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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by T-Dogg

  1. Thanks guys! I sent Hash an email with my suggestions. I couldn't find the AM:Reports that Ken mentioned, so I sent an email to Hash Support. I hope it will find its way into the right hands.
  2. What were we talking about again??? Now, seriously, I really do feel that more library options could really turn a good feature into a great one. Even a simple "sort by name" option like in windows favorites would be nice. I'm sure a bunch of people who were clever enough to create this wonderful program could easily add such options. Does anyone else out there agree?
  3. Thanks for your responses. I feel a lot less uneasy now. I apologize if I came off negatively earlier. While AM is relatively cheap when compared to other 3D programs, this is still the most I have ever spent on a piece of software in my life. I guess I just wanted to make sure I am getting what I paid for. But enough about that! Now I just need to learn to use the darn thing!
  4. When will the final version 13 be out? This will be the REAL version of AM2006, right? I also purchased what I thought was AM2006. I have the Yeti CD and my box also has the Yeti. on it I was sorely disappointed when I noticed it still says AM2005 everywhere. To be honest, I felt confused and a little bit cheated. If version 13 comes out late in the year, will I still be able to get updates in 2007? Will I get a new CD and a new manual, or will version 13 just be a download? I love the program, don't get me wrong. I am trying hard to learn it. I just wish I had known beforehand I was actually getting "AM2005 with a future upgrade to 2006" instead of really getting version 2006. Then I would have probably waited before purchasing it.
  5. Well, I used "find and replace" in wordpad to fix the AM2000 and AM2001 libraries, and the default library I just copied off the CD. So I think everything's fixed now. I still with there was a better way to sort files and move them around in the library window itself in AM. Does Hash have any plans for adding features like this in the future?
  6. I am using AM2006, the yeti CD. I downloaded the AM2000 & AM2001 files from the Hash FTP. I created a library file for AM2000 and gave all the models thumbnails. Then I was doing the same for AM2001. After spending a long time doing this, I noticed the "Vehicles\Land" folder was missing. Then, right before my eyes, the "Vehicles\Sea" folder disappeared as well. I went back and checked the AM2000 library and the same thing had happened there too! I panicked and closed AM quickly. When I reopened it and browsed my libraries, I found those folders as well as a couple of others had mysteriously relocated themselves into my "props\weapons\blade" library folder. I have no idea what caused this to happen! Is there any way to move entire folders around in the library so I don't have to go back and change each file individually? In the demo movie, the guy says AM works like windows does. Well, in Windows I can cut and paste my shortcuts, but I don't see any way to do this in the AM library window. I only see options to add new folders or shortcuts. Can someone please help me? Thank you.
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