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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master


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    South, Georgia

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  1. I like the anime work you doing can't wait to see more of it especially the motion comic part of it.
  2. Yes when I bring up A:M the screen rez changes to a normal window setting, I'm using a HD Laptop.
  3. Hello got the black mist in there i just used a small round sphere and done the smoke effect I may take out the chair it don't look right in there or reason I'm still tweaking on it I'll add some photo's on the wall and adjust the lighting a little better for the black mist I may make a human shape to it to give it that human shape form this is just a test for right not.
  4. Messing with the choreograph I need adjust the lighting and put the chairs, cards and shadow people in there may not have there chair because there going to floating above table can't decide.
  5. That's cool wounder if you can do a south park style like that.
  6. Thank you very much Rodney I rename the default.cho and that helped out a lot.
  7. Ok figured it out I think phew some how the model was appearing with the ground so I just deleted the ground and that got rid of 9mm model hope that works
  8. Every time I do a new choreography the 9mm appears for no reason how can this be fixed ? I've even uninstall and reinstall the software.
  9. Thank you kamikaze. Not sure about the placement of the shadow people I'll have to watch some world poker video on you tube to see how they do there camera angle.. Oh yah how do you get rid of a model that appread in the choreography and you didn't put the model in there. When I open the choreography it was all ready there here a pic ?
  10. Hello I'm working on a still called Dead Man's Hand (pair of 8's, pair of A's and a queen) It's going to be in a small room with a poker table, couple of chairs, playing cards and the character's are going to be the ghost shadow people, Ones going to be hold a full house and the other is going to DMH on the table. Here what I got so far. I'm thinking about having the shadow people having a gun lying beside them but not sure on that one. For the shadow people would you draw a basic shape of a person and then just have completely covered in black smoke something like this For the poker room going to be something small like this but with not that many chairs though.
  11. After looking at it itjustme was right it needed to be beveled so I look on A:M sight and found a good example of itjustme beveling model and used that on the 9mm It look a lot better and the patch count was down to 774. I not gonna use it in a game but in a still I'm working on. I need to tweak just a tad and then texture it after that it's done.. Thank you itjustme for putting the example up on the sight they help me out a lot.
  12. I got the model thing working I just had to star over didn't take but a few hours. I got a connect the top to bottom part of the gun and, tweak it just a tad and add texture to it. I got the patches down to 570 on this one. lot lower then the other one. Next one may be a sawed off shot gun I need to finishes.
  13. I saved the model with a project name but I tried to import the model by it self and didn't open.
  14. Yap it's the model I tried to bring it up on my other system it's not reading the model for reason.
  15. It brought my other model sawed off shot gun up but for some reason not bringing the 9mm up looks like I might have to redo the whole 9mm model which sucks.
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