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Posts posted by Roger

  1. Ok, fun bit of Dr. Who/Tom Baker trivia for you Who fans out there.


    My intro to the show was with that version of The Doctor, so he will always be the quintessential Doctor to me.


    I remember stumbling across this on either PBS or BBC America:




    And being a bit shocked, since there is a scene where Tom Baker is, for lack of a better word, having a "shag".

    Like, bare-assed and everything. I don't know if shocked is the proper word, but it was a bit like finding a recording (if there were such a thing) of Fred Rogers doing a blue stand-up routine.


    It was a bit wierd. I remember thinking "you can't be having a shag, Tom Baker! You're the Dr!"

    Anyway, if you are a fan and want to have a bit of a laugh seeing Mr. Baker in a rather different role, check it out.

  2. http://ces.cnet.com/8301-34451_1-57561173/...h-4k-tv-at-ces/


    Am I the only one that doesn't see a point to this? I mean, for digital projection in a commercial environment, yeah I can see that but 4k gear in the home, when most people don't even have 1080P? I guess I don't see the point. Do they plan on upscaling Blu-ray until native 4k content becomes available? I have to think anything less than Blu-ray that was up-scaled would look horrendous.



    I try not to be cynical but, general motors it was who came up with the idea of inbuilt obsolescence, the shift from one technology to another is often accompanied by a huge amount of back sales as people adopt the new but want to see/hear their favourites from the early medium. Think of the shift from vinyl to CD in music, video tape to DVD? The new technology providers hope that you will be so impressed by the improved quality that you'll do the same with the new media.



    Yeah, I'm kinda fed up with this concept. :)

    I don't have a ton of DVDs, maybe around 50 or so? I can't see myself rebuying that collection. I did get Bladerunner on Blu-ray for Christmas, there are a handful of other movies that I may buy on Blu-ray also, but the bulk of my collection I don't enjoy nearly enough to bother.


    I am generally trying to be less cynical as well(I think that was one of my resolutions last year). However, I think the powers that be realized what a goof they made when they created formats that will last nearly forever, and not require replacing due to wear-and-tear. Their ultimate dream is you don't own anything, and just pay for access. It is a lot better (for them) for you to pay a monthly service fee until the end of time than it is for you to own a physical thing, that if taken care of, will last a generation or two.


    They want to limit or eliminate fair use, the right of first sale (basically your right to re-sell your copy of The Wall to your friend after you're sick of it) and anything else they can.

  3. I suppose you could put 4 HD programs on it and everyone in the family could watch their own corner.


    Somehow, that would not surprise me. I can't decide if reality is parodying Sci-fi or the other way 'round. I imagine you'll have a 100" 4k TV with 5000 channels, and there will still be nothing but crap on.


    A 4k resolution 27" or 30" monitor might be really nice, would take a heck of a video card to drive it, though.

  4. http://ces.cnet.com/8301-34451_1-57561173/...h-4k-tv-at-ces/


    Am I the only one that doesn't see a point to this? I mean, for digital projection in a commercial environment, yeah I can see that but 4k gear in the home, when most people don't even have 1080P? I guess I don't see the point. Do they plan on upscaling Blu-ray until native 4k content becomes available? I have to think anything less than Blu-ray that was up-scaled would look horrendous.

  5. Another group of survivalists or militia or something, someone asked them "could you shoot an infected 5 year old in the face to prevent them infecting your group?"


    I almost expect there to be some sort of mass hysteria at some point triggered by this nonsense.




    Two amusing side notes to Lord Sutch was that the policies he ran on initially ( regarded as outrageous at the time ) later became mainstream and the MRLP spawned several factional divisions...


    Have you ever seen the Monty Python sketch about the various political parties on election night ? standing for the "Silly Party", "Very Silly Party" and the "Very, Very, SillyParty" etc etc ?

    Best get back to work.



    I think I recall the sketch you're talking about, but I don't remember it word for word.

  6. In the Enlightenment era one of the arguments against democracy was that the common people might vote for crazy stuff.



    Without wishing to spark a flame out. They do on a regular basis. Generally and often specifically.

    A feature of by elections here in the UK was a group called "The Monster Raving Loony Party", founded by a musician called Screaming Lord Sutch who stood against the serving prime minister ( Harold Wilson ) in the 60's. A level of the dissatisfaction with the mainstream can be gauged by the fact that they occasionally polled more than some of the regular partie's.



    Well, this is what blew my mind and caused me to post the "what's the deal with zombies" thread. There was something on Discovery or TLC (probably TLC, they seem to have gone most off the rails as to their original demographic) about how people should cope with an actual zombie apocalypse. The medical professionals they interviewed were all very "wink wink/nudg nudge - well, this is how it might happen" but then they started talking to the survivalist folks who were talking about how they had set up sniper nests in their home and other fortified points, without any trace of humor or irony. The entire time I'm thinking "wow, these people are a few cards short of a deck. And they vote".


    Another group of survivalists or militia or something, someone asked them "could you shoot an infected 5 year old in the face to prevent them infecting your group?"


    I almost expect there to be some sort of mass hysteria at some point triggered by this nonsense.

  7. I guess 4 hours with a quad core CPU and discrete GPU is pretty good, still. I haven't had much luck tweaking the power settings to squeak out any more life, though. Even just running on integrated and with the Max CPU speed at 50% and min at 5%, and screen brightness at 50% I still only get about 4 hours. Maybe I need to see if there is a way to disable two of the 4 cores when on battery.

  8. So, I've had my laptop about a year and usually keep it plugged in, with the battery in. I don't generally haul it around too much, as it is more of a desktop replacement than a portable system. I can carry it with me, but at 15" and 7 pounds it isn't the same as a 3 or 2.5 lb netbook.


    Anyway, I've noticed that while I used to get 6 or 7 hours in balanced mode on my battery, now I'm lucky to get 4. Do the lithium batteries degrade that badly over time, or do I just need to let it go through a few discharge cycles to rejuvenate it, so to speak? The Lenovo battery manager doesn't report that it needs any maintenance, so not sure that I need to buy a new one just yet.


    Anyone else out there experiencing anything like this? Should I be concerned, or is this normal? I was expecting the battery to degrade eventually, but after 3 or 4 years, not the first.

  9. Don't know if anyone else mentioned this already or not, but if you've got a generic power supply that is crapping out on you, that could be causing all kinds of problems. Especially if your video card is not getting enough juice. Do you have a voltmeter to test if it is in spec?

  10. I'm all for zombies, but the zombie stripper angle was already done and it was pretty bad. I believe it was actually called Zombie Strippers and it starred Jenna Jameson and Robert "Freddy" Englund.


    The Walking Dead is pushing the envelope for TV, and that's a good thing. They could never do the actual comic on TV since it's extreme.


    There is absolutely no way they could do a completely faithful TV version of TWD. A movie would have to be rated X or NC 17 at the least.

    Just the character of the Governor is such an absolute dirtbag in the comic, I was really interested to see how they would deal with him in the TV show. They managed to humanize him somewhat.

  11. This is just me playing amateur sociologist, but I wonder if it's not partially a reaction to the economic climate.


    I think the figure is something like only half of college graduates will be able to find jobs right now? Add to that a general disillusion with the government.


    The Zombie Apocalypse is really about civilization and order being removed from society. The survivor's find themselves in a world where all of those things they were supposed to do are gone. There are no jobs, no rules, no help.


    Take away the horror element (and horror movies have always been most popular with teens/young adults) and you have something similar to the hippy movement in the late 60s.


    The great popularity of them as monsters may come from the fact that the more popular undead monsters, vampires, have largely been taken hostage by teenage girls who think they are never-aging teen idols that sparkle in the sunlight. Less Nosferatu and more My Little Pony. :-)


    You may have hit on something there, Largento. I think hurricane Katrina from a few years back woke people up to the reality that the government is not always going to be there to help out. What an utter mess that was.


    I really don't care for the modern sparkly vampires. Give me Nosferatu any day. At least you can't have zombies as a sex object (dear god would that be horrible). I am surprised that there weren't any more Blade movies, though. I kinda expected to see a 4th one.


    Speaking of zombies and strippers, has anyone else seen Lollipop Chainsaw? I've been thinking about getting it just for giggles.

  12. George Romero's Dawn of the Dead ('78) was partly about fun and partly a commentary on consumerism with the zombies representing the average zoned-out mall visitors you always see, drawn to the mall out of "instinct". Apparently many malls used to open early for senior groups to walk around for exercise, sort of like zombies. :)


    The movie shows the survivors holed-up in the mall living a semi-luxurious life with all of their consumer needs met but still feeling empty. Many of the 70s references are dated, but it's a classic. It spawned the great cheesy wave of Italian zombie films and the eventual rise of Resident Evil, etc.


    Didn't they do a fairly recent remake of Dawn of the Dead? Like in the last 6 or 8 years? Trapped in a mall, etc?

    BTW you make it sound like malls are an extinct thing, LOL.


    I do think American consumerism, such as it is, cannot go on much longer. I think we are in the death throes of that way of life right now.

  13. I'm a big fan of the Walking Dead. The show, the comics, anything to do with it I own. It's a great theme with endless possibilities.


    I like TWD too. Current season is shaping up well compared to last season which was a snooze fest except for the last 3 or 4 episodes.

    However, the pop-culture collective subconscious seems to have *really* latched onto zombies for some reason. They're like every damn where I go lol.

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