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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Mr MM

  1. Here you can have a look on skylight: http://www.ypoart.com/tutorials/skylights-intro.htm And there is a Radiosity Forum on A:M with some tutorials.
  2. How many hours? modeling... How many splines? Beveling all that... too much work...? Just some good texture... some little bump.. I wonder how it is rendered? Why not try skylight - radiosity -. that will do! And what purpose? Gonna animate something? Or just still? The ground? The background? How gonna do that? They count...
  3. Sure nice! Really nice! How many square meters? How many photons? How many hours rendering? To me it looks like something from the 1920:s. I am thinking of expressionism.... Peter Behrens the architect... http://www.ihr-nachbar.de/home/nachbar/na-.../behrensbau.htm Having made an interior why not an exterior? Erich Mendelsohns Einsteinturm is as made for A:M! http://www.aip.de/groups/soe/einsteinturm-d.html Googling on this period I found this really amusing lamp. As made for A:M. It is a robot - as you perhaps know - the word robot comes from the Polish verb robota that means to work. http://www.pacgal.com/Pacgalstorepics/July...04/DSC_1261.jpg Is this picture connected to your Laragach (Architektur Design) project? About towns before the first WorldWar. Peter Behrens AEG factory is from that period. http://www.aquarius-multimedia.de/grafik/p...ach/b_n_o_g.jpg Sure I like to know why you have choosen that period? It is a really fascinating period. Man has discovered electricity - and have new tools to use.... turning out not very good.. in the First WorldWar.... I have also been interested in that period due to Tesla and his inventions ElectroMagnetPulse Weapons and EartQuakeMachines - now being realized... Now then some very influential tells us WW IV have started: http://www.commentarymagazine.com/podhoretz.htm belonging to this club: http://www.thefourreasons.org/pnac.htm But there was some good things.... like the Tesla Tower to experiment with communicating around the globe using the earth mantel and to produce FREE ENERGY - the end of wars?!., Here is the Tesla Tower built in the beginning of the 20th century http://www.teslasociety.com/pictures/teslaxc2.jpg It was not only architecture those years - they had a certain view on man: http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/images/TESLA.GIF
  4. Eggs matter! Everything matters a bit!
  5. To see all the scenes and hear it - download eggs_with_extremites02.mov see above |
  6. I used a AKG Emotion D660S mic! http://www.music123.com/AKG-D660S-Dynamic-...ource=linkshare without any shields or screen. Just pure! Because I wanted that noisy whistlings so everybody listening could hear it was not OK! otherwise beginning to say - well rather good - but not 100% - I could have done it a little better.... Now everyone can whistle better -hopefully. Everyone can be glad not feeling unhappy - not being a whistling expert... Well eggs... with extremites... some kind of common ground for everything living on this sun-sattellite. And now in a new version! The Human Gene Code was decrypted 2002! But then there are the proteins and their interactons and that is a harder nut to crack! But done that.... WHAT DO WE WANT? Well let us think? and meditate on that! Perhaps modeling and animating something... with a little sound... noisy or .... http://www.bmbf.de/en/1756.php Different proteins can result from one gene, which may have different functions according to cell type and tissue. The cellular network of proteins is therefore highly complex. Smallest modifications of proteins can disrupt the function and thereby the flawless interaction of proteins and can lead to abnormal changes in living organisms. Understanding the complexity of proteins and their functions will be the great challenge for all life sciences over the coming years. Understanding the interrelations can help to recognize the causes of diseases and to develop new therapies. Research in this field requires the application of innovative methods and high-performance technology in a new dimension. eggs_with_extremites02.mov
  7. I have got a pop shield! Working fine... If you want to use it. This time I did not use it - a bit lazy. I just tried to do some modeling around an egg - because all living organisms has emerged from that form - a single cell - a one room apartment - then getting a bit more complicated. All of this having some kind of language - genec ode- that builds the things up - someones of those organisms can WHISTLE!!! The one who discovered the gene code Craig Venter - what is he doing now? Have a look on a nice Flash site with SOUND!!! out on the sea catalogizing the living organisms around the planet. http://www.sorcerer2expedition.org/version1/HTML/main.htm So to me it was trying to find an archaic form - the egg - to do something out of - putting extremities on. If you want to see a nice picture of the rumanian sculptor Brancusi - here it is: http://www.gfmer.ch/Presentations_Fr/Images/brancusi.jpg I was trying to get someones thinking about - can we handle this type of information - language - gene code? Everyone of us have not the time to dwelve into it - and the result - someones are taking patents on us. WHISTLING their way.... and the implications are... well you have to think about it... WHISTLING yourself... http://www.whistling.com/ Searching on Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=gene-c...=en&btnG=Search
  8. eggs with extremities! eggs_with_extremities.mov
  9. Nice of you responding! Trying to communicate. Not just ignoring. Believing you know everything yourself. So please stop harassing me.... I just had a look on your "ABOUT ME" - http://www.zack3d.com/about.html - everything can be so easy in your age - believing your I is so perfect already... ..:: Stats ::..:....:::.:..::... Age: 15 Interests: 3D Modeling & Animation, Music Occupation: Student Software: Hash Animation Master, Adobe Photoshop CS. The Cambell Soup Tin Can is from a different period. I was well aware of that. Just that was my point. You totally missed! The point answering you is - to stop you and a few one others here from harassing me. Instead try to communicate - try to have a conversation. Try to say something about the topic. Mr Hegemann has done a very beautiful picture but due to my view not trying to question the picture with a picture of a tin can or something else totally different - in that way freeing the spectator from becoming "violated" by the picture not letting the spectators thoughts and feeling stroll free. Perhaps I am incorrect in suggesting that. Perhaps the aim of pictures is to get the spectators into a certain mode?!., Well Mr Taich I have had some looks on what you have done - http://www.zack3d.com/gallery.html And I really appreciate your works. But everything can be discussed. And I know you like to do it. So let us do it both of us with a little respect to both our beings.
  10. Sure I like that picture. It is LIGHT in it! "at the see" you call it - I am seeing a beach and some kind of sky - perhaps I am right? Cubism it was some years ago - coming back? What kind of cubism you did not tell us... Found a short text with some words about it... Anaytical and Synthetic Cubis Analytical and Synthetic Cubism are phases of a painting style created by Pablo Picasso and George Braque. Analytical Cubism was developed from 1907 to 1912, and Synthetic Cubism developed from 1912-1914. In this period, both artists worked closely together, competing in creating the next innovation of their cubist experiment. It was the constant challenge of one another that led to such powerful pieces created by both artists, works that fully realized the two types of cubism. Analytical broke down the objects being painted to the point where the subject was almost unrecognizable. Synthetic expressed the subject not only through paint but utilized collage and the invention of papier collé to rebuild the objects with shapes and forms more easily read by the spectator. Throughout their time together, Braque and Picasso were searching for themselves, a reaction to the culture of the day. There were questions about God, the subconscious, and life on the planet that all played a role in creating this new art. Analytical Cubism, beginning in 1907, visually laid out what the artist thought was important about the subject rather then just mimicking it. Body parts and objects within the picture were broken down into geometric shap When I Googled a bit on cubism looking into wikipedia .... because I regocnized the light in your picture not so much as cubism but from some years earlier. And I found a link interesting to me - and perhaps to you?!., http://www.aucegypt.edu/faculty/sedgwick/trad/index.html http://www.aucegypt.edu/faculty/sedgwick/t...book/index.html Your picture is "wonderful"! You can say that so easy and not. Because there is a traditon behind Cubism if you are searching for its roots stretching back to.... not trying to tell it this time... So what I am missing in your picture is some tin can with some "wonderful" Cambell´s Soup or something like that... just to do it a little more complicated... http://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html
  11. Really good work! Not only realism - something more - a concept experienced - expressed! My I impressed...
  12. Just a question - What is a 3D rotoscope? What I can understand - you can only import .3ds files - or is it possible to import other file formats? What I can understand: .3ds files you can import as Props - and you can not edit them! or you can import a .3ds file using a Plug-in and you can then edit the model. heyvern tells us that it is better to do the modelling in A:M but if you have modeled a house in a CAD-program with a lot of rooms with certain dimensions I believe it will save a lot of time to import it into A:M, or?
  13. A picture showing some comparisons! belonging to this discussion: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showt...=45entry91150
  14. GDO?!.,
  15. DOG?!.,
  16. I really would see that Dragon flying! And some fire! But there is the Pearl? http://www.dragonperl.com/ And I cannot see St George and the virgin? http://www.clt.astate.edu/wnarey/Honors%20....%201455-60.jpg Well the dragon will take its time before it is getting up in space. Good work!
  17. You are welcome to add your own I:s contributions - models and animations - to this topic! Replies are also welcome! It would be interesting to see someone else doing something - modeling - animating - GOD?!., - transpirations modeling giving inspirations for meditations and animations for - trinspirations medeling gaving ansperations fur muditations and enomotins for - Just a tips to Eos perhaps not "Dragon God" but "Dragon Pearl": http://www.dragonperl.com/
  18. Why not let the whiskers be "flexible"? to express different emotions! Shrinking, growing, stiffening, softening, having different colors....
  19. To tell you my opinon - it is a genius work! But... My opinion is the whiskers are to big. They take to much of the interest. And the eyes are to small. They gets to little of the interest. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. So big eyes are mirroring the soul better. That is my belief. And someone elses too: http://en.thinkexist.com/quotation/the_eye...the/167179.html So curious waiting for the first trialogoue or will it be a dialogue? perpahs a monologue? For sure a catalogue!
  20. Mr. Jaqe - not just models - I want to see animations - and lip sync - and hair - and the rest?!.,
  21. I had a look on your Space Marine model. Really impressed!!!! Perhaps I have to be a bit modest. Just a newbie. Sure I am wondering a bit about your modeling/animation. There is his counterpart? The woman? The space is already there to see. And that is fine. But give this guy someone to love! Someone to speak to. Just a suggestion... Perhaps the Space Marina is already modeled? And I want some action between them... And I want both of them to sit down to meditate.... thinking and feeling a bit... trying to understand what their I:s have to do out there in space..... You and I are also out there on our sattellite called the earth - circling the sun. You are as I have understood on the opposite side of the sattellite. Perhaps some day we will meet having a beer or a cup of tea somewhere on our earth-sattellite?!., I will come back and have a look on what is happening to your Space Marine - Space Marina?!.,. Best wishes!
  22. I can see this is really good work. Perhaps not my cup of tea. But I really want to see it in an animation saying something so I can get how it will be reacting to its surroundings. Someday perhaps I will do the same. My imagination is already on the GO! It will be nice to follow what this will end up in. I will come back and have a new look on your project. Best wishes!
  23. Thanks for your reply Mr. Jaqe I have some more models and animations to post perhaps I will do it. I will wait and see. Just a remark. The first link I posted was this one: Some are trying to change our beliefs - The da Vinci code by Dan Brown: http://www.danbrown.com/novels/davinci_code/reviews.html This book has sold in some million copies. But I do not believe it tells the whole truth. I think you better sit down and meditate yourself - trying to understand something. And then you can stand up. And sit down before your computer with A:M and try to model and animate to try to express something. I have tried to. Modeling and animating is always connected to our I´s thinking and feeling. But what are our I:s made up of? People have tried to answer that question. They have come up with different answers. I too. And I believe everyone of us do. And out of that everyone is modeling and animating. Perhaps someday we can get a common ground to share making our own expressions modeling and animating. It is not more difficult than that. I will have a look on your modeling and animation Mr. Jaqe and I believe I will find it good, hope so! I will give you a nice comment! Well, someday I perhaps will post something new. But now I will wait and see.
  24. To me this is our trying to find what our world is made up of. Someones have tried to show it through ligam/yoni or you can use english words phallus/vagina. And this is nothing to be ashamed of or get upset from. We have to learn from each others. There are other ways to try to express what our world is made of. We can talk of heaven/earth pro example.. Here is some expressions from a festival in Japan. They are using the first way to express themselves: http://www.2camels.com/destination92.php3 And here is something from India - therefrom I think most religious thinking and feeling has its root: http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_eng/kundalini.html The thing is that we can use modeling and animation to try to share our beliefs through expressing them and getting some impressions to consider. Perhaps learn something from. As interested in naturalscience I can think of electromagnetism. Two different categories creating each other. This is our trying to understand something - trying to find guiding principles. Let us allow ourselves to express ourselves trying to find something common. Not letting some of us telling the others this is the truth. And there is no other truth to find.
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