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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


*A:M User*
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Posts posted by cfree68f

  1. 1. Looking for 3d developers with games experience. Preference given to people with Torque experience. Extra Preference given to people with experience in Multiple applications.


    a. Modeller/Rigger/Animator/Lighting/Texturing all required.

    b. The work will be for a MMOG that is currently in development by IBM for release early next year, with possible further releases to Xbox at a later date.

    c. Positions to be filled within the next month and to continue for the next year and possibly beyond.

    d. Contact me.. Colin Freeman at...




    The work will be on a contract basis and you will have to work through an approved IBM subcontractor.


    email me with links to previous work, and a resume. Don't! email your salary requirements to me. That will be between you and the Subcontractor.


    Ability to work at IBM in Atlanta, Georgia or potentially Somers NewYork is a plus but not required.

  2. Yeah I think with all the fan films of SW out there (its got to hold the record) that they'd have a very hard time going after you for making one more, especially when you are only doing CG and not actually using any of their footage.


    Perhaps if you changed the name of the battle to the battle of Magreedo and changed the names of all the parties.. then you could put a disclaimer that said.. All of these characters are fictional. Any resemblance to characters real or unreal is purely coincidence ;P


    sigh.. lots of cool work in this thread. its a shame to see it die.

  3. If your goal is to introduce them to AM then what you have is a good start, though pretty ambitious for 10 hours.


    If your goal is to teach them Animation, then you might cut to the chase by skipping the modelling and using premade models and characters from the cds or modelling a flour sack or something and teaching them Disney style.


    Just some thoughts. Good luck with the class.

  4. yeah the butt could be a little bigger and more detailed, but thats a choice I suppose.


    I think his hands could be just a smidge bigger to... maybe elongate the forarms a tad.. hard to tell in the pose he's in.


    I usually measure the hands and feet next to the head. If the hand can't cover the face then its to small. Women can have slightly smaller hands, but men have to have the big hands ;-)


    Just check all your proportions against the head.. its spot on! So if they look small or big next to it.. then somethings wrong.


    31000 patches? you are a mad man!

  5. We want to put some image processing filters on the final renders. We have some picked out and ready to go (that Colin was using). We will be applying them in A:M.


    yippee!!! I've been looking for these in the post folder for a while.. I think I see the parts there now, but I can't seem to figure how to get them to do the effect. Is there someone I could talk to about testing it out in AM and see if I can put a tute together on how to do it and how it can be used?

  6. Yep the second lighting looks great! the first is to muddy. I think one thing thats throwing it off is the actual lights on the cafe. Specifically the ones underlighting the rims and stuff. Since its a day shot maybe you should try turning off the outside lights and go for more bounced light and shadows. the combination of Day lighting and Night lights on even in the shadows of the forest seems odd.


    I'm loving the concept and execution so far though. Keep it up ;-)

  7. It seemed quite funny to me that the Hash booth was near the samurai sword and sexy, extremely tight corsets booths.


    Wait a second.. They've been next to that booth every year I've been to Dragon Con! I'm starting to see a some sort of Chaos theory style equation thingy in this.


    [b](HashBooth) / (the distance to the samarai sword and leather corset booth) * (Comic book Fans) = sales²[/b]



    man I'm good with math.

  8. AcccK.. NOOOOOOO!


    I'm just about to start work on an MMOG with Torque and I was hoping to use Your exporters for it, and your expertise ;-) sigh.


    Well good luck with your future ventures and I hope that you don't have any issues finding homes for the code. If you do find it hard to find homes for the code, can you let us know.


    We have a games group in IBM that works with Torque and we might be able to find a spot and further support for the code with them if know one else can support it.


    Thanks for all the hard work and effort!

  9. hmmmm.. woops.. I lit 1_4_00, 1_4_04 - 06 Looks like I turned off the throne room in the scenes to allow for quicker preview renders. but I thought I turned them back on. I can turn them back on and resubmit. Why's TM's throne white? did that material not render? And the background color on all my shots should be black.. if its anything other than black that color shows up in the stained glass window and washes it out. So TM and Woot showing up on blue in 1_04_05 and _06 is another issue.

  10. In my case it was simple. Copying keys and pasting mirrored was pasting all of the Pose sets into each right side pose I edited (I tweeked the left and then past mirrored the right).


    I just went back and looked at all the poses. Most of the left had just splines folders. Some of the unified poses had pose folders with two poses tweeked) those are expected. But the ones with the right single side poses all had Pose folders for EVERY POSE.. and I'm guessing all that chatter back and forth when trying to resolve what the heck each pose was doing was what brought AM to the ground. I just deleted each folder and boom its as smooth as silk.


    I had to make more than a few leaps of faith as I found my way through the process of rigging a face, but once I got done it was worth it. I'm sure I did one or two things wrong, but it still seems to work fine. I'll have to go back and figure out how I want to add moving eyes, just in case, I was thinking this Alien looks like he'd translate to a Golum like creature pretty easily, so I'll want those rotating eyes eventually.


    The only part that needs tuouch up is the mouth shift because my alien's face is so narrow at the jaw that the teeth easily protrude through the skin.


    I'll post some facial extremes at some point.

  11. Yep... thats what it was. every time I did a paste mirrored it was pasting all the poses in as well. Just deleted those in the appropriate places and it works great now.


    It really makes you appreciate how hard it is to rig and pose a cartoony face vs a realistic one.


    I apologise to anyone who had to rig the witch. She must have been a real pain in the butt to rig for facial expression.


    Question. On the mouth Shift poses. What would you do to avoid having the teeth go through the gums on the side shifts? Distort the teeth? Thats the only thing that needs cleanup, besides figuring out how to tweek eyeroll on a flattened eye. Right now I've got the eyes stationary since they are black anyway (the alien in my avatar) but I miss the little eye roll bone at the top of the face rig for hinting at the direction of view.


    Thanks again.

  12. Thanks David,


    I'll check that out. I was starting to suspect it might be something like that. The problem seemed to grow as I proceeded, almost exponentially ;-)


    I'll check it out. I'm assuming I can just delete those extra keys if they aren't needed.


    Thanks for the quick answer.



  13. Waaay back, when I made a proxy....which I don't think was used eventually......I had intended to make the shingles into normal maps. I was going to use some existing shingles in a "block" and use Aaver's Normal map generator plugin to make a tile map.


    Yeah thats what I intend to do as well.


    Thanks for the answers, I'll keep at it. Is there some diagram of the castle as its constructed. Its a bear to work with as a whole and I'm not familiar enough with the parts to texture them seperately without some issues popping up. I guess I'll just have to wrap my head around it and "bear" through it all ;-)


    I'm thinking I'll seperate the terrain from the castle proper though.. that should free up some resources and hopefully speed things up.

  14. So I'm going through the castle re-texturing stuff and I notice that theres a good bit of geometry that doesn't see the light of day.. literally. Like each tower roof seems to have two roofs.. one shingled and one not. The smooth ones are the outside version (less geometry) and the shingles have a good bit of geometry but can't be seen.


    Is it safe to get rid of something thats hidden? Also can I save out a seperate action for building the castle that hides some of the stuff that doesn't need to render from the inside?


    I'm assuming just because something is obscured it still adds allot to the render time with reflection calculation, shadows, etc.


    By the way I'm rustifying the whole lot.. and loosing lots of reflections. Still working on a way I like as far as tarnish and grungifying the nooks and crannies. No more boring mirror like surface ;-) I'll post pics when I get it the way I want it.

  15. So I just installed the face rig on a character. Toward the end of setting up all the poses, I noticed that when I did a paste mirrored of the left side keyframes it would take FOREVER to paste them on the right side. I finally got it installed, but now when I try to manipulate the left controls on the face it is very slow to respond or it locks up AM alltogether.


    Any ideas what I did wrong?


    The other thing is that when I installed the Face rig on the 2001 rig all my main bones dissapeared. In any of my actions or Poses they are turned off. Is there an easy way to fix this?


    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  16. If the TWO team feels that it would be in the best interest of the production to switch to V14, that's fine. I just wanted to point out that doing so will shut out any participants that aren't prepared to upgrade at this point.


    not really. If they only animate.. they can still use version 13 as has been mentioned. Its only the messing with the model that would necesitate having version 14. So no forced upgrade unless you are modelling or lighting. And I'm pretty sure most of the lighters have version 14 already. Not sure about the modellers.

  17. Hey Mike,


    I really like whats going on in the Canopy and sign on your image. The rest of it is a bit dark though. You might add just a touch of ambient light to so some of the details.


    I like the red and black combination. very Sin City.

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