Project Bertram
14 topics in this forum
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- 4 replies
The "Project Bertram" area is where I'll post all things related to the character "Bertram" (I've been using an old version of him as my avatar, I'll update that soon)...he's the main character in several small animations that I want to try to get done. Bertram is a chain-smoking, beer drinking Texas redneck (if you're familiar with the comedy of Jeff Foxworthy, Ron White, Bill Engvall or Larry the Cable Guy...that's what I mean). I think of him as being like Yosemite Sam, in that he's always the same guy no matter what the setting or costume. This project, actually it's several small projects with a common main character, is what I'm going to use to try to push wh…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 reply
In this thread, I'll post materials from this project that I'm making available to the community. They can be used for whatever purpose you want without restrictions. In order to keep this thread "materials only", comments, critiques and suggestions about these materials can be posted in this thread.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 7 replies
In this thread, I'll post models from this project that I'm making available to the community. They can be used for whatever purpose you want without restrictions. In order to keep this thread "models only", comments, critiques and suggestions about these models can be posted in this thread. The models may use the Porcelain material from the A:M CD/library...I'll post it here in case you are missing it. The models will work in v13 and later of A:M.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
Here is an eye modeling tutorial. In the ZIP file there is an H264 encoded Quicktime video tutorial, an example eye model and the iris map for the example model. In order to keep this thread "tutorials only", please post any comments, critiques, questions or corrections in the thread located here.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 621 replies
It's been over a week since my last Bertram post, so I figured I had better post so that this section didn't appear dead. I'll pin this thread so that it will be easy to take a quick look to see what I'm bashing against my skull at that moment. What I've been doing is updating the biped Squetch Rig installation rigs, working on a possible add-on for the rig, started the Squetch Rig installation tutorial and started modeling a prop. Since most of those things are inter-related, they will probably all get finished at the same time...I'm using Bertram's rig installation to troubleshoot the rig and add-on, and as the model for the tutorial. Sorry for the del…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
Break Room 1 2
by itsjustme- 2 followers
- 66 replies
Here is the beginnings of the second set...the break room. The room has two doors leading to a hallway (one door is shown here), the floor, baseboard and acoustical ceiling tile. I put the chair in the shot as a visual reference...eventually, there will be at least six tables with six chairs per table, kitchen cabinets, sink, soda machine, emergency lights, light fixtures, fire extinguisher, coffee maker, etc. Of course, it's not lit properly yet, but I wanted to show a little forward movement on this.
Last reply by Michael Brennan, -
- 3 replies
Here's the beginnings of another will be a room of cubicles eventually. This cubicle is still unfinished, but it's a start.
Last reply by nino banano, -
- 1 follower
- 32 replies
Here is the beginnings of an exam room...I re-purposed a few things to save time. There are still some things to add, the lighting needs work and the materials will probably get more tweaking.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 14 replies
I posted a video tutorial showing how Bertram's eyes were modeled here. In order to keep the Tutorials thread for this project easy to navigate, I'm going to have the comments/critiques/corrections for each in a different location with links to the actual tutorials. The ZIP file includes a twelve minute and twenty-five second H264 encoded Quicktime video tutorial, an example eye model and the iris map for the example model. This is an updated version of a tutorial I did several years ago, so, it may look familiar to some people. I have changed the way I'm making eyes slightly and didn't have a full video tutorial with audio posted, so I decided to post thi…
Last reply by Shelton, -
- 3 replies
In order to keep the Free Materials thread organized, I made this thread for comments, critiques and suggestions about the Free Materials thread.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
In order to keep the free models thread organized, I made this thread for comments, critiques and suggestions about the Free models thread.
Last reply by itsjustme, -
- 1 follower
- 59 replies
Here are some stills and a turnaround Quicktime (H264 encoded video) of Bertram. The only texturing at this point is the iris' and hair...everything else will be done after he's rigged. Modeling isn't really finished until the character is rigged, and any modeling changes would affect decals. I've had previous versions of Bertram, but my modeling wasn't as good when I made them...the last version was made about four years ago. I started over and free-handed most of it, used the previous version of Bertram to get the facial proportions similar and used a rotoscope from an online catalog for the boots. One thing to remember if you use a catalog picture of a boo…
Last reply by itsjustme, -
Smoking area 1 2
by itsjustme- 2 followers
- 78 replies
Here's the beginnings of the first set. There is a lot left to do, but I figure showing my work might make me get things done a little faster...we'll see. Obviously, the stairs aren't done, the hinges on the doors, more electrical conduits, there's also a small generator building to add, another handle on one of the boxes, a gas meter, some mounting brackets for the conduits, a chain-link fence, a wooden fence, a dumpster and a bunch of other little additions. At this point, it's a little over two thousand patches.
Last reply by Rodney, -
- 23 replies
I started working on Bertram's neighbor. I did some remodeling of Squetchy Sam for the body and remodeled Bertram's hands and head to get to this point. The four marks on her upper back are from hooks that aren't behaving themselves with the SSS turned on. The eyelashes are a cookie-cut map on geometry and the eyebrows are particle texturing yet. Still a lot to do.
Last reply by Rodney,