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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

List of updates?


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Hi guys, I'm just getting back into A:M after a few years off. I'd like to review a list of updates, advancements and additions that have happened to this very organic software over the past few years. Is such a list available? If so, where can I find it?





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HI Tommy,


I am not sure there is a (easy to read) one. (There is a change log, but there are all the bugfixes etc. in it too)

Which version was the last you are familar with? Maybe we can give you a small overview if we know where to start.


See you


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Familiar with??? Ha! Probably A:M 98 which was probably like v 7 or 8... I have had additional copies since then, like 13, then I worked a little bit in 17 (I think), but I really don't know what's new. I don't know what features have been added in years. I just use the same stuff I've always used for Char Anim.

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;) '98 was v6 if I am not wrong. V8 was 2000.


Some of the features I can think of since v8 (and this is not even close to an complete list!):

- Retopology / Snap-to-Surface

- Ambient Occlusion including IBL

- ScreenSpace-Ambient Occlusion (much faster)

- New importer/exporter.

- Dynamic Constraints

- 3d-Painter & 3dCoat-integration by plugins

- STL-Export

- High-Resolution Export (64, 256, 1024, 4096 subdivisions per patch... very useful for 3d printing)

- EXR-Rendering (HighDynamicRange rendering) with Buffers and more.

- quite powerful Particle-Hair-System

- Newton-Physics

- OpenGL3 for Realtime and final rendering (additional filters)

- fluid-particles

- OBJ+MDD import/export.

- Netrenderer now included.

- additional Shaders and material types

- SOOOO much more I can not remember right now...


Wikipedia has a few more infos on this:



See you


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Right! I did work in 2000 for a while too, with the funky looking kid on the label, or was it Raf's dog... forget. Then there was the one with the aliens... too many CDs to many versions. But THANKS for the list of features! Some sound pretty exciting. Now, I'll have to refamiliarize myself and set up all my custom commands! Hope more stability is listed among those features!


Thanks again Fuchar! See ya in the forums!

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  • Hash Fellow

One more question: What would you recommend for the best "Lighting" tutorial for A:M? - Overall, general, photo-realistic???


I'll note that "lighting" is the area of 3D where A:M is most like other 3D programs. Almost all concepts in other programs will translate well to A:M. If you have a doubt or question about a detail, ask us here.


For a great explanation of 3D lighting that is non-program specific I'd recommend Jeremy Birn's "Digital Lighting and Rendering"


I have a thread where I translated the general terms he used into A:M terms and explore some work-arounds when what he is talking about doesn't exactly match the way A:M does it.

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