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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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Yes please do more! Great character and nice look you've got goin so far.


I like the camera movement in on him. I also like the lipsync though to me the "DUH" at the end of mad is too explosive or something.


Cool stuff !



Thanks Doug! I`ve already done quite a bit more but I`m going to wait until it`s finished now before posting again I think.

Regarding the camera move - I do like the freedom that computer animation gives you but it`s easy to get carried away. I wanted a track in from the establishing shot but I`ve kept the camera static for much of the rest. Actually, the camera went through the side of the door originally. I wondered what to do for a while then decided it was easier to create a pose on the door that simply pulled the offending part out of the way as the camera passed than to adjust the camera move :D


I`m not sure about the `DUH`. It`s quite `explosive` on the soundtrack and I thought it made him look a little more `unhinged`.


What do others think?




When we first see the character, his expression is kind of blank. Also his head rotation is somewhat linear, you might try arcing it more (e.g. tilting downward during the rotation).


On the lip sync, be careful to match the *sound* rather than the *text*. In particular, he opens wide at "they" [say I'm mad] - but that word is almost inaudible, so the mouth should barely open. And it doesn't need to close fully between each word.


Looking forward to seeing what happens next!


Thanks for the comments Aminator. I agree about his expression and the weak head turn. Strange I didn`t correct the head turn as the following shot has him turning his head and nearly touching his nose on the floor! :D


On the lip synch - the word `they` sounds exactly the same volume to me. I`ve found with experience that it`s usually far better to exagerate a bit with animation rather than under animate. Especially important with more cartoony characters. If you watch `Monsters Inc` for example the lip synch is VERY exagerated most of the time.


I am going to review all shots though before I do the final render and all comments received regarding this shot have made me look more closely at the rest. So, thanks for the suggestions - I`m taking note :D


I like it!

Especially those eyeballs! They look like they could pop out of his skull one second and the next they're obviously planning something devious.


Thanks for the comments everyone.


Doug - I asked a guy at work who I know has done some acting if he would record a voice for me. He was very keen and we agreed to meet up at lunch time. I scribbled down the script in the 10 minutes just before we met up. It started off being slightly based on the end speech of Psycho but then went completely off :D

Luckily we have a foley booth at work and we did the voice record in there. Ollie did four takes - all very different - but I like the one I`m using because it reminded me a little of Vincent Price. I agree, I think he`s done a great job. Thanks Ollie :D


George - okay, I`m definitely not posting any more stuff `till it`s finished now. :P

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