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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Simon Edmondson

*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Simon Edmondson

  1. Simple question. Is this a male or a female walk ? regards Simon Walk.mov
  2. John Thats is very impressive. I should have used something like that a few weeks ago. The upgrade path calls loudly. simon
  3. Apologies for delay. Happy Birthday Rodney. simon
  4. Rodney The idea was that he was sneaking up on the blue figure and about to jump and say boo on the person in the lotus position, meditating. They realise before he jumps ( the light goes on ) and moves fast enough to get out of the way. Working on the other bits now. regards simon
  5. Rodney Thank you once again for your help. I was trying to render the red background figure in the sneak clip. I tried it on the original toon setting but it didn't seem to have any effect. So I tried to do it using normal settings but no joy either. Following your reply I will try another technique. I think the image is perhaps moving too slow ? That was the point of that bit so can't grumble ! regards simon
  6. Its been a long time since I tried to use motion blur as a render option. I am trying to use it for the jumping figure in red to add some more movement. Is there a guide or Tutorial available on its use and settings ? regards simon
  7. Not quite finished. Needs some work on the timing, edit and no sound but, Hope the new year didn't sneak up on anyone unprepared. Enjoy 2013. simon New_Year.mov
  8. Just in case I don't get this finished for the end of New Years day. This was going to be a simple test but, I'm getting carried away ( as usual ). Also a test of my knowledge of using toon render, which I hope to use more extensively next year. regards simon Sneak.mov
  9. Robert Thank you for your reply. I did try that but, in the end, went for the simplest solution and started again with a separate model in a new chor. I need the practice too ! regards simon
  10. Animating in an action window, I am working on a sneak got a little carried away and introduced an action object. I'd like to save the animation on the action object as a separate file , to be later brought into a chor. Is that possible and, if so, how do you do it ? regards simon
  11. Gerry Thank you once again. Here it is. simon SimonImageTute_h264.mov
  12. Rusty A few months back Gerry very kindly made a tutorial for me on applying an animated map to a surface. I used the process to animate the rain in the stormy night window. If he doesn't object, I can send you the video, if you would like it ? The repeat is achieved after you've set it up by selecting all the keys and , go to "Post interpolation method" and select the one you want. regards simon
  13. As Threatened, the hair version. The strange colour change in scene six ( when the lights go out ), happened when, the light settings changed in the chor. I corrected it in the hairless version but, didn't spot it in time with this one and the render times were too long to correct. I'll learn next time...maybe ! simon Hair.mov
  14. This is the last version with a rough sound track. Hair to follow. Simon Stormy__Two.mov
  15. I'll put the hair files together over the weekend but, I've reached the realisation that, as a narrative its not going to work very well so I'm thinking of stopping and moving on to one thats properly worked out in advance. Thank you very much to everybody for their help. It has been very much appreciated and needed. I have learnt a Huge amount doing it. regards simon
  16. Lloyd Have you seen the Woody Allen film, "Sweet and Lowdown" ? One of the characters, played by Samantha Morton, is a mute and has to communicate through gesture and written word. I was very impressed by her performance in the film. The other references I would suggest are the films of Jacques Tati and, in animated format, the one based on a Tati script, "The Illusionist" by Sylvain Chomet. A mixture of drawn and cg animation with very little dialogue. regards simon
  17. Robert Thank you very much. That worked splendidly. regards Simon
  18. Thank you Gerry. I haven't assembled all the hair files yet but will do so over the next few days and post it then. Have to get the sound right next... regards simon
  19. I've just spent the evening getting the normals to sit in the right way. Is there anyway to get the surface colour back to what it was before the porcelain was applied ? regards simon v15j OSX 10.68
  20. Mark Thank you for your reply. I've just spent 30 mins trying to flip the normals and it seems that, when one patch goes white, the one next to it goes black and I have to start working through the whole model. Thank you for the tip regarding the back facing poly's. I shall implement straight away. regards simon
  21. I was reading the thread in the WIP area about the Obama model and the section relating to inverted normals causing blackened sections when Porcelain was applied. It rang a bell with regards to a problem I had encountered, so I thought I would try to correct it. Here is the model with the normals showing and, they seem to be correctly displayed ? But this is what happens when I do a quick render. Might it be caused by another factor ? Also. The original colour was yellow and the porcelain has made it go white, over riding the original surface setting. Is that a common thing ? regards Simon V15J Mac OSX 10:68
  22. As threatened... The hair version of winona falling off her sun lounger. ( very compressed file ) Any feedback welcome. simon Hair_Scene_Seven.mov
  23. Still plugging away at the original post. This may be the final scene. Its not a full quality render, just an action test. Any feedback welcome, as always. regards simon Ps This is the version without hair. That comes later when I get the action right... Scene_Seven.mov
  24. Marcos I tried the link. The page opened but the clip didn't appear. Tried it in Chrome and couldn't get it to work either. I'd like to see it. Is there another option ? regards simon
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