is changed over the lifetime from each particle, if it set to "Off" the color change is done for all particles equal Fixed All 7011 Particle systems should only display modifyable properties Fixed All import plugins if peaktolerance is set to 0 , all cp's are peaked ,usefull for importing mechanical models if peaktolerance is set to 360 , all cp's are smooth New All obj import plugin dialog changed added option for displaying the info messagebox (default the messagebox is displayed)added option for open a frontview for the imported model after the plugin has finished Fixed All 7010 Selecting a spline by "Spline select" with Mirror Mode on and hiding everything else results in a different selection Fixed All 7012 Crash , when loading a obj file created from blender Fixed All 6827 Changing Decal parameter turns all light off Fixed All 7008 Crash when activation pose slide (on/off) in Action Fixed All 7006 Editing Toon Gradient causes freeze Fixed All 7009 Crash when rotation STL-Prop in Chor Internal Dumpfile for unhandled exceptions has now a new naming scheme "ApplicationName_DayMonthYear_HourMinuteSecond.dmp" Dumpfiles deleted , when the Master / Master_64 starts Dumpfiles now enabled in release builds and netrender Posteffect Frameburn changed added PercentProperty "Opacity" -> control the text opacity Default : 75% (as before) Min Value : 1% Max Value : 100% added BoolProperty "Display name" -> display the filename Default : True (as before) if it set to False, only the framenumber is burned the default font is now "MS Sans Serif" Windows only added BoolProperty "With shadows" -> display the text with shadows Default : True (as before) if it set to False, only a white text is displayed (better readable in my opinion) Changed All Stampview , "Plugin properties" not longer displayed , makes no sense in this context (if You have one let me know and I revert this change) Changed All for groups in a choreography fixed a crash , when a object in a named group was deleted from the chor removed properties, which makes no sense in this context added the possibility to add other objects to the named chor group(select the chor group -> than Shift + LMB Selection objects can be deleted with a Dialog (RMB -> "Remove From Groups...") popup menu only displayed menu items , which make sense for this type of group
  2. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 v19.0 SDK UpDate Change Log Fixed All - 6852: Rendercrash when Toon render > Override Shading > Toon with Falloff has a custom gradient attached to it... Fixed All - 6850: Lower corner text wrong Fixed All - 6843: Bullet simulation doesn't move when moving bones Fixed All - 6828: Choreography Properties Channel type not correctly shown Fixed All - 6831: Diffuse maps not working Fixed All - 6839: Am slows to a crawl occurs on models with very high patch count Fixed All Decal->Stamps->"Recall View/Position" works now correct I have had v19.0e for a few weeks I just did not get the chance to post it. Keeping up on email with me work load is still a bit hard but I have been better at email. Now I just need to get better at releases.
  3. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac v18.0 Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All - 6808: Backup not saving current state of PRJ Fixed All - 6807: Crash when starting to render this (benchmark) project Fixed All - 6805: Extruder Wizard crash additional change for Extruder Wizard if the spline for "Path to extrude along" is looped and Method is "Extrude" the created segments are connected as loop, if the Checkbox "Extrusion looped" is "ON" too Fixed All - 6793: Unable to Select Control Points in Curve Editor Fixed All - 6794: Copy/Paste not copying decals Fixed All - 6745: Zbuffer Shadow Only does not render correctly when penumbra on Fixed All - 6744: Feature Save before Render New All - 6804: Feature suggestion: user defineable grid highlight interval defineable for Model, Action and Chorview seperat Fixed All - 6795: Render ignores plugin shaders Fixed All - 6802: Simcloth simulations much slower Fixed All - 6803: Choosing wrong menu causes crash(plugin related) Changed AllSimcloth "Customgroups" now only editable in material instances makes no sense to edit the cache self new propertie "Remove previous simulation Data" Deletes the simulation data from previous Simulation. Setting it to "OFF" is helpful, when the cloth objecthas many cp's. Default is "ON" I know that v19.0a was missed but all the updates are included in v19.0b
  4. <Begin Advertisement> How to Convert 2D Movies to Side-by-Side 3D Movies on PC? If you have 3D glasses that supports Side by Side 3D mode and a 3D TV, you can enjoy the vivid 3D Side by Side video. You never need to worry about the 3D Side-by-Side movie sources, as you could convert 2D movie to 3D Side-by-Side movies. This guide helps you easily convert 2D video to 3D Side by Side movies on your PC. To convert 2D movie to 3D Side-by-Side movies, you need to use 2D to 3D converter. Leawo Video Converter is just what you need to carry out 2D to 3D Side-by-Side movie conversion. Built in with a 2D to 3D video converter, Leawo Video Converter offers high quality 2D movie to 3D conversion solutions. It provides you 6 different 3D movie effects: Red/Cyan, Red/Green, Red/Blue, Blue/Yellow, and Interleaved, side by side. Thus you could easily convert any 2D movie to 3D Side-by-Side movies for 3D movie enjoyment. Follow the below guide and learn how to add 3D SBS (Side-by-Side) effect onto 2D movies. Download and install this video converter on your PC. Mac users should switch to its Mac counterpart – Leawo Video Converter for Mac for help. Step 1: Add 2D movies Launch this 2D to 3D side by side converter to enter the main program interface, and click “Add Video” button on the sub-menu under “Convert” module to browse and add source 2D movies into this 2D to 3D converter. Step 2: Set 3D SBS effect Right click loaded 2D movie and then select “Edit” option. On the popup window, open “3D” tab to enter the built-in 2D to 3D converter panel, and activate the 2D to 3D conversion function by sliding the “3D Mode” to green. There’re in total 6 different 3D effects for you to choose. To create 3D side by side video, please select “Side-by-Side”. You can also adjust the 3D Depth and get instant preview. Step 3: Set output profile After setting the 3D effect, click “OK” button to return to the main interface. You could keep the final 3D SBS movie in original format or convert it to other formats for diverse devices. On the main interface, next to the “Add Photo” button, click the drop-down box and then select “Change” option to set output profile under “Format” group, like MP4, MKV, MOV, etc. Note: Click the “Edit” button on the drop-down profile setting box to adjust video and audio parameters like video codec, aspect ratio, frame rate, resolution, audio codec, bit rate, channel, sample rate, etc. (optional) Step 4: Convert 2D movie to Side-by-Side 3D At last, click the big green “Convert” button. On the following popup window, set output directory and then click the bottom “Convert” button to start 2D movie to 3D SBS movie conversion. <End Advertisement>
  5. Hello, We need a few Alpha/Beta tester for v19.0. To sign up please email support@hash.com with your system specs, reports email, forums name, and Follow the steps below to attach your hostid. https://www.hash.com/faq/index.php?action=artikel&cat=13&id=17&artlang=en
  6. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Intel Mac SSE4.2 Change Log Fixed All [bug]6561[/bug] transparent models are not drawn correct in shaded views Fixed All [bug]6557[/bug] Transparency is not shown correctly in workspace for OpenGL 3 Fixed All [bug]6570[/bug] multipass rendering with motionblur failed Fixed All [bug]6563[/bug] Add with Shift-Key pressed does not add a new non-continuies spline (worked in v17) Fixed All [bug]6569[/bug] Do not connect two different spline at the beginning of the connection with key-Shift pressed Fixed All [bug]6576[/bug] Crash in final render, when a group has no patches and SSS for this group is on Fixed OSX [bug]6574[/bug] Crash when loading JPEG Fixed Win32 png and exr imageio plugins are not build with the new libs (the old one are still distributed, 64bit version are not affected) Changed All switch from openexr v1x to openexr 2.2 (adresses exr and hdr imageio, read and write(only exr) now possible for the compression methds NO,RLE,ZIPS,ZIP,PIZ,PXR24,B44,B44A,DWAA,DWAB) switch from jpeg6a to jpeg9a (adresses jpg imageio) switch from lpng1237 to lpng1251 (adresses png imageio) New OSX A SSE4 version is now distributed too , the installer for this version detects if the cpu has the capabilities for this version , otherwise it doesn't install. This results in needing a secondary installation packet . To avoid to download the false packet You can look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Macintosh_models_grouped_by_CPU_type if Your mac supports sse4.2 or open a terminal and type "sysctl machdep.cpu.features" (look in the output for SSE4.2) or look in your Master.log (Avaible instruction sets)
  7. Installers: Windows 32Bit Windows 64Bit Intel Mac Fixed All [bug]6544[/bug] Sprite-Particle not in Alpha Fixed All [bug]6546[/bug] alpha channel not detected for png files Fixed All [bug]6554[/bug] Bake Dynamic Systems does not work - no key frames produced Fixed All [bug]6552[/bug] simulate spring systems does not work in chor its greyed out and action does nothing Fixed All [bug]6556[/bug] Pressing Y will not part the spline even (and something deeper going on, as it seems) Fixed OSX [bug]6560[/bug] settings dialog for jpg and png not working
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