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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Everything posted by Srmjr

  1. Yeah it definitely needs more massaging from a lighting stand point. I'm trying to go for a realistic night look in a narrow ravine. You know, shadowy, not a lot of ambience, etc... One of the most frustrating things for me has been that when I started this choreography, I knew a lot less about A:M than I know now, so there is a certain level of project dis-organization and poor technique that I'm going to have to sort through when I go back into working on this shot. This is a part of a sequence of shots. I have proceeding shots set up (sans spider), but this is the only one with the spider in it. Thanks for the comments. Sterling
  2. My bad! Sorry! It's been so long since I put that file up there, I've forgotten what compression I used. Rest assured that whatever I did, was haphazarrd. I didn't really know to much about file compression then. (and still don't really) Anyway, I put an mp4 compressed version up there now, so hopefully you can view it. bear in mind that it's only 2.5 seconds, a quick cut to convey the action. (probably use it for a little trailer or something.) http://f1.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/sterlma@pacbell.net Let me know if this works or if I'm going to have to use a different compression. Sterling
  3. This is a low rez render of something I'm working on. I've got a long way to go yet. I realize that. It's basically pre-vis of a quick banking shot of a chase sequence in a sci-fi action adventure project that I've written and am pitching to direct. As of this render, the spider hadn't been fully textured (it is now, but I'm probably gonna have to re do it. ) Also, obviously the lightings not done, etc, etc, but I just wanted to "come out" so to speak and share a little of what I'm working on. I realize it's "just pre-vis", but I want to make it as best as is reasonable considering I'm not Peter Jackson.... yet. Its in the "CG Test Renders" folder of my Yahoo briefcase. http://f1.pg.briefcase.yahoo.com/sterlma@pacbell.net Sterling
  4. I simply bow down and wish. Sterling
  5. William, that's funny stuff! This trailer is much more effective than the first. Sterling
  6. I never would've guessed that you rigged her, with her absence of cogs and all!! Actually, I've been messin' around with HER (no puns intended) and have found no real problems animating her. My biggest problems are my own deficiencys in manipulating rigs. for instance: how do I use the feet target to position her legs without moving hips somewhat? Stuff like that. Anyway, this thread isn't the place for this conversation, so I'll stop now. But if you have any advice on where I can work on rig manipulations let me know. Anyway, as I said before, your animation was great! keep it up! Sterling
  7. Nicely done! Fun stuff! Sterling
  8. That is the scariest ex-girlfriend I never had! Nice stuff Mike. It reminds me, I was gonna ask you if you modeled the "Her" character for the Hash CD? She seems similar. Sterling
  9. Mykyl :lol: !! It's been fun to watch you go through this process! I admire your tenacity! Keep working hard, but be patient. It would almost be insulting to those who have worked long and hard to acquire the knowledge and ability they have if you were to just start cranking out professional grade models in hash simply by opening the box. enjoy the learning curve. Study other peoples splining. Other GOOD splining that is. Look at the Tarzan model on the CD. I don't know what others think, and I don't know who model it, but studying that head has really help me plan the spline lay out for the head I'm working on now. Sterling
  10. Rob, your an A:M stud, dude. I'm gonna have to learn about those dynamic constraints. Sterling
  11. Hey Robcat, that's good stuff, man! And thanks for the tip re: syncing music to picture! Sterling
  12. Jim, Thanks!! No. I had not seen these tuts before. But I haven't checked out the forest in a little bit- especially regarding surfacing. These are excellent EXCELLENT tuts!!! Well done! I guess I should echo others here and say "yes" you absolutely MUST do more. Again, thanks! I've got a lot of homework to do! srmjr
  13. Hey Jim, I'm new around here, but allow me to say that I love your work. I appreciate you laying out your texturing procedure. I believe that's the one that either I saw in a texturing tutorial in Sherwood or in David Rogers book. What I would LOVE to know, however, is what your techniques in PHOTOSHOP are? How did you get that wonderfully subtle vascularity to her skin- just you PS techniques in general. I was basically introduced to the world of digital graphics by A:M, so I never really learned much about the details of Photoshop except unless they directly relate to something in A:M. I'd love to see a tut' from you on working with PS FOR A:M srmjr
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