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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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Status Updates posted by Rob_T

  1. Hey Mark. I know you are crazy busy trying to finish Stalled Trek (I've told all my trekkie nerd friends about it). If you get a chance can you step back into that new user thread I had going and tell me how to take shapes from Illustrator into A:M? I've tried it a couple times with CS5 and I can't get it to work. Hope all is well and thanks again for the help man.

  2. Time to update your wish list again.

    It's a small gesture considering all that you've done to help me over the years but sincere. Thanks man. Enjoy the books.

  3. whoops... rob@remedialcomics.com

  4. Hey Pixel... that laptop you made awhile back. I went to upload it and the system informed me that it's missing 3 files. Shiny black plastic.mat...red LED.mat and green LED.mat. Any chance I can get those from you... or if they are somewhere in the wilds of the extras disc you could tell me where? my e-mail is rob@remedialcomics. thanks again for such a great model.

  5. Your comment about your style reminded me I have some things I'd like to ask you about some of your models. Do you have an e-mail address? They appear to have messaging turned off in here. Mines rob@remedialcomics.com

  6. Hey. There's no way for me to verify you got what I sent you so I just have to come out and ask. Did you get those books from your wish list? I know it's not much but I wanted to thank you for all the help you've been giving me. It has been invaluable. Seriously. Thanks.

  7. Yes you should have great amounts of "some" people coming to your site because of me. (some may not equal an actual number).

  8. Are you the artist or writer for WP? I assume artist since you are here but I don't like making assumptions.

    By the way I linked you in my comic update/weekly blog tonight. ;)

  9. Do you do the comic convention thing? Any you plan to attend in the future?

  10. Hey Rodney,

    I'm still left wondering about the HTML tab you were referring to in that post you put up awhile back about that error I was having with the tutorials. When you get a minute can you explain. Curiosity kills. ;)

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