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Posts posted by Eric2575

  1. Two questions: In the properties dialog box is an on/off setting for glow. I like it, but would like to kow if that setting can be adjusted. The glow is too bright in rendered mode, I want to turn it down a bit.


    Seccond: When I add a CP to a spline that is off the normal xyz axis, I need to find a way to move the CP along the spline without disturbing the axis of the spline. Is there a way to constrain the CP to the spline?


    Thanks in advance

  2. Yes, v.11. Not blocky, resolution is fine. The CP's are actually off from where they were before. I noticed it because I was following a rotoscope in great detail. When I saved it and opened it again the next day, two CP's were a very tiny bit out of whack. I wouldn't care if it weren't for the fact that the two CP's were part of a sphere, and if the CP's are just a little off, the sphere gets distorted.


    I've been playing around with grouping and naming the various groups in order to hide/unhide them. Maybe I am causing the problem by not being careful enough in picking my CP's

  3. New to AM:


    I'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this, but I know this is the only one I can post a pic.


    Usually after saving and then reopening a project will this glitch occur. Upon reopening, I may see some artifacts or slight changes in alignment that I want to correct (another glitch?) When I try to move the CP's or the CP Bias points, the Bias handles jump way off the working area and can't be brought back in line. I have to shut down, not save and start over.


    In the attached pic, you see a sphere that I wanted to tweak in a very close view around the bottom where all points converge. When I clicked on a Bias handle, it jumped to the point in the picture. I had to unzoom several times just to see where the Bias handle jumped to.


    What causes this odd behavior?


  4. Thanks guys:


    Rodney, you hit the right button - it was the up/down key that was doing the trick. One more question that came up - from one save to the next I can't see any of my rotoscopes in any viewport. The rotoscopes are still listed in the Project Workspace, but are not visible in the window. Transparency is set to "0", so that's not it. I tried closing the file and re-opening with the same result. I rebooted, with no difference. Ok, now what?


    Thanks in advance...



  5. Hi all:


    Newbie question here. I just received my AM and am doing well getting the hang of it. I may have inadvertantly pressed a wrong button and don't know how to reset - When I do the flower power tutorial, everything is fine until I render using the 9 key. At that point, my flower looks peaked, although everything is smoothed in wireframe mode. In wireframe, petals are rounded, in render mode, they are pointed. What did I do?


    Thanks in advance...

  6. HI:


    I'm new to this forum and this is my first post. Last night I went to my local Fry's electronics store and asked for a user friendly 3D package - A/M. In doing a small amount of research, I heard good things, but also that the program is buggy? I am a hobbyist in 3D studies and would like to expand a little. Should I plop down the $299 or not, and if so why?


    Thanks for your input...



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