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Everything posted by paradymx

  1. Pretty sweet, is the chocolate on the strawberry a map? (color and bump) the only crit is maybe the chocolate (in the bowl) should have have just a little (very slight) displacement as its dipping in
  2. when it comes to a problem, I think, with most renders; look and see where to process bar stops and takes the most time to complete. Its probably an issue with that model its says it working on that causes the delay.
  3. The wireframe shots are just screen caps. For some reason I couldn't render out the wires, I even took into v14 and tried... it crashed when I tried to render wireframes... so here are some dirty screens What are you using mac or pc? I use a mac and I know that when I first started using AM I couldn't render anything but finals. (imagine that when trying to do animation and check your work!!!) But it was due to my graphics card the factory installed Geforce couldn't render fully in AM I had to get a ATI card.
  4. Very cool model. The wrists are a little think but I can see that being a stylized choice. I would love and explaination of what you used for lighting
  5. Yes it did!! thanks Itsjustme you are the best. I now have new motivation to master those rigs.
  6. Thanks Itsjustme, I think I understand now but just to make sure........ The bones with geometry attached are just guided by other bones that are set and constrained to perform.... whatever they are set for. the installrig "embeds" the bone functions to the model and tells the software how to read it depending on where you are working(modeling, bone, chor) once that's done you have your model? Now, let's say i complete a model using the face install rig. so I have this head with all the poses and targets. Is it now a base structure I can use? Like if I had another head with different geometry(we'll say slightly different facial features, but no real proportion difference) could i just swap out the geometry and make the adjustments? Could I take my completed head and import a body already boned and just child the neck where needed? or would it offset the "true" control bones on the head rig. I ask because time is always against me (that lines probably from a movie) I can't always make entire models from the ground up so I have template body sets(fat, thin, heroic..) and template heads all boned and ready to be tweeked and combined. The rigs are great, but it would be limiting on time if by using them it cuts in on this versitlity.
  7. okay guys i been trying to wrap my head around this whole squesh rig and in turn the instal rig feature and was coming up with some issues. I've looked through the boards and could not find a defined answer. I am primarily an animator so rigging is only a means to an end to me. I am unclear as to why the installrig is used. Is it just a to be considered a short cut(if so I don't see how cause you still have to assign bones and poses after the fact) or is this how bone rigs are made(i.e. the 2001 skeleton rig, which i have been using from the start(ver9)). To bottom line everything.... after I move all those install bones into position and wizard installrig, what's actually happening. would it be any different if i adjusted the installbones AND assigned the geometry and worked from there? (like the 2001 skeleton) I admit to being a scavenger. I take the things I find and like and integrate them into what i already use. I'm kinda like Itsjustme in his most recent post where i really just want the facial setup (and maybe the hands too ) Can someone explain or direct me to a link that does?
  8. Thanks guys I haven't had a critque(bashing) like this in a while. I really miss it!!! okay....pass #2 think I got the ball worked out though it does still look like a yo-yo, somewhat (i fear spreading out the timing more for gravity will sent me off the other end of the timing cliff) did the first set of offseting And yes the weighting was way off, Robcat i didn't really see it still you said and i compared the breakdown poses free animation courses? is it under the tutorials or on another site 3-4 secs a week HUH? that makes me feel a little better. I been thinking i was just generally slow(started this project on Wed). the flow of those video tutorials made me think they were a standard. thanks again you guys are tops!!! dtest2.mov (side note: are the guys at Hash off at a conference or something I been trying to possibly order/renew my subscription for the year but no ones been there(not even tech support) for almost two weeks)
  9. Thought I could get some opinions from my Hash bretheren on a piece of my Demo reel( I been living inCaliforina for two years now an still haven't met anyone who knows animation enough to get something other than "yeah, it looks good") My portfolio is my primary now so you probably will hear from me again if you guys don't mind. dtest.mov
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