The Cinematic Submarine Shot
14 topics in this forum
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Matt asked about my viscosity settings. These tests all have viscosity set to 199.9999 200 produces particle that never leave the emitter. Note to future experimenters... you can enter 199.9999 (will appear as "200") in the viscosity box and run fluids with that but if you save and reload the PRJ it will come back as a real 200. You need to manually re-enter 199.9999 I think viscosity has more to do with the particles' movement through space (it slows them down) than with their interaction with each other. That said, high Visc seems to exacerbate the tendency of the fluid to crawl up the sides of the container. That is very odd. The first two clips …
Last reply by Rodney, -
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Last reply by Rodney, -
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Hey Everyone, As I'm approaching this particular shot, I'm also in development of others. Attached is a render under development of a period ship cruising through the surf. It turned out better than I expected. Much of this is not done in A:M I'm afraid. But these type shots will blend with Hash elements throughout the project. So the quality, mood and the artistic feel will all match up.....Or at least that's the plan. ******I edited this post because in retrospect I didn't want to take away from the A:M portion of our task.******* I'm making progress, William
Last reply by detbear, -
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William was describing the nature of the wall decorations in the underground lair and i said, "Ah, that is known as 'bas-relief'" and said he might look that up for examples. Then i got to wondering what the official definition of "bas-relief" was and got this on the web: That clears that up! My definition: sculpture in which the objects are mostly fully 3-dimensionally formed but are not free-standing. They are substantially attached to the wall behind them.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 9 replies
This is what I call "Psuedo Flow"...... It is a set up that allows control over the water flow and the surface. Psuedo_Flow system 2014
Last reply by detbear, -
- 5 replies
Here's a comparison of different size drops 4cm, emission rate 500, took a few minutes to simulate 2cm, emission rate 4000, took somewhat more than an hour to simulate 1cm, emission rate 32000, took seven hours to simulate Actual render times are from 10 seconds to a few minutes.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
- 12 replies
More tests with fluid.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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This is the start of some basic R&D on particles. Four different tests for "fluid" to see how it behaves and how it interacts with the objects it hits.
Last reply by robcat2075, -
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William Detwiler (aka detbear) and I will be collaborating on a brief shot in this forum William and I have both been long time A:M users but we didn't really "meet" until we were both students in the very first class to enter AnimationMentor and noticed that we were both using Animation:Master for our assignments. William is a professional animator and since AnimationMentor I have contributed bits of rigging, animation and other elements to projects of his. Now William has asked me to consult on a new endeavor, a trailer for an adventure movie he hopes to use for a Kickstarter project and I am eager to see what we can do with it. In particular we are narrowly f…
Last reply by detbear,