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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Star Wars Fanfilm

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I am making a Star Wars Fanfilm taking place during the Clone Wars and need some help... I've made a few things, including a Battle Droid, that you can see at:




I need some help making a Clone Trooper. I'm no good with human form and armor and things like that. If anyone could even attempt to make one for me I'd be very thankful.


I'd give you all the credit for it in the beginning and end credits of my film and send you clips that I use your model in as my film progresses.


Please send any Clone Trooper models (or actually, any Star Wars models that you have, I might be able to use them, but I REALLY need a trooper) to:




Also, if you feel up to it, I need a good Republic Gunship. ;)


Try to match the quality of the Republic Gunship and the Clone Trooper to the Battle Droid, but I'll take most anything. Thanks everyone! :D

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that's been a problem for me for years

You're kiddin', right?

The Trooper needs rigged, if you're going to make a fanfilm you're going to need to rig him, are you prepared for this? Just wondering since you were having trouble with the "Lock" feature...

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Nerrazi! Don't know what you are talking about. That looks like a great trooper.

Looking at all those models again makes me want to do a Star Wars fan film.


It's long been a dream of mine to do massive armies of stormtroopers. :)

No story really... just massive armies of stormtroopers! :D

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Thanks! I appreciate the kind remarks... :) I built that thing maybe a year or so ago and was going to do a massive army scene just to see if I could pull it off but gave up because I was dissatisfied with the Clone Trooper. (Maybe I'm too hard on myself...) Anyway, I wouldn't think of trying to place 200-300 troopers in a choreography and render it, so what I was planning to do was render small groups of say... 5-10 troops and composite like there's no tomorrow. I even considered building ultra-low patch count Troopers for not so detailed scenes to get the ball rolling faster.... Just some ideas i guess...

As for the fanfilms, I've been in the process of putting together my own Star Wars fanfilm but I won't say what I'm doing... I will divulge some behind the scenes facts about my 2005 fanfilm, it will be a blend of live action, 3D & stop motion or go motion animation for those politically correct person(s) out there... :rolleyes: So knuckle-up future contestants!!! :ph34r:


Here's a look at a Battle Driod I made around the same time as the Clone Trooper...


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Hey, I have one more question... When I start a choreography, none of the lighting is in place like it should be and the "Ground" model isn't there... Did I accidentally press something to change this?

But do the lights and the ground model appear in the PWS? Could you have accidentally deleted the Default Chor.cho file from your A:M directory?

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