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Everything posted by Technodandy

  1. Rodney, Sorry I just got around to reading your last post on this subject from the New User's forum. This clears up a lot of questions of mine when you answered this question. "Can anyone tell me if I made several copys of a group and want to fix a flaw in the original does AM have a option that will pass the change to all the copies?" You said: Only if you are building your model in a Choreography window. Try this and you'll see what I mean: - Create a simple model - Save the model - Drag and drop the model from the Project Workspace listing to a new Choreography window - Drag and drop the model a few more times in the Chor to create more instances of the same model - Arrange them as you see fit - Now... edit the original model. You will observe that the change you make in the original effects all instances of the model in the choreography. Some people like to build their complex models in Choreographies just for such reasons as this. When you get the model as you like it you can export the Choreography to a model by Right Clicking and Save As Model. Hope that makes sense. Thanks it does make sense. Technodandy
  2. I got a little more done on today. [attachmentid=15429]
  3. Hi All, With a better knowledge of the behavior of CP that people in the forum gave me, I was able to knock out this Forward area of the B-36 today. I pinched in Corel Paint to make a front view photo that TimeLord posted for me more orthogonal. l [attachmentid=15285] I added a side view of a photo in a book I have. [attachmentid=15286] This was the result; [attachmentid=15287] I have to clean it up but it easier now. Thanks Everybody. Technodandy
  4. Hi All, This is the start of a work in progress. I have been posting in the wrong forum, so I am putting those links here to start. The Carousel House I am making http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20719 Subproject to Carousel "Light bulbs" http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20799 Technodandy
  5. Thank you Time Lord, With your help I think I got it down. The problem is what I thought it was. The Light bone defaults to the origin of the Modeling Window. I had to traverse the bulb model in x, y, z (0,0,0) to line it up. I reduced the light bone width to 1 inch so it would work like the element in the incandescent lamp. The fall off I put for a start 36 inches. I will adjust the size as the situation dictates. The Light bone color I made white. I wanted the color of the bulbs glass to determine the color light it throws. Here is and example of the lamps I will need for the project I am working on. [attachmentid=15185] Shaded in the Model Window [attachmentid=15186] Rendered in the Model window [attachmentid=15187] Rendered in the Choreography Window One thing I am trying to adjust in these lamps is how to make the Lamps glow brighter through the Ambiance and specular intensity of the bulb's surface and show ambiance and specular quality when the light is out. That I will have to explore in action. Technodandy
  6. Ok I still don't get it. I think I am having a problen with the defaults settings of the bone light object. I see a hint of the shine on the bulb when I put the light in the bulb model folder. In Time Lord's model window I can see an outline of a studio lamp fixture and a small bone around the center of the light bulb. MY bulb model has a bone that is big the fills the whole window and I do not see the symbol of a stage light at all. How can I normalize the location the Light and assosiated bone to the same location as the model in the model window? Technodandy
  7. Here is a comparision [attachmentid=15133] Wire Frame [attachmentid=15132] Rendered I am guessing that I can click and drag your properties into my model. I am trying to keep the information at a minimum. I also do not know fully what is need. I would like to just save the info that will carry over into the Choreographies and not spend time processing things that will not be seen. I think this will tie up a lot of loose ends that I can apply to other models. Technodandy
  8. Time lord that looks great. That is exactly what I am trying to do. I will let you know if I fully understand it. Technodandy
  9. Thanks for the info, TimeLord. It seem easy enough but I must be missing something. I followed your directions but how do I see if it is there in the modeling window? Do I add a bone and it glows?. Project works space show that the light is in the bone folder but I can not control or observe it in the modeling window.
  10. I need a light to shine out from this bulb into the scene like a real incondesent lamp. How do assign those attributes to this light bulb model and save it as a reusable model?
  11. Hi All, Can anyone tell how to simulate light emitting from a light bulb? What is the most effective way of doing this in AM? This light and many others will be visible in my scene. [attachmentid=15095]
  12. For Expedency and Symetry Can anyone tell me if I made several copys of a group and want to fix a flaw in the original does AM have a option that will pass the change to all the copies?
  13. Can anyone tell me if I made several copys of a group and want to fix a flaw in the original does AM have a option that will pass the change to all the copies?
  14. Hi Everyone The Copy, Rotate, Paste idea worked. It would have been faster if Duplicator Wizard was able. Below is the results. [attachmentid=15021] This first picture is the real building today. [attachmentid=15022] I am trying to reconstruct this with AM. What a Back Drop this will make for an animation. I wonder if anyone can guess where this is and name the building? Technodandy
  15. Hi all, I just thought of a something that might maintaining the Decal with each interation, with just a few extra steps, but not so slow to be no worth a try. What if I copy the group with the decal applied , move the original with the "Rotate Manipulator" and paste back the copy. I would have to go though that process 16 times but it should not take long. It would be like taking one rock from "Stonehendge" and making a circle from copies of that rock. Has anybody tried that? Technodandy
  16. Maybe I can reduce my complex Group to one single Plane and line up all the individual texture maps together with the group patern in Corel Draw. Then try duplicate Wizard with the single patch. Only the closest groups would have to have more detailed.
  17. Amendment to last statement: I right clicked on the group in Project work place. A menu item called "Image" did something like I needed but it only would work with one image at a time. A single image pasted on everything but the original group it sourced from. It still did not copy the original multi-textured arrangement. It looks like it works only if I use a texture map on one plane or patch. So how can I apply a texture map to a multi-patch or complex group of shapes and apply it with the "Plugin" Wizard... Duplicator... function?
  18. Hi All, I have tried many times the Wizards Duplicator. AM will not duplicate the texture map attach to the group being copied. Do I need to turn on a menu item somewhere? I can copy a group and then paste groups with it texture maps ok but not when I use Plugin>Wizards...>Duplicator... Can somebody help me? Technodandy
  19. Hi I am making many models in the same project. How do you combine them borrow a group from one and apply it to another? Technodandy
  20. Hi Mark, That was it. I new it had to be something simple. I was just one step away from doing it right. Thanks, Technodandy
  21. Exactly the solution I was hoping for Michael but the other solutions will work to eventhough they are not as straight forward as I would like. Thanks everybody, but if anyone knows if there is some key for maintaining curvature please let me know.
  22. When I cut a circle, I created with lathe, in half it does not keep it symmetry about the center. It bows into a parabola instead of keeping it's half moon shape. I then have to staighten it out slowly by hand, one Control point at a time. Anyone know a solution?
  23. I am back in business. I fix the Menu bar. Follow this thread. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20381
  24. I just got it back. I had to RUN: regedit and look at "Regedit hkey_current_user/software/hash inc/animation master 12.0/toolbars" What WillP said earlier. But he was not clear on what to delete in that folder. So I just Deleted it all. Now i have the very first configuation. That gives that menu bar back.
  25. I am going to look if V 12.0 has a *.cfg file and delete it. Maybe that will work. Thanks keep me posted if you find out anything. Technodandy
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