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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Technodandy

  1. Hi everyone, I just posted the clip on TaoA:M http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...mp;#entry247553 Let me know what you think, Technodandy
  2. Well I do not know how I did it but I got it working. The timeline looks alot more complicated then I imagined. The problem short cut to actions I had to eclips with new chor actions and add some key frames at the beginning and end of each chor action then nudge the overloaded bones into place. I did not have to remove any propertiies or constraints. It just was not as straight forward as I hoped. Instead of four actions in the timeline I have Eight for the keekat model. Thanks everyone for your help.
  3. I was just thinking, except of the resolute walk action all the other actions have a wav file and dope sheet associated with it. I am just picking a straws. Could there be some space taken up by those functions causing some hiarchy problems?
  4. Nancy and Ken, What do you think about the clip, now that you got a preview before TaoA:M? Technodandy
  5. Did Hash change the bone stucture in the newer version of A:M so if I mix libraries I can run into incompatable objects?
  6. I made a quick walk action from scratch in the put it in the same place but it still did the same thing. I have not tried to make a walk action in chor yet, so I will try that. However, I think because resolute walk was in the A:M library it was convenient use. Technodandy
  7. Ok KenH, I will post this Project file. Maybe you can seen the Problem. Nancy you too check it out. I was hoping I could figure this out it must be some obvious thing I am missing. Project7EM.prj Technodandy
  8. I am finding some treads on this subject. I believe we hit on this subject before earlier this year. I am remembering now some of those examples you all gave me. This is a little different but close enough to those discustions that it warrants a little review on my part. I hate it when I can't remember something and have to back track. http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...=26616&st=0 Thank you very much for your help. Technodandy
  9. When I do that he goes into the default standing arms out mode for the rest of the clip. I want him freeze on his last pose.
  10. Yes. I want it to transition to the resolue walk. The space between the green lines KeeKat can not be seen. He is behind a object. I turned the chor action Active off during that period.
  11. That is right. First action is ok, Second action is ok, the resolute walk is ok until I add the last action. Then his arms swing out during the 3 repeats of the resolute walk. The first two hold last frame and transition to next action are off. The Resolutio walk, Hold last frame is off and transition to next action is on. The last Action, Hold last frame is on and transition to next action is off. All are set to replace preious action Some thing is making the arms go into the default arm spread out position after I and the last action.
  12. Hi Paul, I just tried what you suggested. Here is a snap shot of the timeline in the chor window. This is a before picture. I moved Chor action 2 above Shortcut to Keekat action1, it did not change the results. As you can see I have kept the sequences in order. May besome one can see something else I missed.
  13. I just was reading A:M reference. I think there is some Action overloading going on that I cannot get my head around yet. When I play each Action in the Action window, it looks ok. The chor action is somehow overloading the walk cycle. The legs are ok but the arm swinging gets overloaded. Technodandy
  14. Yes, the 3rd action is in its right place on the timeline in chor and I did switch Replace/Blend/Add but I put it back in Replace because Blend and Add corrupted everything down stream and sometimes upstream in chor. Also, the 3rd action I got from the A:M Library Resolute walk. I first ajusted it in the Action window for KeeKat. However I did swap it with an action I made from scratch and it still did the same thing. If you need to look at it I will be able to post it later when I get home form work. Technodandy
  15. Ken Let me put this another way. I have 4 actions made in an action window with to the same model. I put the model in the chor. I dropped each action on the model in sequence. All but the 3rd action does what is suppose to do. That 3rd action arms wants to go to the default arms stretch out position but the legs stay right. A chor action is made if I do anything to the model in the chor. Do I have to force a key frame some place or set a constraint? Technodandy
  16. I am sorry, I can not find a manipulator for the bones in the chor action in PWS to delete.
  17. I will soon be posting exercise 7 from " The Art of Animation Master", though I was not having problem with the exercise itself. It is something a little extra I added that was giving me this problem. However, What do you mean by deleting common use Bones? I believe items 1 and 3 I tried. technodandy
  18. Hi All, Can anyone tell me why my character model actions work properly in the action window and get corrupted in the Chor window. If I drop more then one action in my chor window they blend some how. It happens wheather I use a path or not and it does not go away when I slide the actions appart on the timeline. I have also use the model properties Blend, Add and Replace at different times with out getting predictable results. Technodandy
  19. Hi, I finished up to exercise 5 in "The Art of Animation Master" work book. I have been away from it for a while and I since upgraded to Ver 13 from 12. I see the forums are a little different than before. Can someone redirect me? Technodandy
  20. Hi all, If anyone can answer the above question please do. In the meantime, I am progressing with the Asbury Park Casino. [attachmentid=22339] I have some questions about the rendering distortion on the bricks I will provide some close ups later. Technodandy
  21. Is there a good tutorial on how to get the pattern effect out of a Texture Map Photo? Technodandy
  22. [attachmentid=21791] The Actual Building Remains [attachmentid=21792] My Progress Hi All, I am beginning to knock out this project piece by piece. I am using texture maps on most of my surfaces from photos I taken from the remains of this building. Some surface areas I used materials or adjust the properties when I did not have any. Texture maps seem to render faster. I use Corel Paint to gleen surfaces from the photos and stretch the image to remove the 3D angles. However I like to understand materials better so I can do comparisons to see which would be work better. I am still on a learning curve. I am looking forward that anyone with the benefit of hindsight could give me some pointers. Is there a good tutorial on how to get the pattern effect out of a Texture Map Photo? Technodandy
  23. Thanks Again Drvarceto Your First three steps works fine except step four, it seems to be unreliable. I have not be able to export the Assembled Choreoqraphy to a model with out it crashing the program. HomeSlice pointed that out to me and I sence verified it. Also there is a bone called a "Model Bone" that is automaticly assigned to the model when it is created. It is the only bone that has a bounding box with it when I import a model in the choreoqraphy window. Thank MTPeak 2 for pointing that out. When I >Transform >Translate the short cut in the Choreography PWS and set x,y, z to 0,0,0, it normalizes each imported model section to the origin. Lining up all the sections to their proper relationship. HomeSlice pointed that out too. Technodandy
  24. I am finding a lot groupings in my models left over I think that causing the errors. It is a bit tedious. But I am managing to find them and delete them. What I am doing now is saveing my models externally and import them back in rather than doing the same thing within the project. I import a pieces of the section into the New model window, build one section. then import the section into the choreography window and translating the "model" bone to the origion (0,0,0). Then I rotate the section on the y axis 20 degrees and add another section. [attachmentid=21555][attachmentid=21556]
  25. Hi everyone, I like to thank everyone that has help me so far, with your help I think I got the idea of bones ironed out. Model Bones Root bones Light bones Now that I got that out of the way I have a reoccuring problem in the Choreography window when I try to make a model from a *.CHO: After I remove Camera, Lights and Ground from my scene in the Chorography I want to save the assembly as one single model. I tried two ways: Save as *.CHO or [RClick] [Export] [Model] Either way I get a Exeception error #001, A:M disappears, I have to restart the application and I lose my exit save. What can be causing this? Technodandy
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