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Everything posted by Zaryin

  1. Up and in just hair? Ok. I'll probably wait until tomorrow when the new update is out and screw around from there. Or I'll wait for the posable version. Thanks again .
  2. I'll definatly have to restart since i didn't do anything in an action... Ah. YOu mean from the installation. I should still have all that -- I''ll take a look and see. Thanks.
  3. Yeah, I figured. It's just that I don't know if it's worth me going all the way back to the beginning when I'm just going to get stuck where I am right now -- not knowing what cps to assign to what bones. This sucks, but I guess If I want to learn how do this crap I have to restart. I would have to do this when I quit smoking. Nothing seems to be going right for the last couple days. *sigh*
  4. Well, since noone answered I guess that means there isn't a way to fix it. So I guess I'll have to start from the beginning, but I'll just end up stuck again. Whatever...
  5. Is there a way to fix this without having to go all the way back to step 3?
  6. Thanks. Any help is appreciated. I just don't know what bones should bw attached to what in some places.
  7. Ok. Here's my J.D. Model so far. I have the cps assigned to the right side of the body. That's as far as I am right now. I'm posting the model in the hopes that someone who knows about these things can take a look at it (in an action also) and let me know how well it's -- and I am -- doing so far. Thanks for looking. JD_prerigged02.zip
  8. I understand what I'm supposed to do. I just don't get what I'm supposed to do. There's all these weird bones. Like in the stomach area. There's two stomach bones. Which one gets assigned to what? And the thigh fan bones along with the thigh_geom bones. And eye socket bones along wtih eylid bones. And the shoulder area with all those bones including sleeve bones (which I assume I'm to ignore unless my character had a shirt. You have to remember this is my usual set up for an arm: Bicep/Elbow fan/Forearm/Wrist fan/Hand That's what I'm used to. There's so many bones I just don't know what to do. So I'm just going to assign and post my progress as I go and hope I am not screwing it up to much . Thanks guys.
  9. I don't understand what you mean by the above comment. I did this -- I think, and couldn't tell what bones were assigned to what because of all the cp weighting. I then removed all the cp weighting, but it looks like the bones are now assigned sort of randomly -- as in their assignment doesn't make sense to me. Thanks for the help and on the smoking, only that's been just a few days. Hopefully it sticks.
  10. Ok. I am having alot more trouble that I think I should be having. I am trying to follow where Squetchy Sam is assigned. I got rid of his cp weighting, but I don't think it's showing exactly right. I just can't seem to get things to look good with J.D.. The eye area for me is looking crappy. Also the shoulder area is horrible in an action it's all pushed forward and ugly. This is before cp weighting or resetting the compensates. Is there any way I could see a version of Sam before CP Weighting was added? Just to see if it looks different than the version where I got rid of the cp weighting. Thanks either way for the help. PS: I just quit smoking the other day, so if I seem to rambling lately, put it to that.
  11. I hope that helps too, haha. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed with all this. Even though I've been using A:M for a few years now, this is new territory for me. I'm sure I'll get it, it's just -- a little daunting. Another question if that's ok. Should I only rest compensates on one side and use MirrorBones to flip it all, or should I do both sides after I run MirrorBones. Thanks again.
  12. If I do CP Weighting within an Action how do I get it to be a permeanent part of the model? Should I reset the compensates right away? I don't really know what they are or what they do. I've notices that with what I got so far I am getting some weird result to my shoulder area. Thanks for the info.
  13. Wow! Thanks everyone. I really didn't expect this type of responce and am very grateful. Two more questions...Where do I get this Mirror Bones Plug-in? And where can I find Squetchy Sam? Thanks again everyone. I'll keep you updated on how it's going.
  14. Ok. I have the rig installed in J.D., but now i need to know what to assign to what. WHy are there only fan bones for the wrists, elbows and knees, etc? Why not for the fingers and such. What do assign the bicep and shoulder fans too? What's CP Wieghting and what should I weight? WHat bones do I not assign geometry too? WOuldn't using CP Weighting auto assign all the bones some geometry? Thanks.
  15. Looks like I got it to me. Thanks alot for all the help with this guys. Now all I have to do is figure out how to assign everything *sigh*. I think I'll start a seperate thread . Thanks again.
  16. I did do that, and I hit the spacebar after clicking in the window...hmm..../ I deleted all my work and am doing it over anyway. I'll let you know if it works this time. Just for reference I'm using 14a.
  17. Zaryin

    STEP 7

    Yeah learning to read would probably help me alot, haha . Thanks Mark.
  18. I finished, but somehow I must have screwed up. Now of the FACE interface (meaning the splinage and cps for the interface, not bones) are there. What could I have done wrong? I'm going to redo it anyway because the lega aren't exactly perfect either, but I'd like to know what I could have done wrong. EDIT: Somehow I must have deleted the splinage for the interface at some point. I have no I dea how I did this, but I guess I really have to redo it now. Thanks for the awesome material for this. It was pretty easy with all the intruction.
  19. Zaryin

    STEP 7

    Are we supposed to rehide these bones after we're done with this step? I'm going to go on the assumption that i am supposed to for now. If I'm wrong I can always go back .
  20. Zaryin

    STEP 6

    I seem to be getting it, but J.D. has 12 splines for the eyelids (3 on the corners) Will one eyelid bone (the corner ones) be good enough for the 3 splines in each corner? EDIT: Here's a pic of the eyebones. Is this right? Also, I was screwing with the Hide/Unhide and now the main Hide/Unhide for the eye bones will only Hide/Unhide the main eye bone, not the eyelid bones. I have to do that in the eyelid area now. Is that also ok? Another EDIT: I have to redo these because my Eye_geom bone was sticking out about a foot, haha. So I resized that so it's just sticking out of the eye. SO now I have to resized the eyelid bones, but knowing if that pic is accurate to what it should basically look like would be nice. Thanks again.
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