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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Everything posted by Mr MM

  1. I can see from the replies to my quote that it is possible to have a discussion without smashing our glasses. So thanks heyvern, JoshB, higginsdj, .:shortdog:. and jon. You do not agree with me in all aspects - some of you do not agree at all - but... time is on our side. Well, why I started using A:M was because lip sync and hair were integrated in the program. If you want to tell a story with a 3D-program you have to have lip-sync. And if you want to create some feelings - hair is very good. Hair can be soft or hard - it can have many colors and forms - expressing feelings. I hope every kid in every part of the world next year or as soon as possible can sit down and use A:M to make up their own stories - commenting on everything - expressing their talents - trying to find some common ground. And not only the kids - the retired too - and the ones having a work to go to and not - six billions trying to communicate - that would really be the united nations or better the united regions using our mobiles to vote in the united regions forum. We have been living here - on this sun-sattellite - as humans for seven million years most of the time in small groups - a hundred of us in each - 10 000 years ago we learned to farm - and it became possible to tax others because it was possible to store the grains and then to build societies with millions of people. Then around 1600 Gallileo told us that we are living on a sattellite - we are not in the middle of the universe. And some priests got upset. Well now 400 years later natural science have learned us so much - giving us so strong tools - like electrictity our new fire(electric-power) and our new wheel(electric-computing) - nuclear power - genetic manipulation - nanotechnics. We have to start discussing the questions emerging from natural science and its appliances. In the beginning of the 20th century some natural scientists thought it would be possible to explain everything - religion would not be needed in the future - natural science have understood it´s limits now - they do not try to substitute religion. So we have to discuss it ourselves - trying to model and animate our believes ourselves every one of us - it is just like sitting around a table - talking/listening to each others - mostly the conversation is about the wheather - sometimes about other things that also matter to us all. http://www.nanovip.com/ http://www.flashplayer.com/music/fuzzymath.html http://www.thenewintimacy.com/book_365.html
  2. Thanks a lot! We have to discuss - listen to each other - not only banning - or we will just be sitting there meditating... with our own beliefs... And still I think all of us can sit down and have a nice glass of something... talking... but now I will stop...
  3. Thank you guys for your comments. I can understand that my thoughts, links and modeling, animating - my I - are disturbing you. Perhaps there are others interested in a discussion on the premises for modeling and animating. I have understand that this is not your cup of tea or glass of bear. Well you can discuss your thoughs and feelings on other threads. It is just like in a restaurant - there is not the same discussion around every table. I had hoped for we could have a nice chat. And I could have some good comments on my work. Still I believe there are members interested in these questions and in my modeling. You are trying to stop a free discussion. That is bad! really bad behavior! You are taking your own freedom away not understanding it... Some day perhaps your I:s want to discuss the same topic - model and animate the same things! Who knows? I do not think you can tell your future thoughts and feeling and modeling and animating. Some day you also get interested in modeling lingam and yoni. You want to discover Kundalini. http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_...dexkundala.html OK! I will stop publishing more on this thread. Perhaps there are someones on this forum that dare to stand up for a free discusson, modeling, animating... Perhaps not?!., But just now I will stop... showing my models and animations on this subject and the background to it. I hope you will forgive me. You are forgiven, too...
  4. I do not think modeling Lingam/Yoni towards a nice background and hopefully with some space in it is controversial... We have to respect other people thinkings and feelings. My also! And I respect you KenH - I just want you to say something more elaborated... why not take a little time... not just five minutes... first looking through my links... reflecting a bit... perhaps I have something valuable to say... my links have something to say... to consider... something to respect... my modeling having some value... So you as everyone else is welcome with some words on my modeling and the background to it... not just telling me what I am doing is bad... someday perhaps you - your I - will try to do the same... Who knows?!.,
  5. Modeling and Animating GOD?!., What is the good with that? I have understand some people here are asking themselves and me that question. People in all times - 7 million years - and now numbering 6 billions have been thinking of what structure(s) and what value(s) to search behind the things you can see, hear, feel, smell... so modeling, animating without having some concepts is impossible. You are always using the structure of your I to model and animate, so why not try to figure out the structure of the I to model and animate better. I have had a few tries and you are welcome to contribute - with some humorous, serious... so we can have a little conversation. Comments on my efforts are welcome - and I will try to comment on your contributions... I had a search on A:M forums on: god - no links... I had another search on A:M forums on: devil - lots of links... I had a search on A:M forums on: sex - no links... I had a search on A:M forums on: realism - some links... I had a search on A:M forums on: abstract - three links... Well, people in all times have tried to find out this - to model it in their heads and in their surroundings.... I had a search on Google on: lingam yoni - about 18 000 links Perhaps you never heard about the words?!., Have a look on these links: http://www.namaste.it/kundalini/kundalini_eng/lingam.html http://www.asianart.com/articles/darkness/index.html#lingam http://www.asianart.com/articles/darkness/lingam.html And you can read: Lingam-Yoni, male sex and female sex reunited. The Linga, fountain of life, is shown in its erect form, and is usually placed in the Yoni, the source of all that exists. Originally the cylindrical shape represented the formlessness of creation, then gradually became associated with Shiva. The Linga, divine phallus of Lord Shiva, is adored instead of him. Shiva temples have Shiva-Linga as the main deity. Well I made some modeling - a frottage out of a photo to have a background and with the two things as a foreground. And I hope that the middleground - space - surrounding everyting - surrounded by everything - space stretching out in eternity - is there to see, feel, experience... Nice comments are welcome! And the not nice ones are welcome, too! And your own work - thoughts - feelings - modeling - animating - making something yourself are very welcome! Your I:s are welcome making something GOD?!.,
  6. Thanks a lot! Everything is easy when you know it! Sitting down meditating does not always help....
  7. Tried to make a frottage. Well?!., What is cumbersome to me are the droids. Selecting a droid in the PWS - I do not get the whole object selected - just all the CP´s. For sure I have missed something, but what?
  8. There are someones values and ideas implementing it out of something?!., Perhaps time to sit down and meditate?!., to perhaps find new values and ideas?!., out of something?!., Just in case you have missed it: http://www.greaterthings.com/News/Chip_Implants/
  9. Thanks JoshB for commenting! You are absolutely right. I have used a profile painted by da Vinci - see the attached image - and then mirrored it and manipulated it a bit in Photoshop. To use it as a decal on a model I have borrowed from Mr Talbot. His model and tutorial you can find here: http://homepage.mac.com/talbotj/FLATTEN-TUTORIAL.zip You are also quite right on the animation and the lip sync. I tried to get it correct in a short time - but there were some keyframes missing or something lacking so it did not turn out very well. But still it will hopefully express the interesting ideas in these links: http://www.thedyinggod.com/ http://www.nextmaruni.com/colum/8biishiki_e.htm I rather try to have a conversation about everything with a FOCUS on Work In Progress. I can understand that it is not a typical conversation but everyone is not typical. We are all individuals and common in the same time. To me "philosophy" has something to do with modeling/animating. I have tried to discuss this in many ways. Some of you here are more or less willing to do that connection. I had a Google search on: unlearning Picasso One of my themes. And found this among a lot of other links on the subject: http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/jthompson...0Expression.ppt And you can have a look on the Power Point Presentation to read this: When Pablo Picasso was asked why his work improved as he grew older, he observed that it had taken him a lifetime to learn to draw as a child, and that "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." I hope this can interest you and that you can see the relevance in this to my modeling/animating and your own so we can have a little conversation around my ideas and my work in progress. And once again thanks JoshB for your comments! PS I really hope that you will take the time to download - 3Mbyte - and look through the the Power Point Presentation above. Because there are a lot to learn from that presentation due to my opinion on modeling and animating - hopefully you then will understand better what I am trying to express making a good impression on your I. DS I made a little experiment - I had a search on A:M Forums on All Forums and Any Date on the word: god And I had this result: Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, but we did not find any matches to display. Try again and broaden your search criteria. If you were searching for new posts since your last visit, it's possible that there are none to show. Then I had a new search - this time on: devil The result was quite different. This time a lot of links. The explanation(s)? A little suggestion - why not contribute yourself to my effort to model and animate GOD?!., Everyone I think have his/her-hes/hir own vision to share. And learning from each other can be a good idea?!.,
  10. You wanted to know my background Mr Zehr! Well, why not my foreground? Or my middleground? I really appreciate your thinking and feeling, Mr Zehr, you really try to have a conversation - not telling me I am a Freakiing idiot. I really think we have to have some conversation among us - the problem is there are six billions of us - connected with electricity as fire(power) and wheel(computing) and we have been living here - on our sattellite called earth - for about seven million years in small groups numbering about a hundred of us in each group - being able to smell, box, hug the one(s) you are listening to, talking to - in realtime and realplace. Now we have electricity, atomic bombs, genetics and nanotecnics "thanks to" a young guy sitting in a church taking his pulse to figure out some formula for the chandeliers swinging from the ceiling about 400 years ago. http://www.channel4.com/history/microsites...-h/galileo.html What to do? I am a bit worried what is going to happen with us and our sattelittte circling the sun sattellite in a universe natural science do not have the ultimate knowledge of. And my opinion is that natural science only can present formulas connected to "reality" but to know "reality" you have to sit down meditating - stripping your I from every belief/concept/value. And modeling/animating is always done from some concepts/values of an I so talking of modeling/animating will always have to be connected to some philosopy/concepts/values/I - so as someones are saying to me - we only want to speak about the technical aspects - to me it is I:s drawing limits that do not really exist - everything is interconnected and mutually related in some way or another. So just sit down on your ass for twenty minutes and you will find it out for yourself! Perhaps being a bit rude! But hope we can see that animating/modeling have many aspects - and there is no aspect - not to consider after a glass of cider. Mr Zehr I tried to figure out who you are - and I found a lot of faces. I believe your I have understood something as a son of a preacher man eg. the more you know the less you understand... So, I hope everyone on those premises can have a little good thoughtful lively conversation about the topic here modeling/animating GOD?!., Hope, Mr Zehr you do not mind my I - hopefully I will get a new version of it after your reply - trying to find out your really I?!., Do you recognize your self?
  11. Thanks a lot for your comments, Mr West and Mr Zehr! Well, I think it would be nice to sit down with you having some quantities with bear or a nice cup of tea - to sit down to try to give our different opinions to give us some conclusions. Discussing in the cyber space is not so easy - no cosy chairs to sit on! no drinks to zip! Well, this started out then I tried to ask Mr Talbot about his intentions of modeling realistic. And as a standpoint gave him a link to iconoclasm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconoclasm And here is one more: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeIconoclasm Telling: Iconoclasm n. 1. The action or doctrine of destroying sacred images. 2. The attacking or overthrow of established or venerated institutions, practices, or attitudes. Well, I was censored of Mr Poissant. My opinions were teared down! Now I think Mr Poissant is a nice guy just trying to tell us to keep to some rules. So, I started my own thread - Michael J - trying to do some realism. Thanks to Mr Talbots very good tutorials and model: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12587 And then I started this thread called - GOD?!., - to go a little deeper into the subject. Really Realism is to me then you are sitting down on your ass for at least twentyone minutes meditating - stripping yourself - your I - of every word/concept/value - just being breathed. Have a try and see for yourself! Well, to most people this is just too much. They go on climbing mountains, diving into the deep seas, making good cooking out of good recipies, modeling and animating, but they never have the time and place to sit down on their own asses trying to stop their I:s from making valuable pictures - but limited. They do not see - sitting down - as meaningsful - for sure it is not meaningsful - but it is about to unlearn - and that is really meaningsful. Picasso pro example tried his whole life to unlearn - to learn to draw as he did as a young boy - not using the concepts/values his time had given him - trying to stay out of time and place to get a ground to stand on - drawing and painting from. How to model and animate? From which concepts? This is about making chairs but can give you some clues about - Bi Hei Ma Fu Hi So Ka Ha Ki: http://www.nextmaruni.com/colum/8biishiki_e.htm So thanks again - Mr West and Mr Zehr! - giving your comments! Here some other comments from the world wide web: http://www.idea-inc.com/~bill/lies/ http://www.iconoclast.org/na/guide/restaurants.shtml http://www.aeforge.com/aeforum/showthread.php?t=2206 http://www.theblackflag.org/2004/icon/index.php?id=040301 http://www.austinchronicle.com/issues/disp...s_feature3.html PS And thanks also to Mr Bricman who wrote his reply and posted it during I was writing the replies to Mr West and Mr Zehr not having seen Mr Bricmans comments. To Mr Bricman I can tell the model is Mr Talbots - You can download it here: http://home.comcast.net/~jtalbotski/tutes.html The model of the head is in Tutorial 1 I have used this model and adjusted it both to Michael J and to GOD! In some way it is functioning although not absolutly perfect!
  12. All Comments Welcome - ACW... O.mov
  13. ALL comments are welcome!
  14. Have you had a look at the Caricature Zone? http://www.magixl.com/ Or better look at this a little bit of the French history of caricature: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/caricaturenet/histoire.htm with the Master of Caricature - M:C - Daumier: http://www.ibiblio.org/wm/paint/auth/daumier/ I do not think you can make a realistic portrait nor a caricature of GOD because it is only a one(1) word standing for the concept that everything is interrelated into and out of Oneness which is not a person! So you can choose whichever word you want to - to meditate on - to use as a gate - to pass into a realm of oneness tearing down all the words and concepts you are using daily to master your daily life with. For sure you need all those words and concepts - you need to have an I - but the thing with all those words/concepts/values your I is constructed of is that the words/concepts/values always are limited - cannot cover the real reality=the oneness - which is to big to grasp or better always are fluctuating stillness you cannot get hold on - cannot grasp, because you are the thing yourself... Well pretty hard to explain... You have to sit down yourself to test... The Oneness is not of much use in your daily life so why bover? Well - finding a common ground makes it possible to communicate, makes it easier to model and animate having experienced something of that common ground. Perhaps being able to make something yourself - not just following others modeling style, animating style. This link - http://www.thedyinggod.com/ - I found good - explaining a lot of mans and womans trying to use concepts for everything. Perhaps out of reading a little bit history we can understand something - learning the history of our and others beliefs. Perhaps learning to make up GOOD stories to animate with GOOD models.
  15. A Face Rendering - AFR -
  16. A Closer Up - ACU -
  17. A Close Up - ACU -
  18. A Toon Render - ATR -
  19. GOD?!., Which faces are we - our I:s - to make? Which words are we - our I:s - to find out? Which concepts are we - our I:s - to invent? Which feelings are we - our I:s - to experience? Some are trying to change our beliefs - The da Vinci code by Dan Brown: http://www.danbrown.com/novels/davinci_code/reviews.html But perhaps not the whole truth: http://www.lisashea.com/hobbies/art/ Instead trying to search for the roots: http://www.thedyinggod.com/ Is this that will come instead? http://www.expansions.com/ Someone is saying World War IV have started: http://www.commentarymagazine.com/podhoretz.htm Others saying we have been deceived: http://www.wtc7.net/ http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm How can we figure this out - without sitting down - checking every concept - in the end losing our I:s - getting a common ground?!., to start from trying to do something?!., Getting acquainted with everyone - the ones that really matter - modeling them - animating their lives: http://www.microscopy-uk.net/mag/indexmag....un99/wflea.html If you want to know how it was done - see this topic: http://www.hash.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12587
  20. What it is this going to become? A triangle drama? http://www.playbill.com/news/article/90149.html http://www.broadwayworld.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=2192 I am just waiting for a new pwofessor to turn up.... a Master of Love to go waltzing around with the first pwofessor - a Master of Jealousy? http://www.quickegreets.com/javafree/valentine/val69.htm http://www.stressdoc.com/master_of_jealousy.htm Just a remark - the ears - on the new figure - are they not too big? Will they not be flapping a lot then she does the can-can? The original had not got that big ears!
  21. Thanks a lot Mrs Nancy Gormezano and Mr Josh Bruce. It makes me really glad to have some reactions on what I have tried to do. For sure Mrs Gormezano faces are not symmetrical. I know. So moving some points it will make the face more natural. But thank you for your comment. I really like your work. You are a genius! You have a lot of phantasy. I really appreciate that. Because I do not think so called photorealism is realistic. Photos or Videos only takes parts out of a beings I - just showing the I behind a "mask" for certain moments, movements. I have only tried to show how simple it is to do something photorealistic. Take a model - take a photo. Move some points in the model to suit the photo. Flatten the model. Make a PrintScreen of the flattened model. Take it into Photoshop. Suit the photo to the printscreen picture of the flattened model. Save the new picture. Import it into A:M. And place it as a decal on the model. And then you can move some points to make it a little less symetrical. That is all. Perhaps not perfect. Not really artistic. But something.... you can use to do a little lipsync letting the "photorealistic" model say something. About masks: and eye-glasses: So exaggerating, distilling from reality I believe more in - using your own I as a lens - not only the lens of the camera - though your sculpturing have to have some connections with what we call reality - the forms and matters we on our sattelite circling the sun-sattellite encounters. But reality in a deeper meaning I believe can only be reached through meditation - taking away all your I:s meanings - but meditation will make you silent - you can no longer speak - you have no words left - but going through such an experience can make you see that your I - your words, your conceptions are made up - more or less connected to reality - like natural science having a connection - but still it is concepts. And Mr Bruce I really like your answer. It is yours beliefs. You are trying to communicate. Figuring out something for yourself. Giving me an answer. A little do-it-yourself philosophing from both sides. I really hope many more will step into our little discussion. For sure we have not the same opinion. But that does not matter so much to me. The thing is we are trying to reach some standpoints. Perhaps making a common ground to stand upon, walk on, sit and lie down to - to model on - animate on... http://www.boxing.com/ http://www.uta.fi/~ms54336/halia.htm http://users.pandora.be/educypedia/electro...ricitytesla.htm To illustrate the problem - John P - not Michael J this time - showing some different faces - the problem is not only that media - big global firms with thousands of employees are choosing which of the faces - masks to show us. The really problem is electricity - our new fire(power) and wheel(digital computing) - making this possible - taking all the million spectators faces away. We cannot see how the other ones are reacting - we cannot touch the other ones - not smelling them - not boxing or hugging them - instead we are all hypnotized of some common faces taking our thoughts and feelings away not being able to communicate them like equals.
  22. If you want to have my funnybunny model and experiment with here it comes. Be nice to my funny bunny or it will eat you... so keep moving... funnybunny00.zip
  23. A quote from JoshB. Yes what do this idoltry do to us? Replacing the image of ourselves and our relatives with some manmade face you cannot reach, speak to, hug or box, not smell. Soon they are coming to our own Holoverse univers!?., Not only Michael J, Clinton, Levinsky, the whole gang stepping into our living rooms. Great we can party together with them for some bucks.... http://www.donina.org/santaclausidol.html The future? Holyverse or Holohell?!., http://www.holoverse.com/ The ones trying to enslave us - the big global cooperations - can give "our idols" some Artificial Intelligence - using Neural Networks: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/artificial_intelligence.html Or shall we make some Iconoclasm? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iconoclasm Well the problem is we cannot stand on our own legs. You have to have something to eat, somewhere to live, someway to defend your property, time to negotiate with your neigbours, making friends with them. To fight the global companies we have to try to figure out how to do it yourself together with others in small groups learning to stand on our own feet. But that will not be easy: http://doityourself.com/ You have to get a little unsure first - - sitting down meditating - loosing your I a bit a day - to grasp what to do with your I - and not only you - all others have to begin figuring out for themselves - for Our Selves: http://www.meditationcenter.com/
  24. Michael J was not so diffucult to make after having looked through Jim Talbots tutorial 1 and 2. You find them here: http://home.comcast.net/%7Ejtalbotski/tutes.html step 0: And having unzipped tutorial 1 you will also find the head model I have used. The head is inside this tutorial: http://homepage.mac.com/talbotj/FLATTEN-TUTORIAL.zip And I had to Google up some pictures of Michael J. And I had to manipulate one of the Pictures in Photoshop rotating it a bit and mirror one side. And I have also manipulated the lips to close them. step 1: Then by importing the manipulated picture to the Talbot head model to Animation Master as a Rotoscope I cculd begin to move the CP:s around to better suite the picture I have made up in Photoshop. step 2: And then practising the things you can learn from Mr Talbots tutorials 1 and 2. You have to flatten the model and make a screencapture and then in Photoshop place the picture so it suits the screencap by a little manipulation eg scaling. And then saving it and importing it in A:M to use it as a decal. Thati is all. And you have got your Icon in step 3 to render on the scene. For sure it is more to do on the model. It took me five hours to do this. Now I will have a try to make Michael J talk by a little lipsync using my own voice trying to whisper some truths to the public. PS http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/michael_jackson/ Hope their will be more celebrietis to see from you folks! Just a tip on some suitable ones: http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/
  25. The skel looks natural - but one bone for the jaw? Do you not need two bones for that one? I was thinking of having no bones for the jaw using poses to get the bunny to talk. You are talking of fan bones - I do not know what fan bones are - I have to look it up somewhere - perhaps I can find it in the Help? Hair - it is just to right click Material in the PWS and choose New And then to right click the new materials Attribute and choose Change type to Particle System and then choose Hair. Drop it on your bunny - or perhaps just on a group - and you have got something to combe. Perhaps not seeing the mouth and the eyes. I really have not got the time to play around with the bunny animating it but some day I will have a try - not next week I think.
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