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Hash, Inc. - Animation:Master

Drawn animation

Simon Edmondson

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A friend spotted this blokes work today. This is a reworking of an advert he did for a Dutch company.. Does contain nudity, albeit very briefly. His other video's are worth looking at too. There is a very good one of walk and run cycles, that contains female and male nudity.

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That last one is amazing! I guess Anders Ramsell felt the same as I did hen I saw Blade Runner the first time: I so wished that it was me who had made that film! Mr. Ramsell apparently acted on that notion!

But you're right, Simon. It really doesn't grab you, even if the paintings are beatifull, and I must admit that when I had seen the first minut or so, I began to fast forward through the film...

Could be interesting though, to see these guys use the technique on an original story, or to expand on a piece of abstract music.

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That last one is amazing! I guess Anders Ramsell felt the same as I did hen I saw Blade Runner the first time: I so wished that it was me who had made that film! Mr. Ramsell apparently acted on that notion!

But you're right, Simon. It really doesn't grab you, even if the paintings are beatifull, and I must admit that when I had seen the first minut or so, I began to fast forward through the film...

Could be interesting though, to see these guys use the technique on an original story, or to expand on a piece of abstract music.




I loved Blade Runner from the opening scene, and I went to see it at the cinema about 6 times. Have read the book about the making of the film, "Future Noir", which explained how fraught a production it was, and read the Philip K Dick book several times. For me, its far and away the best adaptation of his work. I'm not a great fan of SFX overall but they worked well in that film. It was the quality of the visuals, design, lighting and the way Ridley Scott put it altogether that did it. Can't recall anything else from that period that impressed me so much. Still have the film poster on my wall, the only other one is for The Iron Giant which is my all time favourite film. I went to see it 12 times at the cinema and would have gone more but they stopped showing it.


Have you seen the work of Len Lye ? He made experimental films in the 1930's for the GPO ( General Post Office ), they were often abstract patches of colour animated to music








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