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Everything posted by eptigo
is there a method that i could use for selecting empty groups in the project work space?
is there some sort of Animation Master back up file thing that saves the last file that you have been working on every 10 minutes or so
i like to use noise in any graphics program
i wanted to try using decals on my character but i guess im not too good at making character decals they call it skins or something right? how do you set up the skins on the decal before its applied to the model? how do you compensate for this stretching effect that im getting when the build reachs the edge of the skin thingy? help?
im having some trouble with my smartskin whenever i rig the bones to move with smartskin one bone rotates properly, but the otherone rotates in reverse u see i was having some trouble with the knees of my character whenever i bent the knees, they would flatten. didn't seem to matter how i rigged the legs, or how i fought with the cp weights but i recently came across something, creating another bone specifically for helping to control the form/position of the knees it seemed to work, but when i tried to use smartskin on the knee bones, the first knee smartskinned always bends properly the second knee bends backwards any ideas? maybe i can try using some sort of constraint to control the rotation of the knee bones for when the character bends their legs
I'm working on some 3d female templates, I've been working on it off an on for a while but I'm still not happy with what i have (still much better than what I had before) I'd appreciate it if i got some suggestions as to what to do with the model http://emar0.angeltowns.com/misc/femaleNX53.mdl the hips or the thighs here seem to be too large for the torso, I'm afraid of trying to warp or distort the proportions of the model. I fear if i tried to do that I would end up destroying it in some other way the breasts are curving downwards like this when they should be curving upwards like this and the feet look really really wierd maybe i should start from scratch
oh wow thank you that is so perfect now if i could just figure out how to setup this build properly my eyes are kind of flat and they kind of twitch when they're supposed to be looking around i guess ill keep working at it
glad to have you aboard river in order to render out video files click on the "render to file" button that should give you a set of options to render with
i was trying to setup my character rig so that the eyes would look towards a target i rigged the eyes to a bone, then applied an aim at constraint to constrain the eyes at a target. it seems to work fine in this action window but i seem to be having trouble getting it to function in the coreography
i seem to be having trouble interpreting the message so i apologize if i miss interperate anything yes, i have gone through the lyp sync tutorial, in the book, and the video at least twice there pretty good tutorials as for breaking down phonemes, its gotten to the point of which i can't even enter in specific words without it crashing words that crash my program seem to include "best" and "ant" perhaps i will consider sending an error report or maybe its just my system i apologize about my language, i will try to be more careful in the future
I want to make my character talk, but ive been having some odd problems with it someone on the forum suggested that i post in the new users section and add pictures or somehting for reference so here i am well, here's my beutiful project, yes i know, im so perfect and great i have to show off (im just kidding) i want to scale these dope thingies in my dope sheet, so ill select about five of them at once and scale by selecting the nob on the left or right corner (right corner in this case) what the??? why is only the top dope scaling???? maybe i can move them ... what??? its moving in the opposite direction (this only seems to happen when i try to pass a dope with another dope) ok ok, forget that for now; let me try to fix this dope by using AMs "Auto Phoneme break down" fucntion because AM seems to be having a problem recognizing the word "represent" here REH???
i took the opportunaty to play with the decals a little and i understand now how to use at least half of the options there for materials but how do u select what color is interperated as transparent in the transparency map thingy
eventually i gave up and redesigned the decals srry about not posting any screen shots (man, this post was so long ago what did i do with that dreadnaught ... ;
when you are applying decals to a plane, how do you control what parts of the decal are transparent? arent you supposed to color part of it black???
no, i mean how do u tell the emitter to stop emitting particles like lets say on frame 00:00:10 you set it to start emitting particles then on frame 00:00:20 you set it to stop emitting particles how do you rig something like that?
ok i got two questions one, how do you get those particle systems, (like the blob, or sprite, or whatever) to finish emitting whatever i can figure out how to setup where they start emitting im just having trouble figuring out how to setup where they stop emitting --- second question about the treeZ plugin thingy i got it to work pretty well, its actually pretty easy when you know how im just having trouble with the foliage, how do you produce the foliage for the trees? do you use some sort of particle system for that? im having trouble getting that to come out well for me
i just got the latest version of Animation Master from a convention and i saw them showing off some of the new features in the program there was some sort of dress cloth simulator, and there was some sort of gree thingy just wondering if someone could point me in the direction of one of these tutorials
yup, looks like updating my video drivers fixed the problem ... i think (suspiciously waits for the other shoe to fall) ill post again if i still run into problems with this thanx everyone - eptigo
am i the only one here having problems with this file???
is my system just messed up? i cut off the feet, and it renders just fine but if i try to render the feet as a separate file, it freezes up on me i can render the feet file at 1 poly per patch, but at 4 poly per patch it freezes ------------------------------------ http://emar0.angeltowns.com/misc/feet04.zip
im using AM 2005 for the PC version 29 freezes, but version 28 is ok as far as i can tell, everything was just fine untill i tried to rig the head to a bone, thats when the problems started i think the problem may have something to do with the vertices in the head and feet (feet ) i'll post the file so you hash ppl can take a look at it if you want ---- http://emar0.angeltowns.com/misc/femaleNX30.zip
I built this model in AM and i got to version 30 of the model (i like to work in versions incase something goes horribly wrong) anyways, whenever i try to activate the shaded view on the model the program freezes up on me im not really sure what to do
you can use keyboard short cuts in order to control your camera from the camera view, as described in the above post --------------------------- playing with the ctrl + shift + alt buttons in conjunction with the mouse buttons, while moving the mouse ----------------------------- i personally find this a little tricky to do what i like to do is open up 3 windows, have one set to camera, one set to top, and one set to front/left then move the camera in the top and left windows while looking through the camera view port changing the view from wire frame to shaded with 9 should help u determine what the camera is 'really' seeing (or is it 0, or 8; i always get those confused ;
how do u use multiple actions in same coreography? i was playing with the walking tutorial thingy, when i tried to get the person to make a pose at the end of there walk but the pose action and the walking action started overriding each other. i could have swarn i saw a decent tutorial on how to accomidate for this any help would be ... helpful thanx - eptigo
ive been through that excercise, i find that the video tutorial is a bit easier to follow when reading the book, i got confused at which bones they were specifying, and to do what with (blah) http://www.s1.hashmirror.com/ftp/VM/EX13BackBone/