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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. looks great Will.


    My only comment would be that the windows seem very dark, like there isnt any glass. Maybe the reflection could be cranked up on them and the transparency toned down untill there where close shots?


    I always thought of OZ in relation to Kansas and the midwest, which makes me think of fields of golden wheat as far as the eye can see. Now thats obviously an interpretation, but that might solve some of what Nancy's seeing in the green.


    Maybe something more like this (a compromise between Ireland and Mongolia perhaps)




    Awesome stuff man, this is the best since of scale shot I've seen for this movie.

  2. Seems far too well lit for a nighttime scene to me!


    agreed.. but I had to pump the lights up to get the castle to show up at all. I've been given the go ahead to redo the textures on Tin Castle though so I plan on fixing that. Eventually it'll be nice and bluishly sublte ;-)


    I also plan on working on a better nightime skydome as well, so it'll get better. I consider all of these shots preliminary at best as things still evolve quiet a bit on the movie. I'm calling this my baseline though.



  3. You'll probably want to set up a glancing angle light to get the hilite right. A back light would work well to, but you may not want the character backlit. The point of the new shaders is that they show specular highlites that look more like real hair. The old hair looked more like fur. To see the hilites you need to light the character with fill or back lighting.


    In other words.. lighting your characters just got alot more like lighting real actors in the movies. Its actually a good thing, since a character will almost always look better with fill light on them.

  4. Also will consider stiff hair type lashes that might turn out to be better than painted


    ooooooooohhhhh,,, straw eyelashes! I hadn't thought of that. That could be pretty cool, if they didn't get in the way of reading his eyes. I figured you were going for the raggedy andy look with them. Its just that closeup you posted, was so spot on with McDowell in Clockwork Orange that It over road any other association. Its just my mind's proclivity to focus on psychotics, so no biggy. Personally I'd love to know all these guys have really dirty little secrets and we could do a bonus real of TWO true confessions later, even some interviews from Winky Prison. I'll shut up now.


    Dammit Nancy.. just when I think I can say my peace and drop back into the shadows, you make me want to experiment. Sigh.. thats a good thing I suppose, but it goes against my general lazy side.


    I like the notion of seams on the clothes as well. The bump of the burlap really added allot in terms of shading on his face. The more minutiae these guys have the better I think, its that stuff that makes them just a little more believable.


    I like the notion of purple pants as well. I hadn't thought of it, but it would go well with the red you have on his shirt.


    One other thing I noticed just now thinking about what made me think SC's textures stood out as odd over TM's and Woot's was that the scale of the patterns for some of the outfits you had on him seems larger than the other two character's. That could be intentional and if so, then I'll bow to your greater knowledge, but it makes the style of his clothes seem much different to Woot's and TM's. I kept looking at him and trying to figure out why he seemed different. I thought it was the eyelashes at first, but now I think its the patterns on the clothes. I could be wrong, just thought I'd mention it.

  5. Ok Nancy,


    I've given this wayyyy more thought than I probably should and I even did my homework (lighting scenes with all the characters in them).


    I think that scarecrow should lose the green. I like the red with black pants version number 3, and the black hat is nice, but may prove hard to light in certain scenes ( I can't think of another color that could be better though), but I'd change the green gloves and boots to something else, maybe gold or something. the reason isn't that I hate green, but TM already has allot on him and I like it there. With him and SC its to much green.


    As far as the eyelashes.. I can't get over seeing Roddy McDowell in a clockwork orange which makes scarecrow seem really scary and psychotic. Kids obviously wouldn't make that connection so it may be safe, but that one pose of him looking up, definitely reinforced the image.


    We could do a scene of Scarecrow doing "singing in the rain" after breaking into Mrs. Yoop's or something like that ;-)


    One thing though is that I think scarecrow really looks nice with that burlap texture for his skin. It really adds some grain in some of the scenes where everything seems so flat.


    Don't take any of this as anything other than trying to make the job of lighting these guys to show off your "mad" skills just a little bit easier ;-)



  6. Thanks for the input guys.


    I wanted to make a comment on the animations I've seen so far and remind all of the animators not to forget their eye blinks. I was working on a shot of woot last night and the eyes where odd. So I went in and fixed that.. then I added an eye blink over about 4 frames or something like that.. Man what a difference in terms of how the character read and looked.


    So if you go through your animations and don't see an eye blink and the character seems to stare a little.. try putting one in where the character shows some emphasis.. ie hand gesture.


    Just an idea.. your mileage may vary.



  7. Also, Colin, if I may tease your perfectionist side, don't hesitate to move the camera position, angle, focal length, and whateever to get a better composition if you feel it. I personally do that almost systematically when I see a weak composition or staging. I'm sure you can do a good job there too.


    I'll see what I can do.

  8. Yeah I agree with the castle comments, but I was reluctant to change any materials on the castle. I also think a full moon would be good.. I may add that. The outside shots need allot more tweaking.


    I agree with scarecrow needing more fill as well.


    I'm using all shadow maps inside the castle and one raytraced shadow outside.


    As far as the lighting.. its all over so I can shoot from any angle. For the most part I left the cameras where the animators had them, but I agree, better angles could be done.


    The nice thing about the way I lit the interior is that its global and doesn't change except for the spots on the characters.. so I can just drop the lighting into the chor. or actually the characters into my chor and then adjust 2 lights and bingo its done. If I change the camera angle.. no lights need to change. Once I got the lighting the way I liked it.. doing 30 or so chors went pretty quick. If I wasn't a perfectionist and didn't feel the compulsion to render each scene to double check I could have lit all of scene 1 act 5 in one night.


    If you guys aren't working this way, I'd recommend it.. the workflow speeds up allot and implementing changes in lighting goes quick as well.

  9. So I'm almost done with 1_05 and I wanted to post where I was at. I'm only missing shots 2, 7, 8, 16, 17, 18 (they didn't have animated chors on SVN or where missing actions) I'm working on shot 31 which is an outside shot of the castle at night and taking a while to get right. I probably need to tweak shot 29 and 30 for the same reasons.


    Here are some examples... All of these images have a post bloom added in photoshop.


    Shot 1




    Shot 3




    Shot 4




    Shot 23




    Shot 29




    Shot 30



  10. My only small comment would be that there seems to be more light to the right hand than the heart,wich could be lit more to accentuate the center of interest. My 2 pennies.


    Great point Michel.. I'd thought the same thing. For some reason the heart doesn't have the reflection I expected either.. I'll see what I can do when I get a break.



  11. I've also got to add the ability for him to shrug his shoulders (which would be a quick addition). I've been holding off while the texturing is being worked out.


    Boy that would have made making that pose allot easier. As it is theres about a 2 inch gap between his fist and his hand because his hand wouldn't reach his face without the shoulder shrug.


    I say go ahead and make the changes in the rig.. but check with Nancy first, she might be changing the boots or textures, my parts done though.



  12. Actually Paul.. there is purpleish blue light coming off of him.. I specifically set up a light to fake it. its subtle but look at his beard in the shadow. I should probably punch it up a bit.. I have it on the scenes I'm lighting for scarecrow but its hard to make it show up without really lighting the heck out of them. TM's metal parts make it even harder.


    If you want to tweak his textures Nancy then go for it.. I thought his boot heel looked a little odd, but I just thought it was artistic license ;-)


    I wouldn't worry about the lines in the textures.. I'll look at the crown. The only thing I thought got lost from my original tweaks was that his torso seems allot less shiny now. It could have come from the merge Noel did.. I'll check it out.



  13. I may end up distortion-boxing the heck out of this guy.


    That is an excellent Idea... I do it all the time. Its how my demon went from blah to hulk in about 10 minutes ;-)


    I like Couston's style to. I always like the "Michelangelo" large forarm hand style. Its especially appropriate for Wolverine since he's a bit of a thug anyway. I can't wait to see the experiments.


    And for the record.. I agree with the boots. They look fine to me to. I'm not sure what Mage is getting at either.

  14. Looking good Lee. the head looks even better, and I think its perfect now.


    I took the liberty of hiliting some points on the pic you posted. Mostly "opinion" stuff, so if you think it rings true change it.. if not stick to what you know.


    the right side is modified in photoshop.. the left side stays the same.



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