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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Ed Doyle

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Everything posted by Ed Doyle

  1. I tried to put bones in the Cube, but I'm not advanced enough to figure out how to make it work. As Dhar says It would make a great tutorial. The rigging to me would be quite complicated. I'm redoing the Cube to resolve the saturation and the box to make it more realistic. Ed
  2. Wow! The detail is amazing. Did you model the keyboards or are they bump mapped? I ask because I attempted a key board and found it very difficult. Ed
  3. Yves: Without sounding patronizing, I really want to say Merci Beaucoup for all you contribute. Fellows like you and many others on this forum are just terrific. What we learn from you and other pros, is like a university course. I've been glued to your Tutorials (Not just Radiosity) and can't get enough of them. Next month I'll be 70 years old, and AM and this forum are a great outlet for me. Good look to you, thanks for your tips, and thank to all the others who contribute so much. Ed
  4. Wow! Is that the answer? Nanoradiosity! I love the results that people have been getting with radiosity but I have been put off experimenting with it because of the long render times for each test render. If you can shrink render times to 22 minutes for an image with this many components then I am going to have to give it another go sometime. Soon, I hope. What are the trade-offs when using very small models instead of large models? Nice results! Thanks for posting. Oops. 22 Minutes is wrong. That was the timing on an early test. The one seen above was about 48 minutes. Sorry. The only tradeoffs are placing the camera in a very small box. In this case I used an open ended box, similar to the Cornell box in Yve's Tutorial. But instead of a light array at the top, I used a single bulb with shadow rays set to 3. I'm still trying to figure out how to reduce the color saturation.
  5. Thanks Dan, I used the calculator, but did nothing about Jitter (didn't think about that). And Vern's comment about saturation is correct. I'll Give it another shot. Thanks to both both for the tips. Ed To answer, your question, The render time was only 22 minutes, because I kept the model really small, and there really isn't much detail in any of the models. And I never could solve Rubic. Ed
  6. This is my first attempt at radiosity. The detail is lacking. But after reading Yves' ideas on radiosity I thought I'd try it. Ed
  7. No Mike. I certainly DIDN"T make the animation. I wish I had the Talent. I merely wanted to bring the animation to the attention of those interested. I did make a COPY of the model, based on information I received from the NASA site. Ed
  8. Thanks you James. Actually it does come apart at the Middle. Theres a great animation on the Nasas site. Take a look, you'll see what I mean. http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/cev/CEVedit2.mov enter
  9. If he's Captain Barnstorm, then he should be a pilot with a plane. With your modelling skills I think it would be great, and the stoty lines would fall into place. Nice work. Ed
  10. Ken: Most of the model is geometery, with only four or five bump maps. The circular ridging has all been modeled, resulting in the high number of patches. That's because I'm not very good with Bump and displacement map procedures. I still haven't learned how to use the flatten procedure. Your approach obviously is adviseable. Kamikaze: No plans really. Just the challengeof trying to model somethibng. Animation is a thought, but I'd have to do some remodelling to reduce patches, or it would take forever. Ben: I've seen your work on the site and am very, very impressed. You really have a future with this stuff. Lizard: Maybe, when it's finished. Dan: Yes, it does look baloon like, but I think that's due to the camera angle. In the model below you'll see, the proportions are the same as the NASA comparison ( which I used to get my proportions.) The one outlined in the green background is my model.. Ed
  11. This is my rendition of the New NASA moon rocket. The idea came from the NASA website under the heading "How we'll return to the moon." It's very informative with a great animation. Some of you may wish to check it out. As far as my model uis concerned it's patch intensive (Slightly more than 7500) and my computer is slowing down. I'll have to find a way around that beause it's hardly finished. Ed
  12. What an exciting thing for a young person to be involved in. I think your work is terrific. Good luck to you . You're young enough by far to see a manned mission to Mars. At 69 years of age that's not likely for me, but I'm still hoping. Ed Doyle
  13. Photo realism is what I like to toy with. I envy you people who are so good at it. But I keep trying. Terrific work. Ed
  14. I loved it. I laughed out loud. Nice job Ed
  15. I checked out the DV Garage site and the Skylights. I've got a lot of work to do. Now I want to check out those books. Rich, It could be a bottomless pit.
  16. All you guys are great. The help is really welcome. I'll be checking out those sites and trying your suggestions. I'll send and updated picture as I progress, but it may take a while. Ed
  17. By the way Vern there are a few decals there, ther roundels , Indian head etc. Ed
  18. Thanks Vern. I appreciate your input, The effect I'm trying to get is a fighter that has seen some action hangared in a quonset hut of sorts. But I guess I''ll really have to learm about "skylights and grungy decals." Ed
  19. I still haven't learned how to use skylights. Thta'll be next on the list.
  20. This is my latest WIP. Buy I'd like some suggestions. I find my work always looks too sterile. I'm not good at lighting and I'm not handy at "dirtying things up," giving them a "used" look. You fellas who are so good at photo realism would probably have a few tips. Thanks, Ed Doyle
  21. Amazing work! Don't sweat the bendy metal. Perhaps you remember Gort in "The Day the Earth Stood Still." It didn't slow him down. Your "Tin Man" is great!
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