Thanks Itsjustme, I think I understand now but just to make sure........
The bones with geometry attached are just guided by other bones that are set and constrained to perform.... whatever they are set for. the installrig "embeds" the bone functions to the model and tells the software how to read it depending on where you are working(modeling, bone, chor) once that's done you have your model?
Now, let's say i complete a model using the face install rig. so I have this head with all the poses and targets. Is it now a base structure I can use? Like if I had another head with different geometry(we'll say slightly different facial features, but no real proportion difference) could i just swap out the geometry and make the adjustments?
Could I take my completed head and import a body already boned and just child the neck where needed? or would it offset the "true" control bones on the head rig.
I ask because time is always against me (that lines probably from a movie) I can't always make entire models from the ground up so I have template body sets(fat, thin, heroic..) and template heads all boned and ready to be tweeked and combined. The rigs are great, but it would be limiting on time if by using them it cuts in on this versitlity.