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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

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HI EVERYONE! Ken helped me post an animation I made last year for Chrysler's Auto Show AV support. I really like the way that AM Films is coming along.


I work for a video post-production house in Detroit, so we do LOTS of automotive and nuts and bolts stuff. Every once in a while someone will want some cool character stuff instead of charts and graphs. A:M has been an incredible addition to my graphics capabilities and has elavated my portfolio and workload.


This video (Jeep TREO Unveilling) was used to build anticipation for the 'magic moment' when a tarp is whisked off of a car at an autoshow. After the video finished, a real-life Janna (the main char) emerged from the car in the bright costume I designed in Hash and posed beside the car for press pictures. The TREO is a hybrid/prototype that most likely will never see mass production but is loaded with many of Chryslers forward/thinking innovations in the works for the future (fuel cell, slideable steering wheel...etc)


I had 5 weeks to complete over 2 minutes of character animation following a very tight, dry, corporate script. Initially they wanted hand drawn animation, but I showed them what A:M could do with it's toon-shader, and lots of drawing became lots of modelling.


So here I am. I grabbed an identity from Bucaroo Banzai, and now hope to be more visible within the A:M community.


Thanks for having a look-see.


Matt Campbell

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I clicked on your link thinking maybe this was something I hadn't seen.

I was wrong though... I saw that yesterday! (or was that two days ago)


Sorry I didn't post a comment yesterday but... after being awake longer than I care to reveal... I fell asleep... and slept for about 10 hours...

I'm now awake and ready to post a few comments.


The live presence of the 'real' character after playing your movie I really would have liked to see! I'll bet that was really fun.


The images remind me of Tokyo and the contrast of what living there is like too!

Great characters and animation.


Maybe later tonight (after the real job) I can go back in and look for specific things that were of interest.


You might find it interesting to know that while I remember a lot of the general scenes and characters... I vividly remember the vehicle best. You did an excellent job of keeping the focus on the Jeep. Made me want to drive a TREO!


Congrats to you! And to A:M Films for allowing us all to be able to see it!


That's pretty amazing for a one man project. I too admit that the flow was maintained near perfectly and the viewers attention kept on the Jeep Treo. Very well done with some nicely added effects. Congratulations on the successful production.


Nice work. Some of the characters seemed 2D-based--were they? And were they integrated with A:M, or After Effects? The integration was excellent either way.


Sweeeeeeeeeeet!!! B)


That was superb. I liked the combining of all the elements that you used. Nicely done. ;)


Yes, good eyes.


Some elements WERE 2D, as I didn't have the time to model characters for limited use. They were implemented in hash in some instances, in others it was all AE. One big trick I did was to put a 2D element in the AM chor with an 'aim at' constraint set to 'camera', I could then place it within a 3D scene with little worry.

I have always been a big fan of Disneys and Fleishers Bro's multiplane techniques and A:M's chor is a NATURAL environment to practice what you've learned.


Thank-you for all the feedback!


Matt Campbell (aka) John Big Boote

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