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Posts posted by rusty

  1. This is part of the rig design, it's a squash and stretch setup that is suppose to simulate muscle flexing.


    There is a percentage pose in the rig components>arm constriants folder to adjust the amount of bicep flexing.


    I recommend setting this at the model level, not in an action.


    Right after I hit the road running chores it dawned on me what it had to be and that's really pretty cool unless your character is wearing something with sleeves that isn't skin tight... or is thick. Some of the TWO characters, maybe most, have shirts with sleves... now how is that handled? A few things come to mind and I can probably find something to look at.




  2. Also, I'm starting to think we need a "Help Rusty" sub forum to put all these threads in. ;)


    Perhaps I'm getting lazy LOL. Is there documentation somewhere that would tell me all of these things? I watched all the videos. I think I read all the threads (I could be wrong on this one). I went through the Wiki site and again I could have missed large sections.


    David suggested all my pestering could be used as the basis as a FAQ.




  3. Hi again! :-)


    I will be starting on weighting the arms later this afternoon -- have to brave the 105 degree temperature outside for a haircut and other errands first.


    However I noticed this strange thing and know its a problem I will have to deal with. I know of no reason why, before cp weighting and smartskin, that bending the lower arm at the elbow would morph or change the upper arm in any way. Assigning the CPs in the arm is fairly straight forward, don't think I have that too much wrong. Can someone tell me what I'm seeing here:








    The upper arm gets skinny and this morph seems to move upward.




  4. I'll make that change on the next release...which should be by sometime early tomorrow.


    Gads, what changed in this upcoming release?




    The spine on both the bipeds and quadrupeds will now have an FK option and the neck on the quadrupeds will also have an FK option. There are other updates that are presently being worked on to improve the installation, but those are going to be in the next update...I wanted to get the updates to the spine out so that everyone is on the same page from the development end.


    If you have access to the Hippogyraf, the updates are installed in him.




    I don't know if I have access to Hippogyraf -- I am not involved with TWO if this is a TWO model . Where would I look? Any documantation or other examples of FK spine?


    Also, can you kindly give me some idea of the improvements planned for installation in the following release. Is this the items discussed in the "I may have goofed up... " thread or, are these items discussed in another thread?





  5. How do you change the background color in the Choreography window? Mine is on an "earth and sky" looking background.


    Besides the background color that Ken talks about the default chor contains a model called 'ground' which is brown -- the way you mention "earth and sky" I think you're talking about this model as well. You can recolor the ground model or just remove it and use something else.



  6. An animation project can generate hundreds if not thousands of files! Organization is very important. You might want to check out these threads. I had put my own animation project folder structure up on the web... I think the link was mentioned in these threads and I think it is still out there.










  7. Does it play ok within Pinnacle before you burn it? If so, then it's a setting within Pinnacle that needs changing.


    No, it isn't playing in Pinnacle before I burn the movie. I see it as just a solid color on the timeline and playback.


    So probably the avi file is blank as well or, Pinnacle (which I know nothing about) perhaps does not take the avi format or the codec you are using (after you select avi in AM click on settings to set the codec).



  8. Does it play ok within Pinnacle before you burn it? If so, then it's a setting within Pinnacle that needs changing.


    No, it isn't playing in Pinnacle before I burn the movie. I see it as just a solid color on the timeline and playback.


    So probably the avi file is blank as well or, Pinnacle (which I know nothing about) perhaps does not take the avi format or the codec you are using (after you select avi in AM click on settings to set the codec).



  9. This would be best to set this up like this...


    First column: default.

    Second column: place check mark in line of constraint that needed to be turned off.

    Third column: Place check mark in line of the constraint that needs to be turned back on.


    If this sheet is setup like this, I will post it with the updates to the posable rig along with the compensation text.


    Also, turnig the auto hips back on/off is optional, as long as if the IK legs are turned on.


    Thanks for taking the time to document this.


    I'm going to be sleeping until sometime tomorrow.. pulled an all nighter and still going! I no longer have the chart as it was though I can reconstruct it. I'm attaching a zipped excel file that has all of the latest 'compensates' plus the chart for step 1 (at the beginning) and the chart for the last step (at the end). For my own self I renumbered the steps and there is even a yellow marker that can be dragged down as each step is done. Actually I don't use this directly anymore, I use a crazy system of my own design.


    Warning: I am 99% sure that I checked all steps against the latest instruction sheet however as I do not use the head portion of the rig yet, I am 1% unsure (that's the way I talk when I haven't slept in 2 days) that the last two sections dealing with the head got any changes that might have been made (if any). If you do not have excel I will be alive again sometime tomorrow.





  10. can i use am to put watermarks on videos if so how do you go about doing it please.




    I apply mine when I compress the final take in Cleaner -- I've never really thought about the best way to do it in AM through there must be a dozen different ways. It could be as simple as placing an image on a layer and constraining it to your camers so that it appears in the lower left hand corner. There is probably a better way but nothing really comes to mind. You might do a search of this forum.



  11. David,


    There is an issue with the ‘resetting compensates’ document – nothing that serious perhaps but for us newbes enough to trip us up. As we new Squetch wantabes wade into the ‘resetting compensates’ document our first instruction is:


    “1. Turn off the following Poses (if they aren't already turned off):



    After 50 some odd steps we come to the last step which says:


    “Now, you can turn back on all of the Poses that were turned off during this process.”


    Here we groan because we don’t know what poses we turned off so we go back over all the steps looking for “poses we turned off”. I think all of them are in step 1 but we don’t know that until we check. Finally we turn ‘on’ all of the 13 poses listed in step-1 but… based on the settings of these 13 poses in the v13_Squetchy_Sam_08_10_2007 model, the settings seem to turn out wrong, plus there is the potential to even turn out ‘wronger’ (a new word) which probably, if not corrected, will equate to added posts to you down stream.


    Below is a graph containing the 13 poses we turn off in step one. To the right of the pose names the columns are as follows:

    1. how the poses are set when we start (factory settings if you will)

    2. how the poses are set after following step 1

    3. how the poses are set if we follow the last step and ‘turn on’ the posts ‘verbatim’ (at least how I did)

    4. how the poses would be set if we recorded the original settings and went back to these

    5. the correct settings based on the v13_Squetchy_Sam_08_10_2007 model


    Oh, on the poses that started at 50%, they get 100% at the end in column 3 because that is ‘turning on’ ‘verbatim’ and no one would know up front to note that they only needed to go back to 50% (at least for me 1st time around). Differences between the outcome and the correct settings are in red. There is one other way to interprete the last instruction; only turn on poses you had to change to off... but this does not work either.




    I’ve been up all night working (25.5 hours straight) so my mind is mush – kindly forgive typos, rambling and whatever else. I just gathered the data so I could get the settings right and, because I have it in a pretty chart, I thought you’d appreciate it if I passed it on to you. I hope it is correct and helpful.




  12. Ah, yeah, I think you goofed up. Looks like you forgot to turn them back on after compensating.


    Ahhhhh... the final instruction:


    "Now, you can turn back on all of the Poses that were turned off during this process."


    I had meant to carefully go back through the some odd 50 instructions and weed out all of these and make a list but never got back to it. Thanks for reminding me. Now that I've followed these things 4 or 5 times it doesn't see so daunting... probably these poses are all in step 1 and perhaps another step (the half dozen or so elsewhere are done in a relationship edit so are not a concern).




  13. David,


    I've completed the install of the latest posable rig and assigned CPs but when I place my model in an action the leg bones are different from the 'Sam' model in an action. Also, if I pull down on the center null Sam's legs bend as I'd expect but my model just moves downward:




    Any Idea what's going on?




  14. I have upgraded to new 2007 version, however I still see the same old tutorials when I purchased A:M 2004. I hope Vern upgrades the tutorial pages.


    For the most part, tutorials come from users. Also, I'd guess-timate that 95% of the past tutorials, if written in the last 4 years, are still completely valid.




  15. I know I asked this before, but I can't find my old post. I have the "Fat Guy" model, and he flips over any time I apply an action.


    I know I can remake actions, but is it easier to just put in a new rig? if so, what folders do I delete on the old rig?


    Thanks for any help!




    Hard to tell from what you've said but, it sounds like you've moved or rotated the model bone. This is bone that all models start with (put in bones mode and then click on the model name in the PWS to see it) and it determines how the model aligns itself in an action or chor and how it orientates itself on a path. As a general rule you do not touch this bone.



  16. Yup 15 systems here.... Net Render rules!


    I need to show my wife this. I only have 10 (just added my son's old PC to the render farm -- only a Dell 2GHz w/1Gig RAM).


    You tell people this and they think you insane which of course is true.



  17. Ok, I spent too much time on this.


    Smartskin hair guides, tied length of hair to the Z scale of the same bone. Constrained that bone to a null with an aim at constraint, with scale to reach turned on. Then added a relationship to the Z rotation of the null to drive the thickness of the hair and finally, a relationship on the Y translation of the null to drive the color of the hair.


    So the null controls the whole animation.


    A 'rad hair day'?


    This would open a rift in the time space continuum causing the ENTIRE universe to cease to exist in a massive sucking singularity.


    Ah man... you gave away the ending to my book!



  18. Guide splines can be animated!?! Had no idea.


    Used smart skin to move bones as well as CPs (no big deal). But Mirror Smart Skin wouldn't include the bones... wonder about hair.


    Wonder what would happen if the bone you smart skinned the hair to... had a dynamic constraint? And the image on the hair was an animation. And can you animate the frame numbers of that animation, tying them to the rotation of the... bone. Give the bone motion in an action to rock the dynamic constraint. Put this contraption in a flock with the action...


    Sorry... my brain got away from me for a second.



  19. I dont know how to make put something on a model as if it were....i guess you could could say the paint job of it. What im trying to do it put lines of color on my model and at any view it looks like its part of the paint job, and i've tried making a material for it but that hasnt worked for me. If anyone can help me that'd be great!


    It is almost impossible to answer your question. If I understand you, you wish to put either horizontal or vertical lines on a model. Thick or thin lines? You want the lines to show from any view. If your model is a sphere or a square then this is easy. If your model is an airplane or a character then it maybe harder.


    We need more information -- if you could post an image of your model and perhaps in a paint program show us what you want, we could be of more help.



  20. But found time for everyone else's posts, for the most part.


    Don't sweat it Rusty, I'm just not interested in helping anymore. You seem to have things under control.




    Well I do sweat it Mark. I feel bad. To be perfectly honest, I had very limited time on-line and I read and replied to all that I could. I did read your posts but I did not reply because they went over my head -- in the time I had I could not absorb and understand what you were saying. I planned to come back to them when I had time to think about what you were saying. I don't know the internals of the rig like you and David. Like I was standing behind my chair reading and typing as fast as I could while, in most cases, my wife was already calling for me. If you knew the in-laws I had to deal with the last three days you might understand the mush that existed where my brain normally resides. Perhaps I should have replied saying this. When I did get back to it, your posts were missing but at first I didn't know this. I saw David was replying to stuff that wasn't there. I actually replied to one or two of your posts through David's replies... look and see. After a point I became very confused and I jumped forward trying to see what was going on and landed on your post saying you'd removed your posts. If you knew the weekend I'd just gone through you'd understand why that post of yours didn't land well with me. Like I did my best on all fronts the last 3 days.


    I don't know about you but I'm blaming all of this unfortunate mess on my in-laws.



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