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Everything posted by sculptorpro

  1. Thanks for your comments Simon and Rodney. Here is the wireframe of the head. I am also wondering if this method of modeling would be good for using with Autodesk 123D organic and solid objects.
  2. A character for a story I am working on at the moment, I mixed the head features in Makehuman, saved and imported as .obj/prop, and then retopo'd in a Choreography window of AM. I saw what David Higgins had made with his model and have found it a great way to model relatively quickly and easily. The splines form reasonably smoothly without a lot of editing as well.
  3. Hi Robert, viewed your excellent Duplicator video tut, thanks for that. The toon white fringe started appearing after I tested an layer with Alpha in Chor, so I think you could be right. I also found the version of Wings3D (0.98.06c) with the AM export, very quick for buildings and models that have peaked cp's. I'd like to say with the response and help from this forum, makes tackling a project much less daunting.
  4. Thanks for all those answers, I did find and use GPU Post Effects, then I noticed the .hxt Post Effects files in my Hash Folders. Thanks for the great explanations. Another couple of questions, does anyone know what version/year Wings3D had the export .mdl plugin by Howard Trickey for AnimationMaster? I am also getting a 1 pixel white outline on my toon renders, can't find any unusual settings that may be causing this. Thanks again for all the input.
  5. Thanks for those answers, another question, how do I access the old post plugins like bloom etc now?
  6. Thanks for that link Robert, will view it tonight. Another quick question about the relationship between the camera settings and the render menu settings, both have the same input, when do you use the camera input over the render file input?
  7. Thanks for your quick answer, will try those suggestions.
  8. I want to create an array of windows or objects in a circular form, is the duplicator wizard the way to do it and if so where can I find an explination for its use. I have just renewed V18 after a having with V13 since release.
  9. sculptorpro


    Are the videos still available?, link says username and password are required. Thanks
  10. OK, have just found the link
  11. It's been a while since I used TSM, (or posted to this forum) I have an original version TSM1.3.1 and am wanting to obtain the last version TSM2. Is there still somewhere it is available?
  12. Looks great, how are you handling the skin tones, are they mapped at the moment etc. Again very nice skin tones ( and modeling of course)
  13. Thanks for the replys, suggestions and tips guys. Ed, the look and feel of the "Freeway" buildings and environment look great , the film effects are nice and subtle as well. Unfortunately I don't have After Effects or Pinnacle Studio, so may well end up using AM's Post effects filters and render/compressat the same time. My main aim was to unify the look of the animation and stills and get reasonable compression for portable display.
  14. Josh, here is an example still that I'm using (untouched), the other stills I was planning on adding grain to get a uniform look from still to still etc, however that may not be worthwhile for the movie part because of the compression problem. I had thought of lightening some frames as you suggest which is easy enough because it is rendered out as single tga's, and add some scratches, dust and lines. Thanks for your thoughts Ian
  15. Zaryn, JoshB, thanks for your comments, JoshB, you're right about the water moving too slowly, will add more movement if I get time, I have tried divx, qt-o2 and sorenson3, wmv. Divx was the smallest file output, but all effect the PS induced grain. Attached is a frame from the filtered version. The newsreel is set in 1911 and is to match still photos from that time. I also used the post effects in AM itself but the grain I feel looked better out of PS. The bounced light hitting the bottom of the boat is a good suggestion and the cut and paste observation pretty accurate because it is actually a photograph on a moving patch. With the grain added a lot of this detail is smoothed over. Ian
  16. Here is a sample clip I am working on of the SS Cedric sailing past. I have a PS filtered version with grain and more contrast to simulate a newsreel look, but am having difficulty compressing the final version without the compressor having trouble with the grain effect, any one got any ideas for a work around? The unfiltered version is here for any who want to have a look, it is .wmv format, 519kb. http://www.dsntc.com/SS_Cedric/Cedric.html Ian
  17. Great idea to use your models and scenes as storyboards, will you use the same setups in the actual film, seems a good way to get the flow of camera setups sorted to. The filtered images look really good too. You've inspired me to set up my mini movie the same way. Thanks for showing. Ian
  18. Why don't you try Darkling Simulations Syymbiont, they ara free plugin materials and have adjustment controls. Attached a pic of some leather coat I am trying to make and the controls available with the plugin. Ian
  19. Wow, Noah what can one say, your figures are truly inspirational, how are you getting your skin textures may I ask? Ian
  20. Matt, was just able to check out your Rolling Stones vid and it looks great, the things I liked about it were those little head flicks of Micks and of course the rythmic motions. One thing I kept looking for were the stilletto heels on the camera woman, must be a habit of mine in real life just to see how sharp they are. Just going to check out the rest of the site.
  21. Looking really good to me judging by the way the natural shadows are falling, would like to see a 3 quarter view, and if you don't mind sharing, a wireframe.
  22. I need to model some accurate head models, and photo rotoscopes were ok, but too hard, boring and hit and miss. So I thought of trying the old projected grid approach. Using an old overhead projector, I projected a grid onto the face of my model at 45 degrees, took a digital photo front on and side on. Using the resultant photos as rotoscopes, the grides lined up accurately and the cps are easily placed in xy space. Just like drawing with a grid.
  23. Check out this tutorial on modeling a body, it is one of the best I've seen. http://demented3d.com/tutorial/
  24. Did you work from characturised drawings or photos, and did you use the same head mesh on all of them? Is Mick going to be prancing? You are starting to inspire me to give some character a go, could be a good subject for a competition.
  25. Yeh they are looking excellent, I admire a person building one characture, but four. what song will they be singing?
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