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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by entity

  1. So far, those attending the 2nd MAAMUG meeting:


    Don "Batteries Included" Davis

    John "Man with the Golden web space" Hubickey

    Chris "Zen Cyborg- Mech Operator" Hover

    Vern "Severely Overworked" Zehr

    Rich "Not There, Yet" Jackson, and Sandi "Frenchist-Artist-Authorist" Johnson-Bohannan


    Any others willing to attend, you can find out more information at:

    MAAM user group page...


    Basic info:

    The date for the second meeting is Saturday, August 21st 1:00 PM


    The location:

    1817 York Avenue Williamstown, New Jersey (the home of Don Davis). I have provided some directions (On the MAAM user group page). Please let me know if you have any questions.

  2. How about some wireframe shots... and could you also supply a side view and front views... I can't tell you whats wrong from what you're showing. other than the wierd shapes of these "Lucas-esc" type ships... you can get away with small changes to the actual plan... because when the ship is in motion... it'll be a blur anyway... and like you said far enough into the background to avoid close scrutinization.

  3. If you buy a model... your not stuck with what you got... you can still make it yours by changing things (moving the cps) to get it the way YOU want it... models in AM are reusable. You could get there a lot faster if you start with something, rather than starting from nothing.

    So I think it would be viable to have/buy models because it doesn't tie you to that exact model... you can always change it to suit your needs. But if I need to do a "Bar" scene and I need 20-30 different background people, should I have to recreate the wheel each time??? Should I have to develope/find/make 20 - 30 different kinds of characters AND rig them AND cloth them... GEEZE!! Come on... it would be so time consuming and work intensive I would get burnt out before I actualy animated anything... and that's no FUN.

    The bottom line is what Martin says about AM, AM is the tool to tell your story, but also the models would be an added tool as well.

    I wouldn't say if Spielberg used public domain footage, or stock audio, he would be any less creative or known... I believe he could still make a hell of a movie out of clay and wire if he had to... just my opinion, but it's the story/concept that is the "blood and guts" of the cinema.

  4. Oh... and I think there should be a group effort at "selling" models on CD like Rodney said... it would take longer to produce it yourself... maybe a group of good modelers should get together and form a contract situation? If one starts, I would be willing to do it. But I would never venture to do it myself.

  5. Fully rigged background people realistic and cartoon versions... including changable skintones/eye colors textures and different face poses (included shape shifting to achive changes in facial structure)-- to change the way they look using the same character... is it possible? You would only need one actual model as a "shape shifter" (Just slide the slider for fatter hips/wider nose/thinner lips?) ... has anyone ever used that approach?

    You could just change hair material/ re-comb hair to change the way the hair looks...

  6. It might help other poser users who want to use animation master, but are leery of having to restock their models collections... If you offered some of those models with your wonderful textures exported/imported into AM ($--?) ;) , I think maybe you would bring in others that feel like you do. And I think that the market would grow from that sort of user base... (people who want to animate, but don't want to have to build a library of models.)... I have seen posts like that here, too. Nothing wrong with that... "do what you need to do to tell your story" is the bottom line and usually I see the poser community is very successful at animation and story telling, but Poser seems to hold them back from truely expressive options in animation.

    I don't know anything about poser, but I am a fan of the poser galleries... lotsa ideas and moods going on there, too. If you offered poser-like models with textures... I might be interested in that, too, if the cost is right... :unsure:

    ...I've said too much, already... good luck. :)

  7. In my opinion, zacktaich, you're there... They look realistically "brand new"-- clean and neat. Excellent!

    Ken- I wasn't sure about that, but you have confirmed it. I guess I could make the arms longer in the shoulder... but I used reference (to the pixel) and traced as close as possible to the reference... it might be the angle of view or the lense settings may be out of realistic proportions throwing the illusion out of wack... I'll search for a solution... good call, my friend.

  8. I couldn't post the longer 17mb test to show you the almost finished walk where I fixed those things... however he is on a straight line path- I could get it to waver a little (Rodney) and yes, (nemisis_256) I need to get the arms aligned with the weight distribution/ sway correctly. I just wanted to show the original poster (Dragonranja) that you can get "realism" with characters, too. And also animate them if you give them the rig they require. I've got like 10 to 20 tests rendered and I chose the smallest and best rendered... I'll repost in WIP soon guys... so don't look at it, yet. Thanks for the crit! killed to posts with one... Hahahaha.

  9. I'm working on something close to photoreal... using only AMv11 and photo shop... rendered in AM alone- using skycast and two bulb lights...




    and an animation (quicktime-sorenson3, 1.99mb) :

    short walk cycle


    It could be accomplished at a higher level of detail if you have the time to tweek things. This has been about 10 months of work... at least 5 hrs a day, except for the occasional break here and there. I usually can stand to work on it for two weeks then I do a week of tweeking and rendering so I can relax a little.


    Good luck. And GO FOR IT!!!

  10. By the way, are there any new users out there available for this meeting... I know you guys are out there... you could get a lot of knowlege from the meeting, there is so much I learned from even the newer users at the first meeting we had, and it's just plain FUN to be around new people with various talents and ways of doing things.

    It's not neccessarily for just "hard core" users... "anyone" living close by should not be intimidated by anyone who uses AM, because all of the users are so down to earth and passionate about helping others and seeing others succeed! I guess that IS the core of the AM community in general... so if you could attend the MAAM meeting, please come on by... even if you just cruise by and have a glance, it's well worth it to see and experience the fantastic essence other people are giving. Just bring some work or questions with you... everything is very casual, very relaxed.


  11. I don't have a clue what to bring... I don't even go to my family reunions anymore or even "parties"... I don't get out much anymore... I do have a load of work to show though.

    And I can't wait to see what you have modeled or rigged next- John.

    And Vern, what are you going to present next, how far have you gotten on your script/story?

    Don D. - Looking forward to see your work, I'm sure you have some great stuff to show after the inspiring meeting last time.

    Chris-- Can't wait to see your work... do you draw analog, also? Can I see some of your work... even if it's from another program?


    I'm bringing a friend this time ... Her name is Sandi and she is a reporter at the newspaper where I work. She asked our chief editor if she could do a story on MAAM, because I am a local, but he has not replied to her... she is still attending because she is an artist and is interested in other peoples work...


    Nice to see someone attend who doesn't even know what AM is.


    By the way, are there any new users out there available for this meeting... I know you guys are out there... you could get a lot of knowlege from the meeting, there is so much I learned from even the newer users at the first meeting we had, and it's just plain FUN to be around new people with various talents and ways of doing things.

    It's not neccessarily for just "hard core" users... "anyone" living close by should not be intimidated by anyone who uses AM, because all of the users are so down to earth and passionate about helping others and seeing others succeed! I guess that IS the core of the AM community in general... so if you could attend the MAAM meeting, please come on by... even if you just cruise by and have a glance, it's well worth it to see and experience the fantastic essence other people are giving. Just bring some work or questions with you... everything is very casual, very relaxed.

  12. I was missing only one step there... I didn't add Hair to the MODEL!!! I'm an idiot!!!

    How can a model have hair without first applying it to the model?!! DUHHH!

    Vern please don't put this in the top 11.

    I did every other step you mentioned and got no properties to choose from in the drop down list.... Thanks a million!!

  13. I'm ready to use a decal to map hair onto my characters head...


    I searched the forum and Hash.com for info on how to do this and the ARM. I've seen coverage for grass and leaves and all sorts of techniques... It's great, but I wish to use a new decal on an already stamped area... I added a new map and find there are no "properties driven" available for me to choose from... hence I can't even find "diffuse color" or "direction" or "length" options for the decal. I did get as far as choosing "other" for map type... what IS the next step... or am I missing something?



  14. For a monthly membership ($10 USD) You can gain membership with www.3d.sk

    They have the greatest selection of photo refrence I've seen. It's not free to download, but you can browse the thumbnails to see if they have what you are looking for...

  15. I can't help you with that but you know- after being around for a while, you get the "FROG" model question pop up more than once... This has come up before on the forum and the list - :rolleyes: it must be the most requested type of model, other than "realistic humans", "eyes" and "dentures". Maybe it's time the Animation:Master CD comes with a "frog.mdl" next time? :D

  16. Could you be more specific... there is a lot of detail to cover... but if you want to begin thinking about the answer for yourself, I would browse the WWW and do a search on the subject...

    I found a link that will get you started, but keep in mind they are talking about an "animation firm's cost" in this article on cgchannel.com... your cost should reflect your skills in comparison to a "TEAM of seasoned artists" skills:



  17. Vern:

    I find the whole concept of "opening another instance" of an application in Windows to be very disturbing, like you might rip a whole in the space/time continuum or something...

    As long as Intel is at the helm, I don't think we'll ever rip a hole in the continuum... you'd have to go beyond light speed to do that... or warp 9 on Star Trek, I believe.

  18. about 5 hours a night... Mon thru Sat, too.

    Sunday, I read mail- check forum- visit favorate web sites ~ only.

    But I also do that if I render something or need a break.

    Sometimes when I render something in A:M I'll open another instance of A:M and work on another project or photoshop and work on texture maps.

  19. Emission rate could be increased to make them faster looking, and adding a turbulence to the area where you want to break up the jet stream. You may want the bubbles to "die on impact" so that they don't fill up the water and render time doesn't increase too drasticly. Make sure your "collide with objects" is on and your normals inside the tub are facing inward, otherwise you will leak bubbles outside the tub basin. Multi-pass might make the bubbles "jet"look more apparent. You could also use an animated bump map for the surface of the water to accent the movement under the water. But that is personal opinion.


    I love your video. It's great as is. The illusion held for me. Great work!

  20. You have to plan ahead for attachments and use of hooks and 5 point patches help, but you must consider the croch area not as an attachment point but as the shape of the leg openings-- ie. the spline that shapes the opening should be extruded and those cps attached to the leg... checkout the ARM site... There are several tuts to show you the way, but you may want to re-do the croch area to fit the leg.

  21. Just before v11k was anounced, there were 2 v11j's-- v11j and v11j+. Not to worry-- v11k is out now. I had a slight problem with v11j, too, but when I got v11j+ everything went back to normal.

    I also did a clean reinstall.

    Check your "about AM" popup to see what you are running... and I would caution everyone to store your update downloads in a marked folder so you don't get a mixup of versions-- I know you can re-name the exe file, but human error abounds there too, with these rather quick updates.

    All is well.

  22. You have to GROW your character into the cloth over about 15 up to 30 frames. (By grow, I mean create a pose for your characters legs/ waist and select the cps and resize the characters parts so you can get them out of the cloth cp's radius zones. Then over the 15 to 30 frames in your action use your pose slider to start with the character parts small and at the end of the 15 or 30 frames change the slider to 0%. Your characters parts will inflate in time to cause the cloth to detect them properly.) Your character's mesh cannot be within the radius of the cps in the cloth... or cloth will not consider the mesh. The cloth has to settle first before encountering a mesh. Normals of the character have to be facing out and normals of the cloth have to be facing in... so the normals are facing each other. Cloth has to have a bone to assign the cps to, and it should have a group for the cp's also.

    There are new methods out there... the most useful>>



    That's the tut that helped me and the siggraph 2003 training videos.



    You need patience and understanding that cloth is chaotic by nature... your results depend on your effort and your computers computational speed. There are variables to be considered that we have no clue as to what the effect will produce-- don't expect it to be perfect--

    ****Focus on YOUR animation****

    (Don't think this is the only way to do clothing on a character... cloth is good for LOOSE flowing cloth. But for tight fitting clothing it's not worth it.)

    The computer can only do what you tell it to, within the limits of it's programing and computational speed.

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