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Posts posted by c-wheeler

  1. Short clip here to show the corrected fingers, and a flash of an action object that appeared too soon( just a glitch in the constraints.) His left thumb is positioned to early for pressing a button, but thats already been corrected for the next sequence.


    Next its the 10-15 sec segment.


  2. Ooops, I accidentaly rendered over test d, so this is actually e.



    I added some stomach movement using the chest in out and stomach pose sliders, I think its a bit better for it.

    Sorted out the eye tracking and head orientation and added some more facial and lip movement.


    Two extra models where added for the bits of metal sprew that get cut off. I originaly had it all as one piece, but then couldn't animate them falling. This time I added them in the .cho - they are constrained to the center of his chest, I switch them in on the same frame as they get cut off in the action and animate them over a few frames. The rest of the motion was handled by the Newton Dynamics. There is also a pose to reduce the size of both the tin sheet and the sprew bits to zero.


    The left hand needs to reach forward a little sooner and further, and he needs the lips synched to "a little braze"


    Woot still acts pants.Also he needs to react to the bits flying off as well.


    I'l clear that up tomorrow before the 10- to 15 sec segment.



  3. I added a small amount of squash and stretch. It's a bit better, but I want the stomach to bounce up and down with the movement, so I shall try to address that next shot.

    Also with the dual snips, the bits of cut-off metal(Newton Dynamics?) and the object for the next bit.

    KuKlip should be turning to Woot when he says "Braze"


    I need to see to Woots reaction as well.


  4. Split Lipsynch into open/close, then wide narrow.I can clean it up further if its needed in shot, but this bits not to close and fairly fast moving.


    Need to do some modeling for the next test. The tin sheet is not behaving in the way I wanted, so I shall rethink, and I need another model for the next sequence.



  5. 1) Controlled the weight a bit better.

    2) The left hand reaches inside the apron and pulls out a small piece of metal.

    3) That is then cut(to a shape)This part doesnt work yet for me. I want two distinct actions, as in snip snip, and I want the metal piece es falling better.

    4) The head needs to track on woot better.

    5) No lipsynch at all??

    6) I need him to be almost out of shot on the left of the camera, so that he can put down the scissors off screen and pick up some things in the next sequence.

    7) I want Woot to be in shot, so I will render the next test with the correct(half size) resolution.Ok altered camera res and aspect ratio to half size and corrected shot

    8) Theres an icky bend to the left leg at the end of the sequence.OK

    To do

    More on weight

    Cutting action

    Metal sprew


    Head movement


  6. Test 5-10 sec_a .mov


    There is quite a bit of work to do here.

    1) I like the ballet like sweep, but I want to add more weight and move it better.

    2) The left hand reaches inside the apron and pulls out a small piece of metal.

    I deleted some key frames, so its partly flying all over the place.

    3) That is then cut(to a shape)

    4) The head needs to track on woot better.

    5) Lip synch? Where did it go

    6) I need him to be almost out of shot on the left of the camera, so that he can put down the scissors off screen and pick up some things in the next sequence.

    7) I want Woot to be in shot, so I will render the next test with the correct(half size) resolution.

    8) Theres an icky bend to the left leg at the end of the sequence.


    I'm sure they'll be more to clean up.


  7. I put some unnecessary camera movement into this one, it seems to be making his feet slide. It has brought to my mind exactly what shots to use though, and I would like to see this "in situ"so to speak.


    I think the opening shot angle should be similar, then maybe cut to Woots POV.

    Test 0-5 sec_e

    Corrections for this one I think:-

    1) He's shouting - but that may look right with a beard

    2) I should have slid back the lip synch so it pre-empts the actual sound.

    3) Woot reaction needs tweaking.


  8. Thanks for the comment Dhar!

    It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to know someone out there is reading this.


    What are you trying to show with that big torso movement?

    It all stems from a comment made a while ago- I can't remember what exactly, but it was along the lines of "he's a big guy and doesn't move around a lot". I thought us big guys CAN dance(I'm nearly 20 stn) and we are flexible as well(I used to be a judo instructor, but perhaps USED to be flexible is more apt) - so I've made him dance and prance. There's a lot of reverse arcs and pose to pose in there as well, but no one said "slow down, thats waaay over the top" so I carried on. I think its always a surprise when a big person moves around like that - I aspire to make hippos dance.


    I couldn't sort out the problem with the sound going all tinny, so I re-did the lip-synch in the dance action.

    Test_0-5 sec_d.mov

    1) I must remember to put him on the ground and not in it.

    2) Forgot to do the scissors.....Dooohhh

    3) I wonder if I have to do cloth effects on the apron?

    4) Apron penetrates the ground on 2 frames

    5) I forgot to move the eyes.

    6) I think the fingers could be moved now as well. They seem too flat.

    One more tonight, I think


  9. I'm not very happy about this one.


    1) I don't like the camera angle, I want it to be more from woots POV

    2) His feet are in the ground but that doesn't matter.

    3) In order to add more facial expression, I messed around with the FACE interface poses and now the lip synch action wont sync right with the sound

    4) The sound quality has suffered for some reason - either compression settings or the two sound files are intefering with each other.

    5) Messed up the scissors again

    Either way, correct and move on.


  10. I wanted to do a "quick" render of the characters in Situ -KuKlip and Woot.


    This was to include both lipsynch and action for KuKlip, and a reaction from Woot, but it was going to take too long today.

    This little beastie was going to take 8 hours plus or so to render, so I stoppped it I only include it for completeness.


    Back to rendering lip-synch and action in a cho file.


  11. Ok Update to last file"0-5 sec"

    1) It's an action file render dummmy, no wonder the lyp-synch action didn't play.

    2) Cleared up the R.hand, it looks a little better now.

    3) The scissor action is more on the "snip, snip now, but I notice that the scissors are'nt being held properly prior to this.

    4) I think the head is better, but I want it to lead the body into facing right for"little, little"

    5) Left arm is better, but left hand needs to follow the action better.


  12. Its been ages since I did any updates on this. I think Martin must be tearing his hair out in disgust, as some four weeks ago I confidently predicted making amazing progress. I think this is one of the last act two shots sstill extant.


    Any way I need to get back to animating it. It seems all my AM time is taken up with work these days. I shall post all sequences in 5 sec blocks along with what I need to do. Please comment if there is anyone out there reading this, I think my major worry is that this is not going in the direction it was required and that its no good. I get discouraged easily.


    1) The lip synch doesnt seem to play here.

    2) Right hand action needs clearing up.

    3) Scissor action needs to be snappier

    4) Head turn needs to be snappier.

    5) Left arm needs to flow more naturally.


    Thats enough to work on this sequence for now. Back in an hour.




  13. I like this model!

    I never had the inclination to make one, but thats a nice model, especially if its your first.


    Only one or two points, but not really criticisms.

    When you made the grid for the chessboard, and just extruded it to give it thickness, you made a lot of extra splines that are not actually needed. Although fairly negligible in this instance, that adds to the size of the model and increases the render times. Its therefore considered not good practice. You could just go ahead and delete them without impacting on the model.


    The other thing is, if you make each piece as an individual, then you can assemble them all in the cho. file, like you did with the characters.

    Then you might find it easier to move the pieces -you could rig them separately, and give them individual actions.




  14. Going good so far, Dhar.

    Resetting compensates is, I think, 6c.

    6a is the bit where you've just finished and are eager to try out you new rig.

    6b is the one where you find you've just made the elephant man or Mr Inside-out Face


    Rusty has done a great list on resetting the compensates.



    Once you have done the compensates, I also found it useful to look at Davids older videos - Face rigging 1.mov and Face rigging 2.mov as well as all those on This Thread


    Although the link for mirror splines(Is that still available?)doesn't work


    Hope this helps,



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