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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Ed Doyle

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Everything posted by Ed Doyle

  1. Wow. Reminds me of Union station in Toronto, and even the old Windsor station in Montreal. Very Nice. ED
  2. I've been trying to build a decent looking robot for a long time. Never got the look I wanted. Now you've come up with just the concept I had deep in my mind but couldn't bring out. Very Nice. I like it. Keep post ing your progress. ED
  3. Mike: Your work is always so well done. Terrific. Ed
  4. Pancho, I think your work is beautiful. Ed
  5. Edit: Problem solved guys. I forgot to name the bones properly. Obvious in the PWS. Changed the names to appropriate left and right, and all is in order. I feel a little stupid. Ed
  6. Sorry I didn't get back sooner guys. I checked everything you fellas suggested. It seems OK. I built a very simple model for clarity, but the same problem arises. I tried it in 10, 11 and 11.1. Same problem, which leads me to belive it's something I've done (Or failed to do.) Maybe this screenshot will show you pros something I"ve missed. Ed
  7. I'm attempting to use "Paste Mirrored " in an action, and it just won't work. It used to, but now it won't? I cant figure out why. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm wondering if perhaps I hit a key without realizing it and deactived it. I'm using 11.1 Ed
  8. Hi Dhar. No, there's no offset. But the naming convention in the PWS will allow for manipulation of any of the cyclinder structures. The engine is hardly accurate. It was only meant to suggest a perception of a radial engine. I tried to keep the patch count as low as possible , but there are still 1300 patches. Actually the PW Wasp engine, as you may know, used in the Corsair, Hellcat and many other fighters had 18 cylinders, 2 banks of 9. Ed Timelord. I'm not sure, I've always assumed so due to the shape of the cowl. I"ll check that out. Ed Yup. Just checked it out, The FW 190 had a BMW radial, twin row, not unlike the "Twin Wasp" in appearance. Ed
  9. Thanks Michael. It could use a few more details, like the carburetor and a few other things. But they'd hardly show in a plane except for a close up. Ed
  10. I built this Radial engine for my Corsair. I see a lot of new users are building the FW 190. This engine should work for them too. I've attached the project file. Ed[attachmentid=14439][attachmentid=14440] Radial_for_Hash.zip
  11. Beautiful ! Ed
  12. Thank you for your kind words. And to Xtaz thanks for the offer, I'll certainly keep that in Mind. Now I better finish that Corsair. Ed
  13. Stian. Your Il Tempo Gigante is "magnifico" Ed
  14. After following some of the tips and suggested ideas posted by the fellas above I think the new prop spin is much improved. Thanks guys Ed
  15. Thanks Michael, I'll try your way too. I'm not much of an animator, but I like photo realism, and am looking for a way to add the spinning prop effect in a still. Ed
  16. How did I ever miss that thread. The information in it is amazing. Xtaz, wherever you are, Thanks. Ed
  17. Thanks Charlie. That's what I was looking for, but I couldn't find it. Much much better than what I did. Ed
  18. Nice looking model. Could be used in a Roland ad. Ed
  19. This is a problem that arises from time to time as you all know. The spinning prop. Here’s how I handled it. I created a three frame action. I rotated the bone prop this way. Frame 0: 0 degrees. Frame 1: -120 degrees. Frame 2: -240 degrees. ( the plus or minus determines the direction of rotation, I wanted it clockwise from the pilot’s point of view) I added 10 percent blur. (Default is 20) But I was still getting a solid prop. To overcome this I made the blades 85 percent transparent. But in the action I only rendered frames 0 and 1. I did this because the blur won’t show up on frame 3. I’ve enclosed a single frame image as well as the action. (Don’t mind the model, it’s far from finished) Ed [attachmentid=14292][attachmentid=14293] Corsair_prop_3B.mov
  20. Whose going to build the real thing? I keep watching Boyd Coddington. Great car. Ed
  21. You'd have to be "Born Yesterday" if you didn't enjoy that one. Ed
  22. If you have to change sound format, there's some inexpensive applications out there. I use Smart Audio Converter. It cost me 20 bucks. Downloaded it from their site. Ed
  23. That's quite a site. Very impressive. I like it, nice work. Ed
  24. Yeah. That happens to me too. Ed
  25. I won't accept any title, other than Master of the Universe. But I think that might be taken. Ed
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