sprockets Behind The Scenes: A:M and Animatronics Jeff Cantin's Classic Splining Tutorial Strange Effect, video demo and PRJ included John blows up a planet, PRJs included VWs by Stian, Rodger and Marcos Myron's band gets its own wine! Learn to do radiosity renders
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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by dborruso

  1. Hey Ethan


    This is great work. Congratulations on making such an ambitious project. I know that is not easy.


    Don't worry about people comparing this to finding nemo. I have a few bad reviews of my froggy boxing game on download.com and I know they are comparing it to top notch games when that is not the intention of the game. But I have over 9,000 downloads! And I know some kids I know enjoy it so I am happy.


    Keep up the great work. Never give up.


    Take Care

  2. Hey cypax


    I plan on getting more involved with this in the beginning of 2007. I am trying to get some modeling done for the movie in the meantime, I am going very slow due to time constraints and a weird schedule. But if you wanna talk about stuff about the game you can msn message me. my msn is dborruso@hotmail.com That goes for anyone who wants to get involved.

  3. someone told me my demon is not very good. I appreciate their honesty. I would like to know if others feel this way. I would really like some honest feedback so I can improve him. I want him to be good. So please give me some honest feedback folks, don't be shy. I won't be hurt.



  4. Well, I got a start on the lil demon. There are a bunch of changes I want to make. Most notably to make the face have more character and be less like a dinosaur and to make the knees look better. I guess the best way to make the wings would be to make a flat shape and bump map it right? I dont see why this character should have so many patches for the wings.


    Well, is he off to an ok start?


  5. I signed up for some modeling. I am gonna do it until the TWO game project gets more going with art and stuff and I take my c++ classes. I will be modeling some props. It will be so cool when my nieces and nephews watch the movie and I can say hey, I made that there, and I will be their hero :)


    I really believe in the TWO project and know it will be a success. Thanks Hash team for this cool opportunity.

  6. Wow thanks for that information. It sounds like we will have many challenges to work through. I wish there was a program as simple to use that always works as gamestudio for cross platform development. I ended up selling my gamestudio license after all because I really want to do cross platform.


    I am right now on the core solo machine so dont know if the pipeline will work for me but I will probably get an imac in a few months so I guess it wont. I hope we can find a solution.


    They should have an area on the site devoted to mac, that would be good.


    I guess this is our only hope right now to get this to work. I have my fingers crossed.

  7. Yeah, I am looking more closely at their sites and torque seems to be the best solution. I am going to get the book The Game Programmer's Guide to Torque so I can better understand the engine. I want to do mostly art but if I can better understand the programming it will help. And I am interested in learning some programming.


    I have the hash license on the pc but am using mac now. I think I will buy my own license since I will be using it for my studies as well and I will continue to use it after the TWO game. So I will need my own license in my name anyway.

  8. Hi Folks


    Just want you to know I have not forgotten about the TWO game. I still plan to be a contributer to this project. I am just hoping that it will work out that I can contribute with my mac. I can run windows on my mac but i prefer to work in osx. I have read that the tools for torque on the mac are not as good as the windows tools. Is this true? Does anyone have torque experience on the mac? Let me know how it is if you do.


    Also I am planning on taking some c++ game programming courses in the new year, an old idea I had but now I have a job so I can take the courses, they are pretty cheap anyway. So I hope to try out some of this on the TWO game.


    I think that now I have a job and am doing well that I will get more things done. I probably will get started working on TWO game stuff in the beginning of 2007. I keep planning to do stuff for it but havn'e done it yet. I will in 2007.


    I really hope there is more interest in this project than is shown on the forum so far as far as doing artwork and stuff. People have really worked on the story and stuff so far but not many people are lining up to work on the art and stuff.

  9. Hi all


    I am starting this thread as a place to announce new products at the 3dfrog store. I will keep them all here so I don't have too many threads.


    We are pleased to announce that Ronald Nxumalo has submitted an electronic keyboard model. Please check it out here:


    Ronald's Funkeyboard


    Other past submissions include houses by Andy Mulia and a delivery truck submitted by David Dustin.


    I have heard from people who are working on models to submit to the store. If you are working on a model to submit let us know we'd love to hear about it.


    Thanks a lot folks!

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